- 17.09.21 - 1 Formular, 13 Itemgruppen, 43 Datenelemente, 2 Sprachen
Itemgruppen: Date, TT1. Type of therapy, TT2. Number of previous treatments, TT3. Indications, TT4. Agents/Regime/Modus, TT5. Medical indication assessed by, TT6. Palliative prognostic index PPI in pre-treatment/ starting the new indicated tumor treatment, TT7. Was proceding/start of tumor therapy based on consensus in the palliative team?, TT8. What was the subjective success of the tumor therapy?, TT9. Was the tumor therapy determined early?, TT10. If yes, what were the reasons for the discontinuation of tumor therapy?, TT11. Was discontinuation of tumor therapy based on consensus in the palliative team?, TT12. Who completes this questionnaire?

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