Medizinische Onkologie ×
- Routine documentation (42)
- Hämatologie (17)
- Anamnesenerhebung (6)
- Tumoren (4)
- Klinische Labordienstleistungen (3)
- Treatment Form (3)
- Diagnostic Procedure (3)
- Laboratorien (3)
- Pädiatrie (3)
- Thoraxtumoren (2)
- Mammatumoren, Mensch (2)
- Stammzelltransplantation (2)
- Rezepte (2)
- Gynäkologie (2)
- Lymphom (2)
- Radiologie (1)
- Strahlentherapie (1)
- Rehabilitation (1)
- Sarkom 37 (1)
- Hauttumoren (1)
- Chirurgie (1)
- Telefon (1)
- Therapie (1)
- Schilddrüsentumoren (1)
- Urologie (1)
- Hirntumoren (1)
- Tumorbehandlungszentren (1)
- Einwilligungsformulare (1)
- Interdisziplinäre Kommunikation (1)
- Adenokarzinom (1)
- Zytostatika (1)
- Concomitant Medication (1)
- Follow up-Bogen (1)
- Nachsorge (1)
- Arzneimitteltherapie (1)
- Ösophagus (1)
- Kopf- und Halstumoren (1)
- Histologie (1)
- Krankenhäuser, Universitäts- (1)
- Innere Medizin (1)
- Anästhesie und Analgesie (1)
- Leukämie (1)
- Lebertumoren (1)
- Methotrexat (1)
- Neurologie (1)
- Krankenpflegedienste (1)
- Patientenaufnahme (1)
Ausgewählte Datenmodelle
Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um mehrere Datenmodelle auszuwählen und diese herunterzuladen oder zu analysieren.
42 Suchergebnisse.
Itemgruppen: Telephone notes, Laboratory, Current Medication
Itemgruppen: IG.1, IG.2, IG.3, IG.4, IG.5, IG.6
Itemgruppen: Patienten-Stammdaten, Diagnose: Lymphom, Charakteristika bei Erstdiagnose, Nebendiagnosen, Biobank, Aktuelle Diagnostik, Aktueller Patientenstatus, Therapieverlauf
Itemgruppen: Checklist, InInfectivity, Planned therapy, Supportive therapy, Transfusions, Chemotherapy flush, Intensive Care, Laboratories and Diagnostics, Hypersensitivities and Premedication, Next visits, Other, KIONK Physician
Itemgruppen: Pregnancy, Childbirth, Postpartum development, Kindergarten / school, Puberty stage, Other information, Physical examination basic information, Physical examination (further information)
Itemgruppen: Patient, Father, Mother, Living arrangement, Sibling, Medical history, Nursing support, Support device, Personal aids, School, Kindergarten, workshop, Therapies in school, kindergarten, workshop, Medication, Medication history, Therapy, Nutrition, Continence, Catheters and drainages, Other
Itemgruppe: Liver tumor tumor board request
Itemgruppen: patient information, laboratory procedure requested, radiology request, other examination, nursing medication request
Itemgruppen: patient information, laboratory procedure requested, radiology request, other examination
Itemgruppen: patient information, laboratory procedure executed, radiologic examination execution, other examination
Itemgruppen: Patient Identification, Patient's medical correspondents, RCP Documents, Coordinating physician of the session, Access to dossier, Health Professionals participating in RCP, RCP Session, RCP Type, RCP motive, Way of discovering the cancer, Tumour, Clinic, Localisation and clinical phase of the disease, Therapeutic care of the presented RCP case, Surgery report, Anatomic pathology report, Conclusion of the presented case and questions submitted to RCP, Other indispensable data, Care proposal, Context of therapeutic proposal
Itemgruppe: Thyroid gland tumor board request