Medizinische Onkologie ×
- Klinische Studie [Dokumenttyp] (9)
- Verlaufsstudien (8)
- Tod (3)
- Lymphom, Non-Hodgkin- (3)
- Überleben (2)
- Lymphom, B-Zell- (2)
- Hämatologie (2)
- Körperliche Untersuchung (1)
- Strahlentherapie (1)
- Rektumtumoren (1)
- Chirurgie (1)
- Therapie (1)
- Pulmonale Krankheiten (Fachgebiet) (1)
- Arzneimittel, Prüf- (1)
- Behandlungsergebnis (1)
- Bluttransfusion (1)
- Zervixtumoren (1)
- Konsolidierungschemotherapie (1)
- Disease Status (1)
- Non Small Cell Lung Cancer (1)
- Laboratorien (1)
Ausgewählte Datenmodelle
Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um mehrere Datenmodelle auszuwählen und diese herunterzuladen oder zu analysieren.
9 Suchergebnisse.
Itemgruppen: Admininstrative data, Follow-Up Lymphoma Treatment
Itemgruppen: Administrative, Long-Term Follow-Up for Survival and Disease Status, Since the time the last LTFU was completed, has any of the following occured?, Subsequent NHL Therapy since last LTFU, Myelodysplasia, Another malignancy, Thyroid medication, HAMA, Investigator Signature
Itemgruppen: Administrative, Long-Term Follow-Up for Survival and Disease Status, Patient Withdrawal from Study, Notification of Patient Death, Clarification Form
Itemgruppen: Administrative, Physical Examination (Follow-Up), Physical Examination (Follow-Up), Laboratory Results - Hematology/ Chemistry (Follow-Up), Laboratory Results (Follow-Up) - Hematology, Laboratory Results (Follow-Up) - Hematology, Laboratory Results (Follow-Up) - Chemistry, Laboratory Results (Follow-Up) - Chemistry, Post-Treatment Response (Follow -Up), Post-Treatment Response (Follow-Up) - CT or other Radiological Imaging Results, Post-Treatment Response (Follow-Up) - Bone Marrow Biopsy, Post-Treatment Response (Follow-Up) - Measurable Lymphoma Disease, Post-Treatment Response (Follow-Up) - Non-Measurable Lymphoma Disease, Post-Treatment Response (Follow-Up) - Non-Measurable Lymphoma Disease, Post-Treatment Response (Follow-Up) - Response, Signature of Investigator
Itemgruppen: Administrative documentation, Follow-Up Report, Month, Patient Outcome, Cessation of life, Investigator Signature
Itemgruppen: Administrative documentation, Follow-Up Report, Month, Patient Outcome, Cessation of life
Itemgruppen: Prior Cancer and Non-Cancer related surgical procedures, Investigational Product, Investigational Product - Dose Modifications, Blood Products and Blood Supportive Care Products, Date of visit/ Assessment, Unscheduled Lesion Assessment, Follow-Up, Follow-Up Anti-Cancer Therapy, Follow-Up Anti-Cancer Radiotherapy
Itemgruppen: Administrative data, Patient status, patient alive, Patient deceased
Itemgruppe: Course Initiation