Herpes zoster ×
- Windpocken (54)
- Windpockenvakzine (50)
- Umweltbedingte Belastung (43)
- Telefon (41)
- Exanthem (9)
- Körperliche Untersuchung (8)
- Vakzination (4)
- Patientenbeteiligung (4)
- Behandlungsergebnis (3)
- Adverse event (3)
- Ökonomie (3)
- Behandlungsbedürftigkeit, Begutachtung (3)
- Berufliche Kompetenz (2)
- Concomitant Medication (2)
- Demographie (2)
- Laboratorien (2)
- Prostatahyperplasie (1)
- Asthma (1)
- Aufmerksamkeitsstörung mit Hyperaktivität (1)
- Technologie, medizinische (1)
- Clostridium difficile (1)
- Rezeptoren, Antigen-, T-Zell, Alpha-Beta- (1)
- Aortenaneurysma, abdominales (1)
- Renale Insuffizienz, chronische (1)
- Methicillin-resistenter Staphylococcus aureus (1)
- Vitalzeichen (1)
- Dermatitis, atopische (1)
- Diabetes mellitus, Typ 2 (1)
- Alzheimer-Krankheit (1)
- Herzkrankheiten (1)
- Hypothyreoidismus (1)
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57 Sökresultat.
Item-grupp: pht005331
- Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity
- Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
- Herpes Zoster
- Aortic Aneurysm, Abdominal
- Hypothyroidism
- Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2
- Renal Insufficiency, Chronic
- Asthma
- Alzheimer Disease
- Heart Diseases
- Dermatitis, Atopic
- Clostridium difficile
- Prostatic Hyperplasia
1 Item-grupp 23 Dataelementpht005333.v1.p1
1 Item-grupp 3 DataelementEligibility
1 Item-grupp 3 Dataelementpht005330.v1.p1
1 Item-grupp 4 Dataelement Item-grupp: pht005378
1 Item-grupp 26 Dataelementpht005379.v1.p1
1 Item-grupp 3 Dataelementpht005380.v1.p1
1 Item-grupp 6 Dataelementpht005381.v1.p1
1 Item-grupp 7 Dataelementpht005382.v1.p1
1 Item-grupp 5 Dataelement Item-grupp: Expert - Independent data monitoring committee
Item-grupper: Rash, Fever, Systemic signs, Subjective assessment of the illness by investigator, Varicella Clinical Case?, PCR result, Classification varicella, Expert signature
Item-grupper: Concomitant Vaccination, Concomitant vaccination, Medication, Mediation, Serious adverse event, Status of treatment blind, Elimination criteria, Subject's contact, Household exposure, Household Exposure, Varicella or Zoster, Investigator's signature, Reason for non participation
Item-grupper: Varicella or zoster case, Varicella intensity, Subjective assessment of the illness by investigator, Photographs, Weekdays location, Varicella or zoster index case, Confirmation of index case, Biological sample varicella, Biological sample varicella, Rash, Lesion - Intensity, Vesicles - Intensity, Temperature, Temperature, End Date Varicella or zoster, Health economics, Pain, Complications, Treatment, Outcome
Item-grupper: Subject's contact, Household exposure, Household exposure number, Varicella or zoster, Serious adverse event
Item-grupper: Subject's contact, Household exposure, Household exposure number, Varicella or zoster, Serious adverse event
Item-grupper: Subject's contact, Household exposure, Household exposure number, Varicella or zoster, Serious adverse event
Item-grupper: Subject's contact, Household exposure, Household exposure number, Varicella or zoster, Serious adverse event
Item-grupper: Subject's contact, Household exposure, Household exposure number, Varicella or zoster, Serious adverse event
Item-grupper: Subject's contact, Household exposure, Household exposure number, Varicella or zoster, Serious adverse event