Hepatitis B ×
  1. 1. Test clinico
  2. 2. Documentazione di routine
  3. 3. Registro / studio di coorte
  4. 4. Garanzia di qualità
  5. 5. Dati Standard
  6. 6. Risultato segnalato dal paziente
  7. 7. Specialità mediche
    1. 7.1. Anestesiologia
    1. 7.2. Dermatologia
    1. 7.3. orecchio naso gola
    1. 7.4. Geriatria
    1. 7.5. Ginecologia / Ostetricia
    1. 7.6. Medicina Interna
      1. Ematologia
      1. Malattie infettive
      1. Cardiologia / Angiologia
      1. pneumologia
      1. Gastroenterologia
      1. Nefrologia
      1. Endocrinologia / Malattie metaboliche
      1. Reumatologia
    1. 7.7. Neurologia
    1. 7.8. Oftalmologia
    1. 7.9. Cure palliative
    1. 7.10. Patologia / Forense
    1. 7.11. Pediatria
    1. 7.12. Psichiatria / Psicosomatica
    1. 7.13. Radiologia
    1. 7.14. Chirurgia
      1. Chirurgia generale / viscerale
      1. Neurochirurgia
      1. Chirurgia plastica
      1. Chirurgia toracica
      1. Trauma / Ortopedia
      1. Chirurgia vascolare
    1. 7.15. Urologia
    1. 7.16. Medicina odontoiatrica / OMS
Modelli di dati selezionati

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- 21/03/19 - 1 modulo, 10 itemgroups, 87 elementi, 1 linguaggio
Itemgroups: Administration, General Medical History / Physical Examination, Medical Condition, Laboratory Tests, HCG Urine Pregnancy Test, Vaccine Administration, Vaccine Administration, Solicited Adverse Events - Local Symptoms, Solicited Adverse Events - General Symptoms, Unsolicited Adverse Events
- 18/03/19 - 1 modulo, 15 itemgroups, 76 elementi, 1 linguaggio
Itemgroups: Administrative, Demographics, Laboratory Tests, Follow-Up Studies, Investigator Signature, Serious Adverse Events, SAE - Study Vaccine Information (13), SAE - Concomitant medication / vaccination that could have contributed to this SAE (14), SAE - Relevant intercurrent illness & medical history that could have contributed to this SAE (15), Drug(s) used to treat this SAE (16), Surgical treatment for this SAE (17), Description (18), SAE - Comments, Tracking Document, Investigator signature

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