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- 8/25/21 - 1 form, 15 itemgroups, 99 items, 1 language
Itemgroups: Administrative Data, Type of Report, Randomisation, Serious Adverse Event, Intensity Changes Entry, Seriousness of Adverse event, Relevant concomitant/Treatment medications Entry, Relevant medical conditions/Risk factors entry, Serious Adverse Event, Relevant Diagnostic Results Entry, Serious Adverse Event, Rechallenge, Investigational Product, Investigational Product, Investigational Product, Serious adverse event, General Narrative Comments, Serious Adverse Event, Non Clinical
- 8/10/21 - 1 form, 2 itemgroups, 27 items, 1 language
Itemgroups: Administrative Data, Non-serious adverse event
- 2/19/21 - 1 form, 4 itemgroups, 10 items, 1 language
Itemgroups: Administrative Data, Liver Events Assessment, Liver IP Rechallenge Status, Liver Events Assessment 2
Study ID: 110921 Clinical Study ID: 110921 Study Title: A Phase II Trial of Ofatumumab in Subjects with Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia Patient Level Data: Study Listed on Identifier: NCT00811733 Link: Sponsor: GlaxoSmithKline Collaborators: N/A Phase: Phase 2 Study Recruitment Status: Completed Generic Name: Ofatumumab Trade Name: N/A Study Indication: Waldenstrom Macroglobulinaemia The primary objective of this open-label, multi-center, Phase II study was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of Ofatumumab in subjects diagnosed with Waldenstrom Macroglobulinaemia. For the study, eligible subjects were enrolled to receive up to 3 cycles of treatment with Ofatumumab. The first cycle consisted of a single dose of 300 mg followed by 3 weekly doses of 1000 mg (Treatment Group A) or 4 weekly doses of 2000 mg (Treatment Group B) of Ofatumumab, with response assessment beginning at Week 12. Based on the Week 12-16 response, eligible subjects could receive up to 2 additional cycles of treatment. All of these Itemgroups have to be filled out at the second, third and forth weekly visits during treatment cycles. The liver events assessment Itemgroup should also be filled out at the first weekly visit during treatment cycles, as well as the cycle observation visits. The liver events assessment 2 Itemgroup should additionally be filled out at the cycle observation visits as well.
- 10/24/20 - 1 form, 14 itemgroups, 71 items, 1 language
Itemgroups: Administrative Data, SAE during study, Demography, SAE, Cause of SAE other that investigational product, Seriousness of adverse event, Medical conditions explaining SAE, Other risk factors relevant to SAE, Details of investigational product, Concomitant medications related to SAE, Comments, Details of relevant assessments, Reporting investigator information, Additional or Follow-Up Information
- 10/21/20 - 1 form, 3 itemgroups, 22 items, 1 language
Itemgroups: Administrative Data, Adverse Events, Adverse Events
- 10/30/19 - 1 form, 19 itemgroups, 82 items, 1 language
Itemgroups: Administrative, Visit Date, Was a physical examination performed?, Physical Examination, Vital Signs, 12-Lead ECG, ECG Results, ECG Findings, Hematology, Hematology , Clinical Chemistry, Coagulation and Electrolytes, Clinical Chemistry, Coagulation and Electrolytes , Urinalysis dipstick results, Urinalysis microscopy results, Urinalysis microscopy results , Serum beta-hCG Pregnancy Test, PK Sampling - Plasma Samples, Study Treatment Compliance (Return) , New Adverse Events and Concomitant Treatment

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