Glucose Tolerance Test ×
- Clinical Trial, Phase I (10)
- Blood Glucose (10)
- Type 2 Diabetes (10)
- Clinical Trial (7)
- Pharmacokinetics (6)
- Telemetry (6)
- Drugs, Investigational (6)
- Cohort Studies (4)
- Physical Examination (2)
- Internal Medicine (2)
- Laboratories (2)
- Common Data Elements (CDE) (1)
- Released Standard (1)
- Eligibility Determination (1)
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16 Search results.
Itemgroup: OGTT - interview
Itemgroup: OGTT – drinking of glucose solution
Itemgroup: Summary Telemetry Abnormalities
Itemgroup: Summary Telemetry Abnormalities
Itemgroup: Summary Telemetry Abnormalities
Itemgroup: Summary Telemetry Abnormalities
Itemgroup: Summary Telemetry Abnormalities
Itemgroup: Summary Telemetry Abnormalities
Itemgroups: Glucose admin date and time, 10 minutes pre-glucose, Pre-glucose, 10 minutes post, 20 minutes post, 30 minutes post, 60 minutes post, 90 minutes post, 120 minutes post, 180 minutes post
Itemgroups: Glucose admin date and time, 10 minutes pre-glucose, Pre-glucose, 10 minutes post, 20 minutes post, 30 minutes post, 60 minutes post, 90 minutes post, 120 minutes post, 180 minutes post
Itemgroups: Glucose admin date and time, 10 minutes pre-glucose, Pre-glucose, 10 minutes post, 20 minutes post, 30 minutes post, 60 minutes post, 90 minutes post, 120 minutes post, 180 minutes post
Itemgroups: Glucose admin date and time, 10 minutes pre-glucose, Pre-glucose, 10 minutes post, 20 minutes post, 30 minutes post, 60 minutes post, 90 minutes post, 120 minutes post, 180 minutes post