Gastroenterology ×
- Clinical Trial (15)
- Follow-Up Studies (15)
- Hepatitis B (15)
- Vaccination (14)
- Hepatitis A (14)
- Document Tracking (7)
- Demography (7)
- Laboratories (7)
- Adverse event (2)
- Hepatitis B Vaccines (1)
- Informed Consent (1)
Ausgewählte Datenmodelle
Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um mehrere Datenmodelle auszuwählen und diese herunterzuladen oder zu analysieren.
15 Suchergebnisse.
Itemgruppen: Administrative, Informed Consent, Demographics, Laboratory Tests, Follow-Up Studies, Tracking Document - Reason for non participation, Investigator signature
Itemgruppen: Administrative, Informed Consent, Demographics, Laboratory Tests, Follow-Up Studies, Tracking Document - Reason for non participation, Investigator signature
Itemgruppen: Administrative, Informed Consent, Demographics, Laboratory Tests, Follow-Up Studies, Tracking Document - Reason for non participation, Investigator signature
Itemgruppen: Administrative, Informed Consent, Demographics, Laboratory Tests, Follow-Up Studies, Tracking Document - Reason for non participation, Investigator signature
Itemgruppen: Administrative, Informed Consent, Demographics, Laboratory Tests, Serology Conclusion Before Booster
Itemgruppen: Administrative, Informed Consent, Demographics, Laboratory Tests, Follow-Up Studies, Study Conclusion, Investigator signature, Tracking Document - Reason for non participation
Itemgruppen: Administration, Follow-up studies, Study conclusion, Investigator signature, Tracking Document Safety Follow-Up, Tracking Document Safety Follow-Up , Serious adverse event safety follow-up - Administrative, Serious adverse event safety follow-up, Serious adverse event safety follow-up - Study vaccine information, Serious adverse event safety follow-up - Concomitant medication/ Vaccination that could have contributed to this SAE, Serious adverse event safety follow-up - Relevant intercurrent illness & medical history that could have contributed to this SAE , Serious adverse event safety follow-up - Drug(s) used to treat this SAE , Serious adverse event safety follow-up - Surgical treatment for this SAE , Serious adverse event safety follow-up - Description , Serious adverse event safety follow-up - Comments , Serious adverse event safety follow-up - Investigator signature
Itemgruppen: Administrative, Follow-Up Studies, Study Conclusion, Investigator signature, Tracking Document - Reason for non participation, Diary Card - Local Symptoms (at injection site), Diary Card - Other local symptoms, Diary Card - Medication, Diary Card - General Symptoms, Diary Card - Other general Symptoms
Itemgruppen: Administrative, Follow-Up Studies, Study Conclusion, Investigator signature, Tracking Document - Reason for non participation, Diary Card - Local Symptoms (at injection site), Diary Card - Other local symptoms, Diary Card - Medication, Diary Card - General Symptoms, Diary Card - Other general Symptoms
Itemgruppen: Administrative, Follow-Up Studies, Investigator signature, Study Conclusion, Tracking Document - Reason for non participation, Diary Card - Local Symptoms, Diary Card - Other local symptoms, Diary Card - Medication, Diary Card - General Symptoms, Diary Card - Other general Symptoms
Itemgruppen: Administrative, Follow-Up Studies, Investigator signature, Study Conclusion, Tracking Document - Reason for non participation, Diary Card - Local Symptoms, Diary Card - Other local symptoms, Diary Card - Medication, Diary Card - General Symptoms, Diary Card - Other general Symptoms
Itemgruppen: Administrative, Follow-Up Studies, Study Conclusion, Investigator signature