- 7/8/17 - 1 form, 1 itemgroup, 30 items, 3 languages
Itemgroup: openEHR-EHR-EVALUATION.family_history.v2.xml
Derived from www.openehr.org . Use to record a summary of information about problems or diagnoses found in family members. This information may be used to contribute to the identification of a current health problem, assessment of future risk from familial problems or conditions, or to initiate preventive health activities. Traditionally the scope of family history has been focused on genetic factors or biomarkers as indicators of risk or potential risk. The scope of this archetype includes both recording of problems or diagnoses that have an inheritable origin as well as those that are not directly inheritable but influenced by the domestic setting, including psychosocial or environmental factors. Examples include exposure to toxins in the family environment, domestic violence, sexual abuse, alcoholism and other addictions. Non-genetic family members can include adopted or long term fostered children, those related by marriage, or other unrelated individuals who participate in the regular life and influence of the family. This archetype has been designed to include: - a narrative overview as free text. This will allow family history details from existing systems to be incorporated as non-structured text; and - a detailed area focusing on relevant health details about specific family members, including their medical history and biomarkers. This archetype can be used within many contexts. For example, recording a family history entry within a clinical consultation; populating a Family History List; or to provide a summary statement within a Discharge Summary document. Additional detail about a family member's specific problem, diagnosis or past procedures can be captured using the EVALUATION.problem_diagnosis or the ACTION.procedure archetype and specifying the 'Subject of Care' as the family member, rather than the subject of the health record. This archetype can be used as the basis for a Family Pedigree chart of health problems/diagnoses or to support estimations of risk of a condition based on prevalence in the family history or known biomarkers. It may be necessary to identify each family member specifically and not just by the relationship to the patient. For example, while there will be only one maternal grandmother, there may be many female maternal cousins. This may be required to ensure that a pedigree chart is accurate. It will also enable accurate amendments to the record for each identified family member. If the record is private and will not be shared, for reasons of clarity it may be preferable to record the relative's actual name. If the record, or part of the record, is to be shared, it may be more appropriate for the family member to be identified by a unique label or alias.

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