Parkinsons Disease ×
  1. 1. Test clinico
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- 29/01/25 - 3 moduli, 1 ItemGroup, 2 elementi, 1 linguaggio
ItemGroup: IG.elig
Principal Investigator: Demetrius M. Maraganore, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA MeSH: Parkinson Disease We performed a two-tiered, whole-genome association study of Parkinson disease (PD). For tier 1, we individually genotyped 198,345 uniformly spaced and informative single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 443 sibling pairs discordant for PD. For tier 2a, we individually genotyped 1,793 PD-associated SNPs (P.01 in tier 1) and 300 genomic control SNPs in 332 matched case-unrelated control pairs. We identified 11 SNPs that were associated with PD (P.01) in both tier 1 and tier 2 samples and had the same direction of effect. For these SNPs, we combined data from the case-unaffected sibling pair (tier 1) and case-unrelated control pair (tier 2) samples and employed a liberalization of the sibling transmission/disequilibrium test to calculate odds ratios, 95% confidence intervals, and P values. A SNP within the semaphorin 5A gene (SEMA5A) had the lowest combined P value (P=7.62E-6). The protein encoded by this gene plays an important role in neurogenesis and in neuronal apoptosis, which is consistent with existing hypotheses regarding PD pathogenesis. A second SNP tagged the PARK11 late-onset PD susceptibility locus (P=1.70E-5). In tier 2b, we also selected for genotyping additional SNPs that were borderline significant (P.05) in tier 1 but that tested a priori biological and genetic hypotheses regarding susceptibility to PD (n=941 SNPs). In analysis of the combined tier 1 and tier 2b data, the two SNPs with the lowest P values (P=9.07E-6; P=2.96E-5) tagged the PARK10 late-onset PD susceptibility locus. Independent replication across populations will clarify the role of the genomic loci tagged by these SNPs in conferring PD susceptibility. Note: The following instruments were used: 1)clinical assessments form and manual; 2) sibling screening form and manual; 3) unrelated control screening and manual; and 4) risk factors questionnaire and manual. All cases underwent #1, as did sibling controls screening positive (see below). Unrelated controls were not examined. All siblings underwent #2. All unrelated controls underwent #3. All subjects (cases, sibling controls, and unrelated controls) underwent #4. Any publications using the data are to cite the original American Journal of Human Genetics article (Maraganore et al., 2005). Investigators using the data collection instruments are to acknowledge Drs. Maraganore and Rocca, and cite grants ES-10751 and NS-33978.


1 ItemGroup 6 elementi


1 ItemGroup 6 elementi
- 20/09/21 - 1 modulo, 18 itemgroups, 90 elementi, 1 linguaggio
Itemgroups: Note, Inclusion Criteria, Exclusion Criteria, Physical examination, Pregnancy test, Alcohol test, Urine drug screening, orthostatic blood pressure / Pulse - Predose, Concomitant medication, Adverse event, Patient diary, Randomization, High fat breakfast, Study Drug Dosing, Orthostatic blood pressure / pulse measurement - post dose, Adverse Event - post dosing, Pharmacokinetic sampling post dosing, Discharge

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