Routine documentation ×
- Chirurgie, orale (5)
- Anamnesenerhebung (3)
- Klassifikation (2)
- Zahnmedizin (2)
- Zahnärzte (2)
- Oraler Gesundheitszustand (2)
- Kieferorthopädie (2)
- Fragebogen (1)
- Risiko (1)
- Chirurgie (1)
- Zahnmedizinische Versorgung für Kinder (1)
- Zahnkrone (1)
- Gesichts- und kieferchirurgische Verfahren (1)
- Orthognathe Chirurgie (1)
- Health Insurance Exchanges (1)
- Scores & Instrumente (1)
- Deprecated Standard (1)
- Standard Instrument (1)
- Pädiatrie (1)
Ausgewählte Datenmodelle
Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um mehrere Datenmodelle auszuwählen und diese herunterzuladen oder zu analysieren.
8 Suchergebnisse.
Itemgruppen: Patient demographics, Orthodontics, Restorative dentistry, Dental Prosthesis, Insurance, Dental record
Itemgruppen: Patient demographics, Insurance
Itemgruppen: Patient demographics, Assessment, Anesthesia, Insurance
Itemgruppen: Patient demographics, Tooth count, Orthodontics, Restorative dentistry, Dental Prosthesis, Insurance, Dental record
Itemgruppen: Patient demographics, Family history, General medical history, Special medical history, Medical report, Chest, Abdomen, Extremities, Nervous system, Spinal column, Special medical report, X-rays results, Footer module
Itemgruppen: dental examination, report
UZ 6 Permanent teeth Examination (6 years old)
2 Itemgruppen 22 DatenelementeUZ 2 Milk Teeth Examination (2 years old)
2 Itemgruppen 19 DatenelementeUZ 3 Milk Teeth Examination (3 years old)
2 Itemgruppen 19 DatenelementeUZ 4 Milk Teeth Examination (4 years old)
2 Itemgruppen 19 DatenelementeUZ 1 Milk Teeth Examination (1 year old)
1 Itemgruppe 10 DatenelementeIntro
1 Itemgruppe 8 Datenelemente Itemgruppen: Administrative Data, Consequences due to problems with jaw, mouth or teeth in the last7 days, Possible events that occured during the last 7 days due to problems with teeth, mouth, dentures or jaw, Events in the last 7 days, Dentures
Itemgruppen: Administrative Data, Consequences due to problems with jaw, mouth or teeth in the last7 days, Possible events that occured during the last 7 days due to problems with teeth, mouth, dentures or jaw, Possible events that occured during the last 7 days due to problems with teeth, mouth, dentures or jaw, Events in the last 7 days, Dentures