Electrocardiogram (ECG) ×
Mostra di più Keywords
  1. 1. Essai clinique
  2. 2. Routinedokumentation
  3. 3. Études de registres/cohortes
  4. 4. Assurance qualité
  5. 5. Standard de données
  6. 6. Questionnaire pour les patients
  7. 7. Spécialité médicale
Modelli di dati selezionati

Devi effettuare il log in per selezionare i modelli di dati da scaricare per successive analisi

- 02/01/2021 - 1 modulo, 33 itemgroups, 122 elementi, 1 linguaggio
Itemgroups: Date of visit, Investigational Product (Dose) (Part 2 Period 2), ECG, ECG - Day 2 Dose (Part 2 Period 2), ECG - Day 2 Dose (Part 2 Period 2, ECG - Day 3 Dose (Part 2 Period 2), ECG - Day 3 Dose (Part 2 Period 2), ECG - Day 4 Dose (Part 2 Period 2), ECG - Day 4 Dose (Part 2 Period 2), ECG - Day 5 Dose (Part 2 Period 2), ECG - Day 5 Dose (Part 2 Period 2), ECG - Day 6 Dose (Part 2 Period 2), ECG - Day 6 Dose (Part 2 Period 2), Vital Signs - Day 2 Dose (Part 2 Period 2), Vital Signs - Day 2 Dose (Part 2 Period 2), Vital Signs - Day 3 Dose (Part 2 Period 2), Vital Signs - Day 3 Dose (Part 2 Period 2), Vital Signs - Day 4 Dose (Part 2 Period 2), Vital Signs - Day 4 Dose (Part 2 Period 2), Vital Signs - Day 5 Dose (Part 2 Period 2), Vital Signs - Day 5 Dose (Part 2 Period 2), Vital Signs - Day 6 Dose (Part 2 Period 2), Vital Signs - Day 6 Dose (Part 2 Period 2), Pulmonary Function Tests - Day 2 Dose (Part 2 Period 2), Pulmonary Function Tests - 2 hours Post-Dose, Day 2 (Part 2 Period 2), Pulmonary Function Tests - Day 3 Dose (Part 2 Period 2), Pulmonary Function Tests - 2 hours Post-Dose, Day 3 (Part 2 Period 2), Pulmonary Function Tests - Day 4 Dose (Part 2 Period 2), Pulmonary Function Tests - 2 hours Post-Dose, Day 4 (Part 2 Period 2), Pulmonary Function Tests - Day 5 Dose (Part 2 Period 2), Pulmonary Function Tests - 2 hours Post-Dose, Day 5 (Part 2 Period 2), Pulmonary Function Tests - Day 6 Dose (Part 2 Period 2), Pulmonary Function Tests - 2 hours Post-Dose, Day 6 (Part 2 Period 2)
- 02/01/2021 - 1 modulo, 21 itemgroups, 84 elementi, 1 linguaggio
Itemgroups: Date of Visit, Local Laboratory - Haematology (Period 1), Local Laboratory - Haematology (Period 1), Local Laboratory - Clinical Chemistry (Period 1), Local Laboratory - Clinical Chemistry (Period 1), Investigational Product (Dose) (Period 1), ECG (Period 1), Vital Signs (Period 1), Local Laboratory - Haematology (24Hr Lab) (Period 1), Local Laboratory - Haematology (24 Hr Lab) (Period 1), Local Laboratory - Clinical Chemistry (24 Hr Lab) (Period 1), Local Laboratory - Clinical Chemistry (24 Hr Lab) (Period 1), Pharmacokinetics Blood (Period 1), Pharmacokinetics Blood (Period 1), Pharmacokinetics Urine (Period 1), Pharmacokinetics Urine (Period 1), Summary Holter (Period 1), Summary Holter (Period 1) (Pre-Dose - 24 hours), Holter Abnormalities (Period 1), Holter Abnormalities (Period 1), Pulmonary Function Tests (Period 1)
- 02/01/2021 - 1 modulo, 20 itemgroups, 72 elementi, 1 linguaggio
Itemgroups: Date of visit, Investigational Product (Dose) (Part 2 Period 2), ECG (Part 2 Period 2), ECG (Part 2 Period 2), Vital Signs (Part 2 Period 2), Vital Signs (Part 2 Period 2), Pulmonary Function Tests (Part 2 Period 2), Pulmonary Function Tests (Part 2 Period 2), Local Laboratory - Haematology (24Hr Lab) (Part 2 Period 2), Local Laboratory - Haematology (24 Hr Lab) (Part 2 Period 2), Local Laboratory - Clinical Chemistry (24 Hr Lab) (Part 2 Period 2), Local Laboratory - Clinical Chemistry (24 Hr Lab) (Part 2 Period 2), Pharmacokinetics Blood (Part 2 Period 2), Pharmacokinetics Blood (Part 2 Period 2), Pharmacokinetics Urine (Part 2 Period 2), Pharmacokinetics Urine (Part 2 Period 2), Summary Holter (Part 2 Period 2), Summary Holter (Part 2 Period 2) (Pre-Dose - 24 hours), Holter Abnormalities (Part 2 Period 2), Holter Abnormalities (Part 2 Period 2)
- 02/01/2021 - 1 modulo, 21 itemgroups, 84 elementi, 1 linguaggio
Itemgroups: Date of Visit, Local Laboratory - Haematology (Period 3), Local Laboratory - Haematology (Period 3), Local Laboratory - Clinical Chemistry (Period 3), Local Laboratory - Clinical Chemistry (Period 3), Investigational Product (Dose) (Period 3), ECG (Period 3), Vital Signs (Period 3), Local Laboratory - Haematology (24Hr Lab) (Period 3), Local Laboratory - Haematology (24 Hr Lab) (Period 3), Local Laboratory - Clinical Chemistry (24 Hr Lab) (Period 3), Local Laboratory - Clinical Chemistry (24 Hr Lab) (Period 3), Pharmacokinetics Blood (Period 3), Pharmacokinetics Blood (Period 3), Pharmacokinetics Urine (Period 3), Pharmacokinetics Urine (Period 3), Summary Holter (Period 3), Summary Holter (Period 3) (Pre-Dose - 24 hours), Holter Abnormalities (Period 3), Holter Abnormalities (Period 3), Pulmonary Function Tests (Period 3)

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