Electrocardiogram (ECG) ×
- Klinische Studie [Dokumenttyp] (81)
- Vitalzeichen (51)
- Pulmonale Krankheiten (Fachgebiet) (38)
- Laboratorien (37)
- Lungenkrankheiten, chronisch obstruktive (36)
- Arzneimittel, Prüf- (26)
- Atmungsfunktionstests (25)
- Asthma (24)
- Pharmakokinetik (17)
- Urinuntersuchung (10)
- Gesunde Probanden (10)
- Rhinitis, allergische, perenniale (8)
- Arthritis, rheumatoide (7)
- Atherosklerose (7)
- Klinisch-chemische Tests (6)
- Non Small Cell Lung Cancer (6)
- Krankheit (6)
- Glukokortikoide (6)
- Hämatologie (6)
- Medizinische Onkologie (6)
- Körperliche Untersuchung (5)
- Schilddrüsenhormone (4)
- Nasensprays (4)
- Trial screening (4)
- Steroide (3)
- Klinische Studie, Phase I [Dokumenttyp] (3)
- Rezeptoren, Tumor-Nekrose-Faktor-, Typ I (3)
- Adrenerge beta-2-Rezeptor-Agonisten (3)
- Rhinitis, allergische (3)
- Concomitant Medication (3)
- Drug trial (3)
- Verlaufsstudien (3)
- Schwangerschaft (2)
- Atemnot-Syndrom der Erwachsenen (2)
- Biologische Marker (2)
- Klinische Studie, Phase II [Dokumenttyp] (2)
- Blutgerinnung (2)
- Akute Lungenverletzung (2)
- Applikation, Inhalations- (2)
- Demographie (2)
- Hydrocortison (2)
- Gedächtnisstörungen (2)
- Schwangerschaftstests (1)
- Strahlentherapie (1)
- Schizophrenie (1)
- Telemetrie (1)
- Therapie (1)
- Elektrokardiographie, ambulante (1)
- Klinische Studie, Phase III [Dokumenttyp] (1)
- Topotecan (1)
- Kohlenmonoxid (1)
- Karzinom, nichtkleinzelliges Lungen- (1)
- Adverse event (1)
- End of Study (1)
- Routine documentation (1)
- Behandlungsbedürftigkeit, Begutachtung (1)
- Alzheimer-Krankheit (1)
- Herzfrequenz (1)
- Lunge (1)
- Lungenkrankheiten (1)
- Lungenkrankheiten, obstruktive (1)
- Lungentumoren (1)
- Anamnesenerhebung (1)
- Neurologie (1)
Ausgewählte Datenmodelle
Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um mehrere Datenmodelle auszuwählen und diese herunterzuladen oder zu analysieren.
86 Suchergebnisse.
Itemgruppen: 12-Lead ECG, Exhaled nitric oxide, Pulmonary function tests / FEV 1, Pulmonary function tests: Pre-AMP Challenge, Pulmonary function tests: AMP Challenge, Pulmonary function tests: Post-AMP Challenge, PC20 (AMP Challenge)
Itemgruppe: 12-lead ECG
Itemgruppe: Electrocardiogram Abnormalities
Itemgruppen: Conduction, Myocardial infarction, Depolarisation/Repolarisation, QRS-T, Other abnormalities
Itemgruppen: Date and Time of ECG, Rhythm, P-wave and QRS morphology
Itemgruppen: Administrative, 12-Lead ECG, 12-Lead ECG Abnormalities, 12-Lead ECG Abnormalities , Pulmonary Function Tests, Inhaler Device Training
Itemgruppen: Administrative, Vital Signs - Pre-Dose, 12-Lead ECG (Pre-Dose), 12-Lead ECG Abnormalities , 12-Lead ECG Abnormalities, Pulmonary Function Tests (Pre-Dose), Pharmacodynamics - Blood Sample (Pre-Dose), Local Laboratory - Clinical Chemistry, Local Laboratory - Clinical Chemistry , Local Laboratory - Haematology, Local Laboratory - Haematology , Urinalysis - Local, Urinalysis - Local , Urinalysis Microscopy Test, Urinalysis Microscopy Test, Randomisation Number
Itemgruppen: Administrative, Investigational Product Day 1 - 7, Treatment Corfirmation Day 1 - 7, Carbon Monoxide Test - Day 6 PM, Urine Test for Drugs of Abuse, Urine Test for Drugs of Abuse , Vital Signs - Day 7, 12-Lead ECG - Day 7, 12-Lead ECG Abnormalities - Day 7, 12-Lead ECG Abnormalities - Day 7, Pulmonary Function Test - Day 7
Itemgruppen: Administrative, Vital Signs, 12-Lead ECG, 12-Lead ECG Abnormalities, 12-Lead ECG Abnormalities, Pulmonary Function Test - Pre-Dose, Pregnancy Test, Local Laboratory - Clinical Chemistry, Local Laboratory - Clinical Chemistry, Local Laboratory - Haematology, Local Laboratory - Haematology, Urinalysis - Local, Urinalysis - Local, Urinalysis - Microscopy, Urinalysis - Microscopy
Itemgruppen: Vital signs, Blood Pressure; heart rate, 12 lead ECG
Itemgruppen: Electronically transferred lab data, Dosing date and time- Vital Signs, Blood Pressure and Heart rate - Pre Dose, Blood Pressure and Heart rate - 15 M, Blood Pressure and Heart rate - 30 M, Blood Pressure and Heart rate - 45 M , Blood Pressure and Heart rate -1 H, Blood Pressure and Heart rate -1.5 H , Blood Pressure and Heart rate -2 H , Blood Pressure and Heart rate -3 H , Blood Pressure and Heart rate -4 H , Blood Pressure and Heart rate -5 H , Blood Pressure and Heart rate -6 H , Blood Pressure and Heart rate -8 H, Blood Pressure and Heart rate -12 H , Blood Pressure and Heart rate -24 H , Dosing date and time - ECG, 12 lead ECG - Pre Dose, 12-Lead ECG - 15 M, 12-Lead ECG - 30 M , 12-Lead ECG - 45 M , 12-Lead ECG - 1 H, 12-Lead ECG - 1.5 H , 12-Lead ECG - 3 H , 12-Lead ECG - 4 H, 12-Lead ECG - 5 H , 12-Lead ECG - 6 H, 12-Lead ECG - 8 H , 12-Lead ECG - 12 H , 12-Lead ECG - 24 H, Investigational Product (Dose) - Day 5, Investigational Product (Dose) - Day 6, Investigational Product (Dose) - Day 7, Investigational Product (Dose) - Day 8, Investigational Product (Dose) - Day 9, Investigational Product (Dose) - Day 10, Pharmacokinetics Blood - FF/GW642444M, Dosing date and time - Pharmacodynamics Results - Potassium, Pharmacodynamics Results - Potassium - Pre Dose, Pharmacodynamics Results - Potassium - 30 M, Pharmacodynamics Results - Potassium - 1 H, Pharmacodynamics Results - Potassium - 2 H, Pharmacodynamics Results - Potassium - 4 H , Dosingdate and time - Pharmacodynamics Results - Glucose, Pharmacodynamics Results - Glucose - Pre Dose, Pharmacodynamics Results - Glucose - 30 M, Pharmacodynamics Results - Glucose - 1 H, Pharmacodynamics Results - Glucose - 2 H , Pharmacodynamics Results - Glucose - 4 H
Itemgruppen: Electronically transferred lab data - Day 10, Dosing date and time- Vital Signs, Blood Pressure and Heart rate - Pre Dose, Blood Pressure and Heart rate - 15 M, Blood Pressure and Heart rate - 30 M, Blood Pressure and Heart rate - 45 M , Blood Pressure and Heart rate -1 H, Blood Pressure and Heart rate -1.5 H , Blood Pressure and Heart rate -2 H , Blood Pressure and Heart rate -3 H , Blood Pressure and Heart rate -4 H , Blood Pressure and Heart rate -5 H , Blood Pressure and Heart rate -6 H , Blood Pressure and Heart rate -8 H, Blood Pressure and Heart rate -12 H , Blood Pressure and Heart rate -24 H , Dosing date and time - ECG, 12 lead ECG - Pre Dose, 12-Lead ECG - 15 M, 12-Lead ECG - 30 M , 12-Lead ECG - 45 M , 12-Lead ECG - 1 H, 12-Lead ECG - 1.5 H , 12-Lead ECG - 2 H, 12-Lead ECG - 3 H , 12-Lead ECG - 4 H, 12-Lead ECG - 5 H , 12-Lead ECG - 6 H, 12-Lead ECG - 8 H , 12-Lead ECG - 12 H , 12-Lead ECG - 24 H, Investigational Product (Dose) - Day 11, Pharmacokinetics Blood - FF/GW642444M, Pharmacodynamics - Cortisol , Dosing date and time - Pharmacodynamics Results - Potassium, Pharmacodynamics Results - Potassium - Pre Dose, Pharmacodynamics Results - Potassium - 30 M, Pharmacodynamics Results - Potassium - 1 H, Pharmacodynamics Results - Potassium - 2 H, Pharmacodynamics Results - Potassium - 4 H