Drug trial ×
- Klinische Studie [Dokumenttyp] (21)
- Körperliche Untersuchung (20)
- Klinische Studie, Phase II [Dokumenttyp] (14)
- Blut (14)
- Laboratorien (14)
- Chemotherapie, adjuvante (13)
- Electrocardiogram (ECG) (8)
- Testosteron (6)
- Hypogonadismus (6)
- Molekularbiologie (4)
- Zytogenetik (3)
- Echokardiographie (3)
- In situ-Hybridisierung, Fluoreszenz- (2)
- Concomitant Medication (2)
- Trial screening (2)
- Biochemie (1)
- Hirntumoren (1)
- Mammatumoren, Mensch (1)
- Vitalzeichen (1)
- Konsolidierungschemotherapie (1)
- Treatment Form (1)
- Gynäkologie (1)
- Tumormetastasierung (1)
- Neurologische Untersuchung (1)
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21 Zoekresultaten.
Itemgroepen: Physical Examination, Complete Blood Count, Biochemistry, Electrocardiogram, Echocardiogram, Biopsie, Preservation of cellular samples, Cytogenetics, FISH (from bone marrow blood), IMATINIB, Molecular Biology (peripheral blood), FISH (peripheral blood)
Itemgroepen: Physical Examination, Complete Blood Count, Biochemistry, Electrocardiogram, Echocardiogram, Biopsie, Preservation of cellular samples, Cytogenetics, FISH (from bone marrow blood), Molecular Biology (peripheral blood), FISH (peripheral blood)
Itemgroepen: Physical Examination, Complete Blood Count, Biochemistry, Electrocardiogram, Molecular Biology (peripheral blood)
Itemgroepen: Physical Examination, Complete Blood Count, Biochemistry, Electrocardiogram
Itemgroepen: Physical Examination, Complete Blood Count, Biochemistry, Electrocardiogram, Echocardiogram, Biopsie, Preservation of cellular samples, Cytogenetics, NILOTINIB, FISH (from bone marrow blood), IMATINIB, Molecular Biology (peripheral blood), FISH (peripheral blood)
Itemgroepen: Physical Examination, Complete Blood Count, NILOTINIB, Biochemistry, Electrocardiogram
Itemgroepen: Date of visit, Assessment Date, Neurologic Examination, Neurologic Symptoms, Associated with, Neoplasms, Laboratory Procedures, Central Laboratory; Laboratory Procedures, Local, Laboratory Procedures, Chemistry, Clinical, Laboratory Procedures, Hematology finding, Central Laboratory, Data, Vital signs, Continuation status, Study
Itemgroepen: Administrative documentation, Physical Examination
Itemgroepen: Administrative documentation, Physical Examination
Itemgroepen: Administrative documentation, Vital Signs
Itemgroepen: Administrative documentation, Physical Examination
Itemgroep: 12-lead ECG