Diagnostic Procedure ×
Meer tonen Trefwoorden
  1. 1. Clinical Trial
  2. 2. Routine Documentation
  3. 3. Registry/Cohort Study
  4. 4. Quality Assurance
  5. 5. Data Standard
  6. 6. Patient-Reported Outcome
  7. 7. Medical Specialty
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- 5/11/16 - 1 Formulier, 9 Itemgroepen, 59 Data-elementen, 2 Talen
Itemgroepen: Microbiological tests, Therapeutic consequences from laboratory result, Ultrasound, X-ray, CT / MRI, radio imaging, Issues during diagnostic imaging, Therapeutic consequences from diagnostic imaging, Form Information
- 8/4/14 - 1 Formulier, 5 Itemgroepen, 22 Data-elementen, 2 Talen
Itemgroepen: Show identification of patient, Untersuchung der Geschlechtsdrüsenfunktion, Klinische Symptome, Hormons, Medikamentöse Behandlung
- 8/4/14 - 1 Formulier, 2 Itemgroepen, 9 Data-elementen, 2 Talen
Itemgroepen: Show identification of patient, Untersuchung der Lungenfunktion
- 8/4/14 - 1 Formulier, 6 Itemgroepen, 14 Data-elementen, 2 Talen
Itemgroepen: Show identification of patient, Cardiac function, Glomerular filtration, Tubular function, Liver function, Lung function

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