Diagnostic Procedure ×
- Routine documentation (10)
- Klinische Studie [Dokumenttyp] (6)
- Hämatologie (5)
- Körperliche Untersuchung (4)
- Laboratorien (4)
- Pulmonale Krankheiten (Fachgebiet) (3)
- Lungenkrankheiten, chronisch obstruktive (3)
- Klinische Labordienstleistungen (3)
- Medizinische Onkologie (3)
- Radiologie (2)
- Kardiologie (2)
- Common Data Elements (CDE) (2)
- Demographie (2)
- Arzneimitteltherapie (2)
- Gastroenterologie (2)
- Anamnesenerhebung (2)
- Radiologie-Informationssysteme (1)
- Rotavirus (1)
- Sarkom, Ewing- (1)
- Chirurgische Verfahren, operative (1)
- Therapie (1)
- Vakzination (1)
- Kohortenstudien (1)
- Knochenmarktransplantation (1)
- Tumoren, sekundäre Primär- (1)
- Hospizpflege (1)
- AML (1)
- Bone marrow biopsy (1)
- Additional procedures (1)
- Draft Standard (1)
- Archetyp (1)
- Nachsorge (1)
- Schluckstörungen (1)
- Diagnostik, bildgebende (1)
- Dokumentation (1)
- Behandlungsbedürftigkeit, Begutachtung (1)
- Graft-versus-host-Krankheit (1)
- Herzinsuffizienz (1)
- Innere Medizin (1)
- Angiographie (1)
- Leukämie (1)
- Lungenvolumenmessungen (1)
- Neurologie (1)
- Praxisbesuche (1)
- Schrittmacher, künstlicher (1)
- Palliativpflege (1)
Geselecteerde datamodellen
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22 Zoekresultaten.
Itemgroepen: administrative data, transition dyspnoea index
Itemgroepen: administrative data, baseline dyspnoea index, job, housework, shopping, leisure activities, gardening, social participation, washing, dressing, at rest, other aspect, baseline dyspnoea index score, date
Itemgroepen: administrative data, demography, medical condition, tobacco use, COPD, oropharyngeal candidasis examination, Chest x-ray, modified medical research council dyspnoea scale, 12-lead ECG, pulmonary function testing, pulmonary funtion testing: FEV1, pulmonary function testing: FVC, pulmonary function testing: FEV1 /FVC ratio, fat free mass, laboratory blood, St. George's respiratory questionnaire, baseline dyspnoea index
Itemgroepen: Global Disease Course, Red Cell Transfusion, Platelet Cell Transfusion
Physical Examination/Follow up
3 Itemgroepen 14 Data-elementenAdministrative/Demographic Details
1 Itemgroep 11 Data-elementenMedical History
3 Itemgroepen 9 Data-elementenLab: Cytology/Cytogenetics/Cytochemistry
1 Itemgroep 29 Data-elementenLab: Immunophenotyping
1 Itemgroep 17 Data-elementenLab: Molecular Genetics
1 Itemgroep 27 Data-elementen Itemgroepen: Therapeutic procedure; Details, Adverse Event, Hemopoietic stem cell transplant, Platelet Engraftment, Neutrophil Engraftment, Therapeutic procedure; Status
Medical History
6 Itemgroepen 20 Data-elementenLab: Cytology/Cytogenetics/Cytochemistry
3 Itemgroepen 43 Data-elementenLab: Molecular Genetics, Immunophenotyping, Cytogenetics
1 Itemgroep 1 Data-elementPhysical Examination/Follow-up
4 Itemgroepen 27 Data-elementenLab: Infectiology
1 Itemgroep 11 Data-elementenLab: Molecular Genetics
1 Itemgroep 23 Data-elementen Itemgroep: operational data lung function
Itemgroepen: Gastroenterology service, New patient, Follow-up visit, Termination, Chemotherapy, Administration, Counseling, Diagnostics, Procedure, Chemotherapy
Itemgroep: Gastroenterology
Itemgroepen: Show identification of patient, Cardiac function, Glomerular filtration, Tubular function, Liver function, Lung function
Itemgroepen: Inclusion Criteria, Exclusion Criteria
Itemgroep: openEHR-EHR-ACTION.procedure.v1.xml
Itemgroepen: FEES, FEES at rest, Evaluation of swallowing without food, Evaluation of swallowing with food