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  1. 1. Klinische Studie
    1. 1.1. Ein-/Ausschluss
    1. 1.2. Anamnese
    1. 1.3. Körperliche Untersuchung
    1. 1.4. Score
    1. 1.5. Apparative Diagnostik
    1. 1.6. Labor
    1. 1.7. Pathologie/Histologie
    1. 1.8. Aufklärung/Einverständis
    1. 1.9. Therapie
    1. 1.10. Operationsbericht
    1. 1.11. Unerwünschtes Ereignis
    1. 1.12. Follow-Up
  2. 2. Routinedokumentation
  3. 3. Register-/Kohortenstudien
  4. 4. Qualitätssicherung
  5. 5. Datenstandard
  6. 6. Patientenfragebogen
  7. 7. Medizinische Fachrichtung
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- 06.06.20 - 1 Formulier, 14 Itemgroepen, 167 Data-elementen, 1 Taal
Itemgroepen: Date of visit, Vital signs, 12 lead ECG, Laboratory Procedures, Hematology finding, Laboratory Procedures, Chemistry, Clinical, Laboratory Procedures, Urinalysis, Laboratory Procedures, Hormones, Laboratory Procedures, Free Testosterone Measurement, Laboratory Procedures, Prolactin measurement, Nervous system structure, Evaluation, Ophthalmic examination and evaluation, Blinded Clinical Study, Status, Pregnancy, Information, Conclusion, Clinical Research
- 15.04.19 - 1 Formulier, 4 Itemgroepen, 25 Data-elementen, 1 Taal
Itemgroepen: Administrative data, Follow-up studies, Study conclusion, Investigator's Signature
Study ID: 107007 Clinical Study ID: 107007 Study Title: A phase IIIb randomized, double-blind, controlled study to assess the safety, reactogenicity and immunogenicity of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Biologicals’ 10-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine compared to Prevenar™, when co-administered with DTPw-HBV/Hib and OPV or IPV vaccines as a 3-dose primary immunization course during the first 6 months of age. Patient Level Data: Study Listed on Identifier: NCT00344318 Sponsor: GlaxoSmithKline Collaborators: N/A Phase: Phase 3 Study Recruitment Status: Completed Generic Name: Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine GSK1024850A Trade Name: Prevenar, Tritanrix-HepB, Hiberix, Polio Sabin., Poliorix Study Indication: Infections, Streptococcal This study consists of 2 groups of probands (Children of 6-10-14 weeks or 2-4-6 months of age are included): One group receive a 3-dose primary vaccination with the GSK Biologicals' (10-valent) pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. The other group r eceive a 3-dose primary vaccination with Prevenar™. All probands receive DTPw-HBV/Hib and OPV or IPV vaccines. Ths study consists of 3 workbooks (WB): WB 1: The WB 1 consists 4 visits (all in active phase): Visit 1, Timing: Month 0; Age for 6-12 weeks scheduled Visit 2, Timing: Month 1; Age for 10 weeks scheduled Visit 3, Timing: Month 2; Age for 14 weeks scheduled Visit 4, Timing: Month 3; Age for +/- 4 months scheduled Intervals between the visits: Visit 1 to Visit 2: 28-42 days, Visit 2 to Visit 3: 28-42 days, Visit 3 to Visit 4: 30-42 days WB 2: The WB 2 consists 4 visits (all in active phase): Visit 1, Timing: Month 0; Age for 6-12 weeks scheduled Visit 2, Timing: Month 2; Age for +/- 4 months scheduled Visit 3, Timing: Month 4; Age for +/- 6 months scheduled Visit 4, Timing: Month 5; Age for +/- 7 months scheduled Intervals between the visits: Visit 1 to Visit 2: 49-83 days, Visit 2 to Visit 3: 49-83 days, Visit 3 to Visit 4: 30-42 days WB 3: The WB 3 consists the phone contact (6 months safety follow-up), Timing: Month 8 or 10. This document contains the Follow-up studies, Study conclusion and Investigator's signature form. It has to be filled in for the end of study.

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