Disease Response ×
- Clinical Trial (2)
- Laboratories (2)
- Physical Examination (1)
- Drugs, Investigational (1)
- Clinical Trial, Phase III (1)
- Topotecan (1)
- Clinical Chemistry Tests (1)
- Carcinoma (1)
- Cisplatin (1)
- Hematology (1)
- Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin (1)
- Medical Oncology (1)
Modelos de dados selecionados
Deve ter sessão iniciada para selecionar vários modelos de dados e para os transferir ou analisar.
2 Resultados da pesquisa.
Grupos de itens: Administrative, Laboratory Results (Week 3-13, 25) - Hematology, Laboratory Results (Week 3-13, 25) - Hematology, Laboratory Results (Week 25) - Hematology , Laboratory Results (Week 3, 13, 25) - Chemistry, Laboratory Results (Week 3 and 13) - Chemistry, Laboratory Results (Week 7) - Chemistry, Laboratory Results (Week 7) - Chemistry , Laboratory Results (Week 25) - Chemistry , Physical Examination (Week 7, 13, 25), Physical Examination (Week 7, 13, 25), Post-Treatment Response (Week 7, 13, 25) - CT or other Radiological Imaging Results, Post-Treatment Response (Week 7, 13, 25) - Bone Marrow Biopsy, Post-Treatment Response (Week 7 and 13) - Received medication/transfusion, Post-Treatment Response (Week 7, 13, 25) - Measurable Lymphoma Disease, Post-Treatment Response (Week 7, 13, 25) - Non-Measurable Lymphoma Disease, Post-Treatment Response (Week 7, 13, 25) - Non-Measurable Lymphoma Disease, Post-Treatment Response (Week 7, 13, 25) - Response, Signature of Investigator
Grupos de itens: Administrative data, Investigational Product, Drug Dose, Tumor Measurements, Best Tumor Response, Pre-treatment Hematologies and Chemistries