Disease Response ×
  1. 1. Test clinico
    1. 1.1. Determinazione dell`idoneità
    1. 1.2. Storia medica
    1. 1.3. Esame fisico
    1. 1.4. Punteggio di valutazione
    1. 1.5. Diagnostica Apparativa
    1. 1.6. Laboratorio
    1. 1.7. Patologia / Istologia
    1. 1.8. Consenso
    1. 1.9. Terapia
    1. 1.10. Rapporto operativo
    1. 1.11. Evento avverso
    1. 1.12. Azione supplementare
  2. 2. Documentazione di routine
  3. 3. Registro / studio di coorte
  4. 4. Garanzia di qualità
  5. 5. Dati Standard
  6. 6. Risultato segnalato dal paziente
  7. 7. Specialità mediche
Modelli di dati selezionati

Devi effettuare il log in per selezionare i modelli di dati da scaricare per successive analisi

- 17/09/21 - 1 modulo, 9 itemgroups, 30 elementi, 2 lingue
Itemgroups: Adiminstrative Daten I, Geburtsdatum, Adiminstrative Daten II, Transplantationspatient, Rezidiv, Patient ist verstorben, Patient lebt, Gründe für vorzeitiges Ausscheiden aus der Studie, Unterschrift
- 30/03/21 - 1 modulo, 19 itemgroups, 62 elementi, 1 linguaggio
Itemgroups: Administrative, Laboratory Results (Week 3-13, 25) - Hematology, Laboratory Results (Week 3-13, 25) - Hematology, Laboratory Results (Week 25) - Hematology , Laboratory Results (Week 3, 13, 25) - Chemistry, Laboratory Results (Week 3 and 13) - Chemistry, Laboratory Results (Week 7) - Chemistry, Laboratory Results (Week 7) - Chemistry , Laboratory Results (Week 25) - Chemistry , Physical Examination (Week 7, 13, 25), Physical Examination (Week 7, 13, 25), Post-Treatment Response (Week 7, 13, 25) - CT or other Radiological Imaging Results, Post-Treatment Response (Week 7, 13, 25) - Bone Marrow Biopsy, Post-Treatment Response (Week 7 and 13) - Received medication/transfusion, Post-Treatment Response (Week 7, 13, 25) - Measurable Lymphoma Disease, Post-Treatment Response (Week 7, 13, 25) - Non-Measurable Lymphoma Disease, Post-Treatment Response (Week 7, 13, 25) - Non-Measurable Lymphoma Disease, Post-Treatment Response (Week 7, 13, 25) - Response, Signature of Investigator
- 19/02/21 - 1 modulo, 3 itemgroups, 6 elementi, 1 linguaggio
Itemgroups: Administrative Data, Response Evaluation, Complete Response Confirmation
- 10/03/19 - 1 modulo, 23 itemgroups, 109 elementi, 1 linguaggio
Itemgroups: Administrative, Visit Date, Was a physical examination performed?, Physical Examination, Vital Signs, 12-Lead ECG, ECG Result, ECG Findings, Hematology, Hematology , Clinical Chemistry, Coagulation and Electrolytes, Clinical Chemistry, Coagulation and Electrolytes , Urinalysis dipstick results, Urinalysis microscopy results, Urinalysis microscopy results , Serum beta-hCG Pregnancy Test, Radiographic Assessment, Radiographic Assessment , Disease Marker Assessment , Disease Marker Assessment , Disease Response, Study Treatment Compliance (Return) , New Adverse Events and Concomitant Treatment

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