Disease Response ×
  1. 1. Klinisk studie
  2. 2. Rutindokumentation
  3. 3. Register- och kohortstudier
  4. 4. Kvalitetssäkring
  5. 5. Datastandard
  6. 6. Frågeformulär för patienter
  7. 7. Medicinsk specialitet
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- 2021-09-17 - 1 Formulär, 9 Item-grupper, 30 Dataelement, 2 Språk
Item-grupper: Adiminstrative Daten I, Geburtsdatum, Adiminstrative Daten II, Transplantationspatient, Rezidiv, Patient ist verstorben, Patient lebt, Gründe für vorzeitiges Ausscheiden aus der Studie, Unterschrift
- 2021-03-30 - 1 Formulär, 19 Item-grupper, 62 Dataelement, 1 Språk
Item-grupper: Administrative, Laboratory Results (Week 3-13, 25) - Hematology, Laboratory Results (Week 3-13, 25) - Hematology, Laboratory Results (Week 25) - Hematology , Laboratory Results (Week 3, 13, 25) - Chemistry, Laboratory Results (Week 3 and 13) - Chemistry, Laboratory Results (Week 7) - Chemistry, Laboratory Results (Week 7) - Chemistry , Laboratory Results (Week 25) - Chemistry , Physical Examination (Week 7, 13, 25), Physical Examination (Week 7, 13, 25), Post-Treatment Response (Week 7, 13, 25) - CT or other Radiological Imaging Results, Post-Treatment Response (Week 7, 13, 25) - Bone Marrow Biopsy, Post-Treatment Response (Week 7 and 13) - Received medication/transfusion, Post-Treatment Response (Week 7, 13, 25) - Measurable Lymphoma Disease, Post-Treatment Response (Week 7, 13, 25) - Non-Measurable Lymphoma Disease, Post-Treatment Response (Week 7, 13, 25) - Non-Measurable Lymphoma Disease, Post-Treatment Response (Week 7, 13, 25) - Response, Signature of Investigator
- 2021-02-19 - 1 Formulär, 3 Item-grupper, 6 Dataelement, 1 Språk
Item-grupper: Administrative Data, Response Evaluation, Complete Response Confirmation

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