Palabras clave
Treatment Form ×
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Tabla de contenido
  1. 1. Ensayo clínico
    1. 1.1. Determinación de Elegibilidad
    1. 1.2. Historial médico
    1. 1.3. Examen físico
    1. 1.4. Puntuación de evaluación
    1. 1.5. Diagnóstico aparente
    1. 1.6. Laboratorio
    1. 1.7. Patología / Histología
    1. 1.8. Consentimiento
    1. 1.9. Terapia
    1. 1.10. Informe Operativo
    1. 1.11. Acontecimiento adverso
    1. 1.12. Seguimiento
  2. 2. Documentación de rutina
  3. 3. Estudio de registro / cohorte
  4. 4. Seguro de calidad
  5. 5. Estándar de datos
  6. 6. Resultado reportado por el paciente
  7. 7. Especialidad médica
Modelos de datos seleccionados

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- 23/8/19 - 1 formulario, 13 itemgroups, 48 items, 1 idioma
Itemgroups: Administrative, Prior Ovarian Cancer Treatment - Chemotherapy, Has the patient received radiotherapy?, Prior Ovarian Cancer Treatment - Radiotherapy , Has the patient received prior cancer-related surgery?, Prior Ovarian Cancer Treatment - Surgical Treatment , Has the patient received other cancer-related treatments?, Other Cancer Related Treatments, Laboratory Tests (within 7 days prior to Day 1) - Haematology, Laboratory Tests (within 7 days prior to Day 1) - Haematology , Laboratory Tests (within 7 days prior to Day 1) - Chemistry, Laboratory Tests (within 7 days prior to Day 1) - Chemistry , Lesion Assessment Record
- 1/1/15 - 1 formulario, 10 itemgroups, 78 items, 1 idioma
Itemgroups: Header section, Vital Status, Patient Characteristics, Therapy Administered - Melphalan, Therapy Administered - Prednisone, Therapy Administered - Thalidomide, Therapy Administered - Prophylaxis Treatment, Therapy Administered - Lenalidomide, Non-Protocol Therapy, Comments

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