Concomitant Medication ×
  1. 1. Klinische Studie
  2. 2. Routinedokumentation
  3. 3. Register-/Kohortenstudien
  4. 4. Qualitätssicherung
  5. 5. Datenstandard
  6. 6. Patientenfragebogen
  7. 7. Medizinische Fachrichtung
    1. 7.1. Anästhesie
    1. 7.2. Dermatologie
    1. 7.3. HNO
    1. 7.4. Geriatrie
    1. 7.5. Gynäkologie/Geburtshilfe
    1. 7.6. Innere Medizin
      1. Hämatologie
      1. Infektiologie
      1. Kardiologie/Angiologie
      1. Pneumologie
      1. Gastroenterologie
      1. Nephrologie
      1. Endokrinologie/Stoffwechsel
      1. Rheumatologie
    1. 7.7. Neurologie
    1. 7.8. Augenheilkunde
    1. 7.9. Palliativmedizin
    1. 7.10. Pathologie/Rechtsmedizin
    1. 7.11. Kinderheilkunde
    1. 7.12. Psychiatrie/Psychosomatik
    1. 7.13. Radiologie
    1. 7.14. Chirurgie
      1. Allgemein-/Viszeralchirurgie
      1. Neurochirurgie
      1. Plastische Chirurgie
      1. Herz-/Thoraxchirurgie
      1. Unfallchirurgie/Orthopädie
      1. Gefäßchirurgie
    1. 7.15. Urologie
    1. 7.16. Zahnmedizin/MKG
Ausgewählte Datenmodelle

Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um mehrere Datenmodelle auszuwählen und diese herunterzuladen oder zu analysieren.

- 24.02.20 - 1 Formular, 15 Itemgruppen, 131 Datenelemente, 1 Sprache
Itemgruppen: Date of Visit/ Assessment, Log Status, Concomitant Medications, Non-Serious Adverse Event, Serious Adverse Event - Type of Report, Serious Adverse Event - Randomisation, Serious Adverse Event, Serious Adverse Event - Intensity Changes, Serious Adverse Event - Seriousness, Serious Adverse Event - Relevant Concomitant/ Treatment Medications, Serious Adverse Events - Relevant Medical Conditions/ Risk Factors, Serious Adverse Event - Relevant Diagnostic Results, Serious Adverse Event - Rechallenge, Serious Adverse Event - Investigational Product, Serious Adverse Event - Non clinical
- 20.12.17 - 1 Formular, 18 Itemgruppen, 51 Datenelemente, 1 Sprache
Itemgruppen: Current Dose Level, Vital signs, Concomitant Medication, Adverse Experiences, L-Dopa Rescue, Study Medication Compliance, End of visit instructions for patients continuing, End of visit instructions for patients not continuing, ERG Examintion Appointment Card, Concomitant Medication, Details on concomitant medication, Levodopa Rescue Therapy, Details on Levodopa - rescue therapy, Adverse Experiences, Details on Adverse Experiences, Investigator´s Signature, Patient Continuation / Withdrawal, Investigator´s Signature
- 26.09.17 - 1 Formular, 15 Itemgruppen, 61 Datenelemente, 1 Sprache
Itemgruppen: General Information, Informed Consent, Demography, Vital signs, Date of onset of symptoms of parkinson´s disease, Modified Hoehn and Yahr Parkinsons Disease Staging, Significant medical / surgical history and physical examination, Details on Significant medical or surgical condition, Prior anti-parkinson medication, Details on prior anti-parkinson medication, Other prior medication (excluding anti-parkinson medication), Details on other prior medication (excluding anti-parkinson medication), Inclusion Criteria, Exclusion Criteria, Laboratory tests

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