- 25/6/21 - 1 formulario, 11 itemgroups, 110 items, 2 idiomas
Itemgroups: History and Physical Examination Elements, Patient History, Family History, Patient Assessment, Laboratory Results Elements, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures Elements, Diagnostic Procedure Results, Therapeutic Procedures, Therapeutic Procedure Device Implants, Pharmacological Therapy Data Elements, Outcomes Data Elements
- 13/4/21 - 1 formulario, 8 itemgroups, 46 items, 2 idiomas
Itemgroups: Patient history (AAA), Physical Assessment, Diagnostics, noninvasive, Diagnostics, invasive, Therapeutic Procedures, Patient counseling education, Follow-Up, Outcomes of Open AAA and Endovascular Repair
- 15/3/21 - 1 formulario, 24 itemgroups, 94 items, 2 idiomas
Itemgroups: Demographics, Clinical History, Prostatic specific Antigen (PSA), Diagnostic PSA, PSA Matrix, Histological Characteristics of Prostatectomy, Prostatectomy: Primary Gleason Grade, Prostatectomy: Secondary Gleason Grade, Prostatectomy: Gleason Sum Score, Histological Characteristics of Prostatectomy II, Regional Lymph node status at the time of Prostatectomy, Recurrence/Metastasis Status, Clinical verified tissue recurrence/metastasis, Staging, Pathological staging, Clinical Staging, Vital Status/Follow Up Date, Therapy Matrix, Type of Therapy, Overall Needle Biopsy Attributes, Biopsy: Primary Gleason Grade, Biopsy: Secondary Gleason Grade, Biopsy: Gleason Sum Score, Overall Needle Biopsy Attributes II
- 13/4/21 - 1 formulario, 10 itemgroups, 57 items, 2 idiomas
Itemgroups: Signs and Symptoms, Physical evaluation, Diagnostics, noninvasive, Diagnostics, invasive, Pharmacological Therapy Claudication, Exercise Program, Therapeutic Procedures, Procedure Outcomes, Clinical Outcomes, Cardiovascular Outcomes
- 13/4/21 - 1 formulario, 9 itemgroups, 52 items, 2 idiomas
Itemgroups: Patient history, Anatomic High-Risk Conditions, Comorbitiy, cardiopulmonary, Patient assessment, Diagnostic Procedures, Therapeutic Procedures, invasive, Outcomes, Patient education, Outcomes

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