- 20.09.21 - 1 Formular, 49 Itemgruppen, 239 Datenelemente, 2 Sprachen
Itemgruppen: General information, allergic reaction, Hämoglobin, Leukocytes, Neutrophils, Platelets, Arrhythmias, Cardiac ischemia/infarction, Hypertension, Hypotension, Left ventricular systolic dysfunction, Pericarditis, Pulmonary Hypertension, DIC, Fibrinogen, Fever (Neutrophils > 1,0 GPt/l), Neutropenic fever, Rash/desquamation, Pancreas endocrine, Diarrhea, Dysphagia/Esophagitis/Gastritis/Ileus, Enteritis, Mukositis/Stomatitis, Nausea and vomiting, Hemorrhage, Pankreatitis, Infection, Alkaline Phosphatase, ALAT, GPT, ASAT, GOT, Bilirubin, Creatinine, GGT, Ataxia, Motor neuropathy, Sensory neuropathy, Seizures, Nystagmus, Disorder of eye, Pain, Dyspnea, Hypoxia, Pleural effusion (non-malignant), Pneumonitis/pulmonary infiltrates, Cystitis, Tumor lysis syndrome, Thrombosis and Embolism, other, Unterschrift
- 10.02.16 - 1 Formular, 6 Itemgruppen, 10 Datenelemente, 1 Sprache
Itemgruppen: Patient data, Skin, Liver, Intestines, Patient findings, Signature
- 26.06.15 - 1 Formular, 24 Itemgruppen, 84 Datenelemente, 2 Sprachen
Itemgruppen: General Info, Influenza-like symptoms, Constitutional symptoms, Ocular/Visual, Dermatologic, Cardiac, Pulmonary, Gastrointestinal, Vascular, Neurologic, Hematological, Infection sites, For each of the sites listed below, indicate the severity of infection present, Pain sites, Severity of pain, Donor Pre-Apheresis vital signs, Donor Pre-Apheresis hematology, First apheresis, Specify therapy, Second apheresis, Specify therapy, Third apheresis, Specify therapy, Donor post-apheresis hematology
- 28.05.15 - 1 Formular, 6 Itemgruppen, 49 Datenelemente, 1 Sprache
Itemgruppen: Header Module, Record the highest level of organ abnormalities, the etiologies contributing to the abnormalities and any biopsy results pertaining to GVHD during the assessment period, Skin etiologies, Upper intestinal tract etiologies, Lower intestinal tract etiologies, Liver etiologies

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