Tabakkonsum ×
- Klinische Studie [Dokumenttyp] (11)
- Alkoholgenuß (5)
- Körperliche Untersuchung (4)
- Schwangerschaftstests (4)
- Non Small Cell Lung Cancer (4)
- Hämatologie (4)
- Radiologie (3)
- Drogenmißbrauchnachweis (3)
- Biochemie (3)
- Klinische Studie, Phase III [Dokumenttyp] (3)
- Asthma (2)
- Serologie (2)
- Pulmonale Krankheiten (Fachgebiet) (2)
- Lungenkrankheiten, chronisch obstruktive (2)
- Gesunde Probanden (2)
- Baseline (2)
- Cotinin (2)
- Diabetes mellitus (2)
- Makulaödem (2)
- Anamnesenerhebung (2)
- Ophthalmologie (2)
- Rhinitis, allergische, perenniale (1)
- Tabak (1)
- Chemotherapie, adjuvante (1)
- Atemlufttests (1)
- Urinprobenentnahme (1)
- On-Study Form (1)
- Type 2 Diabetes (1)
- Demographie (1)
- Arzneimittelevaluation (1)
- Glukokortikoide (1)
- HIV (1)
- Infektion (1)
Ausgewählte Datenmodelle
Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um mehrere Datenmodelle auszuwählen und diese herunterzuladen oder zu analysieren.
12 Suchergebnisse.
Itemgruppe: History of tobacco use
Itemgruppen: Administrative, Alcohol Intake, Alcohol Breath Test, Urine Test for Drugs of Abuse, Urine Test for Drugs of Abuse , Urine Cotinine Test, History of Tobacco Use
Itemgruppen: Administrative, Demography, Medical Conditions, Alcohol intake, History of Tobacco Use, Serology
Itemgruppen: Administrative data, HISTORY OF TOBACCO USE, SEROLOGY - HIV SCREEN
Itemgruppen: Medical and Surgical History, Significant Medical and Surgical History, NSCLC Diagnosis, NSCLC-related Surgery, Tobacco/Nicotine History at Randomization, Prior Adjuvant Chemotherapy, Prior Adjuvant Chemotherapy for NSCLC, Optional Research Blood Sample, Radiology, Vital Assessment, Physical Examination, Pregnancy Test, Hematology, Biochemistry/Proteomics, Study Drug Dispensed, Investigator's Signature
Itemgruppen: Header, Vital Assessment, Physical Examination, Pregnancy Test, Hematology, Biochemistry/Proteomics, Cigarette Smoking Status, Tobacco/Nicotine Use Status, Radiology, Study Drug Dispensed
Itemgruppen: Header, Vital Assessment, Physical Examination, Pregnancy Test, Hematology, Biochemistry/Proteomics, Cigarette Smoking Status, Tobacco/Nicotine Use Status, Radiology, Study Drug Dispensed Applicable, Study Drug Dispensed
Itemgruppen: Vital Assessment, Physical Examination, Pregnancy Test, Hematology, Biochemistry/Proteomics, Cigarette Smoking Status, Tobacco/Nicotine Use Status, Open-label Tarceva Dispensed
Itemgruppe: General Information
Itemgruppen: Patient administration, ALCOHOL / TOBACCO USE HISTORY (SCREENING)
Itemgruppen: Patient administration, ALCOHOL / TOBACCO USE HISTORY (SCREENING)
Itemgruppen: Administrative data, Alcohol intake, Urine test for drugs, cotinine and alcohol, History of tobacco use