Disease Management ×
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2 Suchergebnisse.
Itemgruppen: RC: Respiratory findings, RC: Cardiovascular findings, RC: Neurological findings, RC: Further findings, RC: Vitals, RC: Lung ultrasound, RC: worst chest CT result, RC: Co/Superinfections, RC: Antibacterial treatment: Betalactams, RC: Antibacterial treatment: Macrolides, RC: Antibacterial treatment: Other antibacterial treatment, RC: Multiple sclerosis, severity after COVID-19 infection, RC: Pulmonary function test (Spirometry), RC: Deterioration of prior chronic pulmonary disease, RC: Is data entry for this section finished?
Itemgruppen: CO: Symptoms / Findings, CO: Feeling of breathlessness, CO: Fever, CO: Vitals, CO: Lung ultrasound, CO: worst chest CT result, CO: Antivirals, CO: Antibiotics, CO: Antifungals, CO: Immunomodulators, CO: Cardiovascular medication, CO: Non-oral anticoagulants, CO: Oral anticoagulants, CO: Platelet aggregation inhibition, CO: Further anticoagulation / platelet aggregation inhibition, CO: Other COVID-19 related therapy, CO: Co/Superinfections, CO: Antibacterial treatment, Betalactams, CO: Antibacterial treatment: Macrolides, CO: Antibacterial treatment: Other antibacterial treatment, CO: Complications, Thrombotic and thromboembolic manifestations, CO: Complications, Neurological, CO, Ischemic stroke: TOAST classification, CO, Ischemic stroke: NIHSS score in acute phase, CO: Complications, Other, CO, Acute kidney injury (KDIGO criteria), CO: SOFA score, CO: Is data entry for this section finished?