- 24.10.20 - 1 Formular, 14 Itemgruppen, 71 Datenelemente, 1 Sprache
Itemgruppen: Administrative Data, SAE during study, Demography, SAE, Cause of SAE other that investigational product, Seriousness of adverse event, Medical conditions explaining SAE, Other risk factors relevant to SAE, Details of investigational product, Concomitant medications related to SAE, Comments, Details of relevant assessments, Reporting investigator information, Additional or Follow-Up Information
- 21.10.20 - 1 Formular, 3 Itemgruppen, 22 Datenelemente, 1 Sprache
Itemgruppen: Administrative Data, Adverse Events, Adverse Events
- 11.01.19 - 1 Formular, 15 Itemgruppen, 94 Datenelemente, 1 Sprache
Itemgruppen: Administrative data, Informed Consent, Demographics, Eligibility Check, Inclusion Criteria, Exclusion Criteria, General Medical History / Physical Examination, Meningococcal Vaccination History, Hib Vaccination History, Pertussis Vaccination History, Disease History, Laboratory Tests - Blood, Medication, Study Conclusion, Investigator's Confirmation

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