- 10.01.19 - 1 Formular, 18 Itemgruppen, 79 Datenelemente, 1 Sprache
Itemgruppen: Administrative data, Dose 2 - Local Symptoms - Vaccine 1, Redness (Local Symptoms), Swelling (Local Symptoms), Pain (Local Symptoms), Dose 2 - Local Symptoms - Vaccine 2, Redness (Local Symptoms), Swelling (Local Symptoms), Pain (Local Symptoms), Dose 2 - Other Local Symptoms, Dose 2 - General Symptoms, Temperature (General Symptoms), Irritability / Fussiness (General Symptoms), Drowsiness (General Symptoms), Loss of Appetite (General Symptoms), Dose 2 - Other General Symptoms, Dose 2 - Medication, Reminder
- 28.11.18 - 1 Formular, 9 Itemgruppen, 8 Datenelemente, 1 Sprache
Itemgruppen: Absolute Contraindications, DTPw vaccines, GSK Biologicals' RotarixTM vaccine or its placebo, Local registered OPV, Relative Contraindications, DTPw vaccines, GSK Biologicals' RotarixTM or its placebo, Precautions for DTPw vaccines, DTPw-HBV vaccines should under no circumstances be administered intravenously
- 30.11.18 - 1 Formular, 17 Itemgruppen, 54 Datenelemente, 1 Sprache
Itemgruppen: Administrative data, Vaccine Administration, Vaccine, Side/ Site/ Route, Administration according to Protocol, Vaccine 2, Side/ Site/ Route, Administration according to Protocol, Non administration, Immediate Post-Vaccination Observation, Vaccine 3, Side/ Site/ Route, Administration according to Protocol, Vaccine 4, Side/Site/Route, Administration according to Protocol, Commentary
- 09.01.19 - 1 Formular, 11 Itemgruppen, 74 Datenelemente, 1 Sprache
Itemgruppen: Administrative data, Check for Study Continuation, Elimination Criteria During The Study, Vaccine Administration - Vaccine 1, Vaccine Administration - Vaccine 2, Non-administration, Unsolicited Adverse Events, Solicited Adverse Events - Local Symptoms, Solicited Adverse Events - Local Symptoms - Vaccine 2, Solicited Adverse Events, General Symptoms
- 29.11.18 - 1 Formular, 9 Itemgruppen, 52 Datenelemente, 1 Sprache
Itemgruppen: Administrative data, Solicited Adverse Events, Fever, Irritability/Fussiness, Drowsiness, Loss of Appetite, Vomiting, Diarrhea, In case of "Severe" Intensity of Crying:

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