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Visa mer Nyckelord
  1. 1. Test clinico
  2. 2. Documentazione di routine
  3. 3. Registro / studio di coorte
  4. 4. Garanzia di qualità
  5. 5. Dati Standard
  6. 6. Risultato segnalato dal paziente
  7. 7. Specialità mediche
    1. 7.1. Anestesiologia
    1. 7.2. Dermatologia
    1. 7.3. orecchio naso gola
    1. 7.4. Geriatria
    1. 7.5. Ginecologia / Ostetricia
    1. 7.6. Medicina Interna
      1. Ematologia
      1. Malattie infettive
      1. Cardiologia / Angiologia
      1. pneumologia
      1. Gastroenterologia
      1. Nefrologia
      1. Endocrinologia / Malattie metaboliche
      1. Reumatologia
    1. 7.7. Neurologia
    1. 7.8. Oftalmologia
    1. 7.9. Cure palliative
    1. 7.10. Patologia / Forense
    1. 7.11. Pediatria
    1. 7.12. Psichiatria / Psicosomatica
    1. 7.13. Radiologia
    1. 7.14. Chirurgia
      1. Chirurgia generale / viscerale
      1. Neurochirurgia
      1. Chirurgia plastica
      1. Chirurgia toracica
      1. Trauma / Ortopedia
      1. Chirurgia vascolare
    1. 7.15. Urologia
    1. 7.16. Medicina odontoiatrica / OMS
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- 02/01/19 - 1 Formulär, 37 Item-grupper, 183 Dataelement, 1 Språk
Item-grupper: Administrative data, (Serious) Hypoglycaemic Events, Serious Adverse Events, Injection Site Reaction, Pancreatitis, Symptoms of Gastrointestinal Illness Associated with Pancreatitis, Pain in the Epigastrium, Pain in the Periumbical Region, Pain in the Right Upper Quadrant, Pain in the Left Upper Quadrant, Pain in the Left Lower Quadrant, Pain in the Right Lower Quadrant, Pain in the Right Flank, Pain in the Left Flank, Pain in the Back, Other Symptoms, Nausea, Vomiting, Fever, Biochemistry, Alkaline phosphatase, Total bilirubin, Direct bilirubin, Creatinine, Other lab test, Diagnostic Studies - Pancreatitis, Abdominal CT Scan, MRI, New Thyroid Nodules, Bidimensional Measurement, Thyroid Nodules AE Details, Thyroid function tests, Free T4, T4, TSH, Free T3, T3 Uptake
- 07/06/20 - 1 Formulär, 14 Item-grupper, 156 Dataelement, 1 Språk
Item-grupper: Date of liver biopsy, Liver Biopsy size, Liver Biopsy Final Diagnosis, Liver Architecture, Description of Liver Cells or Hepatocytes, Liver Cell or Hepatocyte Inclusions or Vacuoles, Hepatocyte or Liver Cell Nuclear Abnormalities, Liver or Lobular Infiltrates, Portal Tract Inflammation, Bile Ducts, Portal Veins, Liver Infections, Liver: Parasites or Ova, Histologic Staining or Additional Studies Obtained
- 07/06/20 - 1 Formulär, 4 Item-grupper, 29 Dataelement, 1 Språk
Item-grupper: Liver disease medical conditions, Drug related liver disease conditions, Other liver disease conditions, Other medical conditions

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