- Scores & Instruments (10)
- Released Standard (8)
- Hospital Mortality (3)
- Routine documentation (3)
- Organ Dysfunction Scores (2)
- Standard Instrument (2)
- Registries (1)
- Lung Injury (1)
- Common Data Elements (CDE) (1)
- DIVI (1)
- Emergency Medical Services (1)
- Intensive Care Units (1)
- Anesthesia (1)
- Anesthesiology (1)
- Multiple Organ Failure (1)
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12 Sökresultat.
Item-grupper: Allgemeine Daten, Diagnosen, Prozeduren, SAPS2, Atmung und Beatmung, Labordaten, Monitoring/klinische Befunde, Blut und Blutprodukte , Medikamente und Flüssigkeit, Mikrobiologie Keime und Resistenz, Schichtberichte, Radiologiebefunde, CAM-ICU
Item-grupper: DNR (do not resuscitate) / AND (allowed natural death), Procedures and complications
1 Item-grupp 28 DataelementAufnahmestatus
2 Item-grupper 37 DataelementEntlassung aus dem Krankenhaus
1 Item-grupp 2 DataelementTägliche Datenerhebung
2 Item-grupper 25 Dataelement Item-grupper: Physiology, Chronic diagnoses, Acute diagnoses, Other, Probabilitiy of hospital mortality
Item-grupper: Neurologic System, Cardiovascular System, Renal System, Pulmonary System, Hematologic System, Hepatic System, total score
Item-grupper: Variables Ascertained at Admission, 24-h Assessments, Probabilitiy of hospital mortality
Item-grupper: Variables Ascertained at Admission, 24-Hr Interval Assessments, Probabilities of hospital mortality
Item-grupper: Acute Physiology Score, Age score, Chronic Health score, total score
Item-grupp: SWIFT score
Item-grupp: Oxygenation Index
Item-grupp: MOD score
Item-grupp: Lung Injury Score
Item-grupp: Default Itemgroup