Klinische Studie [Dokumenttyp] ×
- Klassifikation (24)
- Atmungsinsuffizienz (18)
- Traumatologie (18)
- Adverse event (17)
- Endokrinologie (3)
- Sumatriptan (2)
- Anämie, autoimmunhämolytische (2)
- Migräne (2)
- Naproxen (2)
- Patientenaufnahme (2)
- Therapie (1)
- Biopsie (1)
- Klinische Studie, Phase III [Dokumenttyp] (1)
- Kopfschmerz (1)
- Hämatologie (1)
- Lymphom, Non-Hodgkin- (1)
- Anamnesenerhebung (1)
- Neurologie (1)
- Pathologie (1)
Ausgewählte Datenmodelle
Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um mehrere Datenmodelle auszuwählen und diese herunterzuladen oder zu analysieren.
24 Suchergebnisse.
Itemgruppen: Administrative Data, Head Impact Test (HIT-6) Score, IHS Headache Classification1, Migraine History, Previous Treatment for Migraine
Itemgruppen: Biopsy, Biopsy , Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin | Classification, Pathologist evaluation | Central, Basis of Assessment, Pathologist evaluation | Central | Description, Administrative
Itemgruppen: Administrative Information, IHS Headache Classification, Migraine History, Subject Recruitment
Itemgruppe: FACIT
Itemgruppe: SF36v2
Itemgruppen: Date of Visit, LDH, Vital signs, Six-Minute Walk Test, Circulatory Symptoms, Signature principal investigator
Itemgruppen: Patient identification, TISS, TISS ventilation, Cardiovascular Support, Kidney supportive measures, Neurologic, Specific intervention, Adverse Events Day 84 to 90, Serious adverse event 84 to 90, Other
Itemgruppen: Patient identification, TISS, TISS ventilation, Cardiovascular Support, Kidney supportive measures, Neurologic, Specific intervention, Adverse Events Day 77 to 83, Serious adverse event 77 to 83, Other
Itemgruppen: Patient identification, TISS, TISS ventilation, Cardiovascular Support, Kidney supportive measures, Neurologic, Specific intervention, Adverse Events Day 70 to 76, Serious adverse event 70 to 76, Other
Itemgruppen: Patient identification, TISS, TISS ventilation, Cardiovascular Support, Kidney supportive measures, Neurologic, Specific intervention, Adverse Events Day 49 to 55, Serious adverse event 49 to 55, Other
Itemgruppen: Patient identification, TISS, TISS ventilation, Cardiovascular Support, Kidney supportive measures, Neurologic, Specific intervention, Adverse Events Day 63 to 69, Serious adverse event 63 to 69, Other
Itemgruppen: Patient identification, TISS, TISS ventilation, Cardiovascular Support, Kidney supportive measures, Neurologic, Specific intervention, Adverse Events Day 56 to 62, Serious adverse event 56 to 62, Other