- 4/6/22 - 1 form, 16 itemgroups, 158 items, 1 language
Itemgroups: Administrative, Vital Signs, 12-Lead ECG, Laboratory Results Data (Haematology) - Pre-Dose, Laboratory Results Data (Clinical Chemistry) - Pre-Dose, Urinalysis - Pre-Dose, Randomisation Number, Investigational Product, Treatment Confirmation, PET Scan (2), fMRI Scan - Post-PET Scan, PET Scan (3), Pharmacokinetics - Blood, Laboratory Results Data (Haematology) - 24hrs Post-Dose, Laboratory Result Data (Clinical Chemistry) - 24hrs Post-Dose, Urinalysis - 24hrs Post-Dose
- 6/17/20 - 1 form, 12 itemgroups, 62 items, 1 language
Itemgroups: Administrative Data, Date of hepatic or liver imaging test, method used for imaging test, images technically adequate, liver size, liver texture, diffuse and/or geographic fatty infiltrate of the liver, Ascites present, Focal Hepatic Lesions characterisable, Gallstones or gallbladder lesions, Biliary ductal lesions, Portal/Hepatic vein abnormalities

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