Modelli di dati selezionati

Devi effettuare il log in per selezionare i modelli di dati da scaricare per successive analisi

- 10/05/21 - 1 modulo, 17 itemgroups, 57 elementi, 1 linguaggio
Itemgroups: Administrative, Date of Visit/ Assessment, Randomisation (only Session 1), Vital Signs, Sitting Vital Signs - Predose, Orthostatic Vital Signs - Predose (Reading 1) - Supine for 5 mins, Orthostatic Vital Signs - Predose (Reading 2) - Sitting for 2 mins , Orthostatic Vital Signs - Predose (Reading 3) - Standing for 3 mins , Orthostatic Vital Signs - Post Dose - Sitting, Orthostatic Vital Signs - 10 Hours (Reading 1) - Supine for 5 mins, Orthostatic Vital Signs - 10 Hours (Reading 2) - Sitting for 2 mins , Orthostatic Vital Signs - 10 Hours (Reading 3) - Standing for 3 mins , Pharmacokinetics Blood - Dosing Date and Time, Pharmacokinetics Blood, Investigational Product, Treatment Confirmation, 12-Lead ECG (only Session 4)

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