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- Clinical Trial (40)
- Follow-Up Studies (39)
- Disease Response (1)
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40 Zoekresultaten.
Itemgroepen: CRF Header, Colorectal: Vital Status, Colorectal: Disease Follow-Up Status, Colorectal: Notice of Progression, Colorectal: Notice of New Primary, Comments
Itemgroepen: Header Module, Vital Status, Cancer Follow-Up Status, First Peritoneal Surface Recurrence, First Distant Recurrence, Notice of First Subsequent Treatment, Notice of New Primary, Late Adverse Event, Late Adverse Event Reporting
Itemgroepen: Header Module, Header, Adjuvant Therapy Data, Disease Assessment Data, Notice of First Recurrence /Progression, Notice of New Primary, Footer Module
Itemgroepen: Header Module, Header, Footer Module
Itemgroepen: Header, VITAL STATUS, Comments
Itemgroepen: Header, Follow-Up, Late Adverse Events
Itemgroepen: Header, Vital Status, Cancer Follow-up Status, First Recurrence, New Primary Cancer or MDS
Itemgroepen: Header, Vital Status, Cancer Follow-up Status, First HEPATIC Recurrence Since Randomization, First Non-Hepatic Recurrence, New Primary Cancer or MDS
Itemgroepen: Header Module, Vital Status, Diagnostic Imaging, First Recurrence, New Primary Cancer or MDS, CEA Level, Footer Module
Itemgroepen: Header Module, Header, Footer Module
Itemgroepen: Header Module, SURVIVAL DATA, Disease Status, Progression/Relapse, Colonoscopy Information, Neuropathy, NON-PROTOCOL TREATMENT, NEW PRIMARY DATA
Itemgroepen: Header, Patient demographics, Miscellaneous Patient Assessment, CCRR MODULE