- 7/8/17 - 1 form, 1 itemgroup, 36 items, 2 languages
Itemgroup: openEHR-EHR-EVALUATION.tobacco_smoking_summary.v1.xml
Use to record summary information about the individual's pattern of smoking of tobacco and tobacco-containing products. This archetype is to be used to record information about both current and previous smoking behaviour. The specific scope of this archetype is on documentation about the use of all types of inhaled tobacco smoke because of the associated health risks from direct inhalation of tobacco and associated chemicals. Amount of nicotine and tar, use of filters and additives has been left outside of scope for the core archetype, but could be added into the Episode SLOT if required. Please note that the scope of this archetype does not include unintentional exposure to tobacco smoke (see Misuse). The 'Per type' cluster of data elements allows for recording of specific details and episodes about each type of tobacco smoked and can be repeated once per type. The list of tobacco types listed in the 'Per type' run-time name constraint identifies the type of tobacco. This name constraint can be applied during template modelling or at run-time within a software application. In many situations the individual will only smoke one type of tobacco, such as manufactured cigarettes. If other types of tobacco are smoked, the details will be recorded in another instance of the 'Per type' cluster. The history of waxing and waning of use for each type of tobacco over time can be captured using the repeatable 'Per episode' cluster. This cluster of data elements allows for a very detailed pattern of smoking behaviour to be recorded for each type of tobacco smoked such as daily 'roll-your-own' cigarette smoking, alongside weekly cigar smoking every Friday night and occasional Bidi smoking while on holiday in Bali. Triggers for closing one episode and commencing a new one will largely reflect local data collection preferences, including if the individual: - quits for a significant period of time (which will likely be locally defined); or - significantly changes their amount of use or pattern of their smoking. If only one type of tobacco is smoked, the value for 'Pack years' will be identical to the 'Overall pack years' data element. If more than one type of tobacco is smoked, the calculation for the value for 'Overall pack years' will require a more complex algorithm such as http://smokingpackyears.com/. Use to incorporate the narrative descriptions of tobacco smoking habits within existing or legacy clinical systems into an archetyped format, using the 'Overall description' data element.

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