Krankheitszeichen und Symptome ×
- Klinische Studie [Dokumenttyp] (6)
- Schmerz (6)
- Klinische Studie, Phase III [Dokumenttyp] (5)
- Vakzine (3)
- Hepatitis-B-Vakzine (3)
- Haemophilus influenzae Typ b (3)
- Hepatitis B (3)
- Sicherheit (2)
- Diphtherie-Tetanus-azelluläre-Pertussis-Vakzine (2)
- On-Study Form (2)
- Pharmakokinetik (1)
- Temperatur (1)
- Vakzination (1)
- Beobachtung (1)
- Zerebrovaskulärer Insult (1)
- Kind (1)
- Arzneimittelbezogene Randeffekte und Nebenwirkungen (1)
- Adverse event (1)
- Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) (1)
- Abszeß (1)
- Ekchymose (1)
- Kopfschmerz (1)
- Influenza (1)
- Grippevakzine (1)
- Neisseria meningitidis (1)
- Schmerzmessung (1)
- Patientenbeteiligung (1)
Ausgewählte Datenmodelle
Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um mehrere Datenmodelle auszuwählen und diese herunterzuladen oder zu analysieren.
7 Suchergebnisse.
Itemgruppen: Administrative Data, Events Common To Stroke Patients
Immunogenicity and safety of Fluarix / Influsplit in young adults and elderly - 111631 - Diary Cards
Itemgruppen: Administrative data, LOCAL SYMPTOMS (at injection site), Local Symptoms - Redness, Local Symptoms - Swelling, Local Symptoms - Induration, Local Symptoms - Ecchymosis, Local Symptoms - Pain, OTHER LOCAL SYMPTOMS (from Day 0 to Day 20), MEDICATION, GENERAL SYMPTOMS, General Symptoms - Temperature, General Symptoms - Fatigue, General Symptoms - Headache, General Symptoms - Myalgia, General Symptoms - Shivering, General Symptoms - Arthralgia, General Symptoms - Sweating increase, OTHER GENERAL SYMPTOMS, Reminder
Itemgruppen: Administrative data, Dose 1 - Local Symptoms - Vaccine 1, Redness (Local Symptoms), Swelling (Local Symptoms), Pain (Local Symptoms), Dose 1 - Local Symptoms - Vaccine 2, Redness (Local Symptoms), Swelling (Local Symptoms), Pain (Local Symptoms), Dose 1 - Other Local Symptoms, Dose 1 - General Symptoms, Temperature (General Symptoms), Irritability / Fussiness (General Symptoms), Drowsiness (General Symptoms), Loss of Appetite (General Symptoms), Dose 1 - Other General Symptoms, Dose 1 - Medication, Reminder
Itemgruppen: Administrative data, Local Symptoms - Redness (at injection site), Local Symptoms - Swelling (at injection site), Local Symptoms - Pain (at injection site), Other Local Symptoms
Itemgruppen: Administrative data, Solicited Adverse Events - DTPw-HBV Kft vaccine, Local Symptoms - Redness, Local Symptoms - Swelling, Local Symptoms - Pain, Solicited Adverse Events - HiberixTM vaccine, Local Symptoms - Redness, Local Symptoms - Swelling, Local Symptoms - Pain
Itemgruppen: Administrative data, Local Symptoms (at injection site) Triple AntigenTM Vaccine, for investigator only, Local Symptoms (at injection site) EngerixTM Vaccine, for investigator only
Itemgruppen: Administrative data, Local Symptoms (at injection site) Triple AntigenTM Vaccine, for investigator only, Local Symptoms (at injection site) EngerixTM Vaccine, for investigator only