Schizofrene stoornissen ×
Table of contents
  1. 1. Estudo clínico
  2. 2. Documentação de rotina
  3. 3. Estudos de registo/coortes
  4. 4. Garantia da qualidade
  5. 5. Padrão de dados
  6. 6. Questionário do paciente
  7. 7. Especialidade médica
    1. 7.1. Anestesia
    1. 7.2. Dermatologia
    1. 7.3. Otorrinolaringologia
    1. 7.4. Geriatria
    1. 7.5. Ginecologia/obstetrícia
    1. 7.6. Medicina interna
      1. Hematologia
      1. Infecciologia
      1. Cardiologia/angiologia
      1. Pneumologia
      1. Gastroenterologia
      1. Nefrologia
      1. Endocrinologia/metabolismo
      1. Reumatologia
    1. 7.7. Neurologia
    1. 7.8. Oftalmologia
    1. 7.9. Medicina paliativa
    1. 7.10. Patologia/medicina Legal
    1. 7.11. Pediatria
    1. 7.12. Psiquiatria/psicossomática
    1. 7.13. Radiologia
    1. 7.14. Cirurgia
      1. Cirurgia geral/abdominal
      1. Neurocirurgia
      1. Cirurgia plástica
      1. Cirurgia cardíaca/torácica
      1. Cirurgia de trauma/ortopedia
      1. Cirurgia vascular
    1. 7.15. Urologia
    1. 7.16. Odontologia/cirurgia bucomaxilofacial
Selected data models

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- 27/11/2024 - 6 forms, 2 itemgroups, 11 items, 1 language
Itemgroups: IG.elig, IG.elig
Principal Investigator: Scott T. Weiss, MD, MS, Partners HealthCare System, Boston, MA, USA MeSH: Hypercholesterolemia,Asthma,Arthritis, Rheumatoid,Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity,Bipolar Disorder,Coronary Disease,Depression,Heart Failure,Inflammatory Bowel Diseases,Multiple Sclerosis,Schizophrenia,Stroke The Partners HealthCare Biobank is a large research data and sample repository working within the framework of Partners Personalized Medicine. It provides researchers access to high quality, consented samples to help foster research, advance understanding of the causes of common diseases, and advance the practice of medicine. The Partners Biobank provides banked samples (plasma, serum and DNA) collected from consented patients. These samples are available for distribution to Partners HealthCare investigators with appropriate approval from the Partners Institutional Review board (IRB). They are linked to clinical data that originates in the Electronic Medical Record (EMR), as well as additional health information collected in a self-reported survey. The Partners Biobank will be genotyping 25,000 subjects with the Illumina Multiethnic Beadchip 1.6 million SNPs with exome and custom content ( 60,000 LoFs). Of the participants genotyped so far, 4929 of 4962 (99.3%) individuals have genotype data that passed the default quality thresholds for the Infinium array (call rate = 0.99). We are submitting the genotype data to dbGaP for 4929 subjects with 12 phenotypes (based on icd9 codes). We will do annual releases until we reach the full 25,000 genotyped subjects.


1 itemgroup 5 items


1 itemgroup 6 items


1 itemgroup 2 items


1 itemgroup 3 items


1 itemgroup 18 items
- 17/12/2019 - 1 form, 19 itemgroups, 83 items, 1 language
Itemgroups: Administrative documentation, Allen test, Vital signs, Pulmonary function tests, 12 lead ECG, Holter Electrocardiography, Positron-Emission Tomography, Pre-dose, Pharmacokinetic aspects - Blood, Randomization, Numbers, Therapeutic procedure, Confirmation, Experimental drug, Positron-Emission Tomography, Post-dose, Physical Examination, Post-dose, Vital signs, Post-dose, Laboratory Procedures, Post-dose, Hematology finding, Laboratory Procedures, Post-dose, Chemistry, Clinical, Urinalysis, Post-dose, Laboratory Procedures, Post-dose, Renal function, Blood, Laboratory Procedures, Post-dose, Renal function, Urine
- 15/12/2019 - 1 form, 23 itemgroups, 125 items, 1 language
Itemgroups: Administrative documentation, Demography, Vital signs, Disease, Physical Examination, Allen test, Alcohol consumption, Urine drug screening; Ethanol measurement, breath test expired carbon monoxide, Serologic tests, Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview, Laboratory Procedures, Hematology finding, Laboratory Procedures, Chemistry, Clinical, Urinalysis, Laboratory Procedures, Renal function, Blood, Laboratory Procedures, Renal function, Urine, 12 lead ECG, Holter Electrocardiography, Eligibility Determination, Inclusion, Exclusion Criteria, 12 lead ECG, Abnormality, Holter Electrocardiography, Abnormality
- 06/04/2022 - 1 form, 16 itemgroups, 158 items, 1 language
Itemgroups: Administrative, Vital Signs, 12-Lead ECG, Laboratory Results Data (Haematology) - Pre-Dose, Laboratory Results Data (Clinical Chemistry) - Pre-Dose, Urinalysis - Pre-Dose, Randomisation Number, Investigational Product, Treatment Confirmation, PET Scan (2), fMRI Scan - Post-PET Scan, PET Scan (3), Pharmacokinetics - Blood, Laboratory Results Data (Haematology) - 24hrs Post-Dose, Laboratory Result Data (Clinical Chemistry) - 24hrs Post-Dose, Urinalysis - 24hrs Post-Dose

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