Rhabdomyosarcomas ×
- Clinical Trial (11)
- Treatment Form (11)
Modelos de dados selecionados
Deve ter sessão iniciada para selecionar vários modelos de dados e para os transferir ou analisar.
11 Resultados da pesquisa.
Grupos de itens: Block O-TE, Toxicity common, Toxicity hematology, Toxicity infection, Toxicity gastrointestinal, Toxicity kidney, Toxicity neurology, Toxicity liver, Toxicity Herz, Toxicity other, Toxicity comment
Grupos de itens: Block O-TE, Toxicity common, Toxicity hematology, Toxicity infection, Toxicity gastrointestinal, Toxicity kidney, Toxicity neurology, Toxicity liver, Toxicity Herz, Toxicity other, Toxicity comment
Grupos de itens: Datum 1. Block, O-TIE body dimensions, Block O-TI , Toxicity common, Toxicity hematology, Toxicity infection, Toxicity gastrointestinal, Toxicity kidney, Toxicity neurology, Toxicity liver, Toxicity Herz, Toxicity other, Toxicity comment
Grupos de itens: Block O-TE, Toxicity common, Toxicity hematology, Toxicity infection, Toxicity gastrointestinal, Toxicity kidney, Toxicity neurology, Toxicity liver, Toxicity Herz, Toxicity other, Toxicity comment
Grupos de itens: Block O-TI , Toxicity common, Toxicity hematology, Toxicity infection, Toxicity gastrointestinal, Toxicity kidney, Toxicity neurology, Toxicity liver, Toxicity Herz, Toxicity other, Toxicity comment
Grupos de itens: O-TIE body dimensions, Block O-TI , Toxicity common, Hematologic toxicity, Toxicity infection, Toxicity gastrointestinal, Toxicity kidney, Toxicity neurology, Toxicity liver, Toxicity Herz, Toxicity other, Toxicity comment
Grupos de itens: Block O-TI , Toxicity common, Toxicity hematology, Toxicity infection, Toxicity gastrointestinal, Toxicity kidney, Toxicity neurology, Toxicity liver, Toxicity Herz, Toxicity other, Toxicity comment
Grupos de itens: Block O-TE, Toxicity common, Toxicity hematology, Toxicity infection, Toxicity gastrointestinal, Toxicity kidney, Toxicity neurology, Toxicity liver, Toxicity Herz, Toxicity other, Toxicity comment
Grupos de itens: Anzeige Namen auf Formular, I. Arm A - keine Erhaltungstherapie, Ae's für Arm A, II. Arm B - Erhaltungstherapie O-TIE, III. Zusätzliche Therapie während CWS-2007-HR, weitere Operation, weitere Radiotherapie, Art der sonstigen Therapie, Patient's status at the end of therapy
Grupos de itens: Anzeige Namen auf Formular, Primäre Chemotherapie, Primäre Radiotherapie, Sekundäre Resektion, Remissionsstatus
Grupo de itens: O-TIE modification