- 2018-01-24 - 1 Formulär, 20 Item-grupper, 118 Dataelement, 2 Språk
Item-grupper: General Information, 1. Social anamnesis, 2. DETERMINATE INCORPORATED INCREASING MODE (EVERYTHING LIFE), The general criteria for mania / hypomania: Persistent abnormally elevated, expansive or irritable mood, For the most serious identified case above ..., Associated symptoms under the most severe forest above (Code from -3 (much less), over 0 (no symptoms), to +3 (much more / increased) See also APPENDIX 1), Determine psychotic symptoms during an attack of elevated mood, Patient fulfills criteria for:, Determine the type of hypomania, Past depression, If one of the general criteria is yes: Significant symptoms during the most severe episode, For the most serious identified case above ..., The patient has at some time met the criteria for:, FIRST DEPRESSION:, Specification of melancholy, Specification of psychosis symptoms for depression relapse, Determine the presence of MIXED EPISODES. Has the patient also had depressive symptoms during manic episodes, or hypomanic symptoms in depression?, Psychotic syndrom: These are questions in support of the differential diagnosis of schizophrenia or psychosis secondary to somatic disease or abuse. Non mandatory questions., If one or more of the above symptoms are, Based on the above: psychiatric diagnosis
- 2021-03-15 - 1 Formulär, 12 Item-grupper, 85 Dataelement, 2 Språk
Item-grupper: General Information, Medical History, Social Anamnesis, Affective Episodes, Self-Injurious Behavior, Treatment History, Ongoing Pharmacotherapy, Somatic Factors, Substance Use Disorders, Psychiatric comorbidity, Global Assessment of Functioning, Clinical Global Impression
- 2018-01-24 - 1 Formulär, 8 Item-grupper, 61 Dataelement, 2 Språk
Item-grupper: DETERMINE NUMBER OF AFFECTIVE RELAPSES, NUMBER OF RELAPSES LAST 12 MONTHS (Manic, hypomanic, depressive & mixed forest, separated by 4 weeks of eutymia or episode of opposite polarity Estimate the numberin case of doubt.), Specification of episodes, AFFECTIVE SYMPTOMS AND REPRODUCTION (Women Only), Determinate disease onset, CYKLOTYMIA, DYSTYMIA AND SUBSYNDROMAL MOOD ENHANCER 1. CYKLOTYMIA, 2. DYSTYMIA, Subsyndromal Elevated Mood Mode (IFYLLS ONLY if patient is negative for mania, hypomania and cyclotymia)

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