Lebensqualität ×
- Klinische Studie [Dokumenttyp] (30)
- Kolorektale Tumoren (9)
- Mammatumoren, Mensch (8)
- Zervixtumoren (3)
- Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) (3)
- Standard Instrument (2)
- Kopf- und Halstumoren (2)
- Amyloidose (2)
- Lungentumoren (2)
- Prostatatumoren (1)
- Psychiatrie (1)
- Psychologie (1)
- Sarkom, Kaposi- (1)
- Testosteron (1)
- Zahn (1)
- Cerclage, Zervix- (1)
- Bone metastasis (1)
- Routine documentation (1)
- Scores & Instrumente (1)
- Released Standard (1)
- Deprecated Standard (1)
- Altern (1)
- Depression (1)
- Erektile Dysfunktion (1)
- Lymphom, Non-Hodgkin- (1)
- Männlich (1)
- Pankreastumoren (1)
Ausgewählte Datenmodelle
Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um mehrere Datenmodelle auszuwählen und diese herunterzuladen oder zu analysieren.
35 Suchergebnisse.
Itemgruppen: Demographic Factors, Comorbidities, Patient reported outcomes: ATTR Diagnosis, First organ system involved, Patient reported outcomes: Quality of life, Patient reported outcomes: Disability, Patient reported Outcomes: ATTR Management, ATTR Therapy
Itemgruppen: Demographic Factors, Patient reported outcomes: Quality of life, Patient reported outcomes: Disability
Itemgruppen: General Info, Current health limitations, Physical Health related problems during past 4 weeks, Emotional problems during past 4 weeks, Past 4 weeks, Emotions in past 4 weeks, General statements
Itemgruppe: Over the last two weeks
Itemgruppen: Personal data, Physical well-being, Mental well-being, Sexual well-being, AMS Scoring
Itemgruppen: Tooth Sensitivity Assessment, Date Form Completed
Itemgruppen: SWOG clinical trial administrative data, Quality of life assessment, CCRR MODULE, CCRR MODULE
Itemgruppen: Header Module, Patient Bowel Function
Itemgruppen: Header, Patient Bowel Function, CCRR MODULE
Itemgruppen: Header, Patient Bowel Function, CCRR MODULE
Itemgruppen: Header, Patient Bowel Function
Itemgruppen: Header Module, SF36v2