Prostatic Neoplasms ×
- Released Standard (11)
- Urology (10)
- Outcome Assessment (Health Care) (10)
- Scores & Instruments (10)
- Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) (3)
- Tumor Burden (2)
- Treatment Form (2)
- EHR (1)
- Common Data Elements (CDE) (1)
- Routine documentation (1)
- Proposed Standard (1)
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11 Search results.
Itemgroups: Demographics, Clinical History, Prostatic specific Antigen (PSA), Diagnostic PSA, PSA Matrix, Histological Characteristics of Prostatectomy, Prostatectomy: Primary Gleason Grade, Prostatectomy: Secondary Gleason Grade, Prostatectomy: Gleason Sum Score, Histological Characteristics of Prostatectomy II, Regional Lymph node status at the time of Prostatectomy, Recurrence/Metastasis Status, Clinical verified tissue recurrence/metastasis, Staging, Pathological staging, Clinical Staging, Vital Status/Follow Up Date, Therapy Matrix, Type of Therapy, Overall Needle Biopsy Attributes, Biopsy: Primary Gleason Grade, Biopsy: Secondary Gleason Grade, Biopsy: Gleason Sum Score, Overall Needle Biopsy Attributes II
Itemgroups: Patient ID, Treatment Variables, Acute Complications of Treatment, Survival and Disease Control
Itemgroups: Patient ID, Treatment Variables, Acute Complications of Treatment
Itemgroups: Administrative Data, Demographic factors, Baseline Clinical Factors, Degree of health
Itemgroups: Administrative Data, Degree of health
Itemgroups: Administrative Data, Demographic Factors, Baseline clinical factors, Baseline Tumor Factors, Treatment Factors
Itemgroups: Administrative Data, Treatment Variables, Acute Complications of Treatment, Degree of Health, Survival and disease control
Itemgroups: Patient ID, EPIC-26, Libido Questions
Itemgroups: Patient ID, Pathological Information
Itemgroups: Patient ID, Baseline Tumor Factors
Itemgroups: Patient ID, Patient Factors