- 20.06.18 - 1 formulario, 2 itemgroups, 14 items, 2 idiomas
Itemgroups: General information, Vital Sign
- 20.09.21 - 13 formularios, 6 itemgroups, 39 items, 1 idioma
Itemgroups: Therapeutic procedure; Details, Adverse Event, Hemopoietic stem cell transplant, Platelet Engraftment, Neutrophil Engraftment, Therapeutic procedure; Status

Lab: Infectiology

1 itemgroup 11 items

Lab: Molecular Genetics

1 itemgroup 23 items
- 20.06.18 - 1 formulario, 6 itemgroups, 24 items, 1 idioma
Itemgroups: Height, Weight, Blood pressure, Pulse, Temperature, Body Frame Size

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