QUALITY OF LIFE SUPPLEMENT (Form 24-QLS) Patient Instructions: The following questions ask your feelings during the past week. For each of the following statements, mark an ?X? in the box that best describes the way you felt.

Description | Question | Decode (Coded Value)
Data type
Item Group
Ccrr Module For Quality Of Life Supplement (form 24-qls)
Patient ID Number (Study No.)
Patient Initials
Patient Initials (f m fl sl)
C25191 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C2986440 (UMLS CUI-1)
C16960 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C25536 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
Patient's Date of Birth (day)
C16960 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0030705 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C25275 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C2745955 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
Participating Center/Affiliate
Center Code (During the past week:)
C25162 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0805701 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
I was bothered by things that usually don?t bother me
C25301 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0439228 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C25515 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C0439603 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-2)
Code List
I was bothered by things that usually don?t bother me
CL Item
None Of The Time (Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day))
CL Item
Some Of The Time (Some or a little of the time (1-2 days))
CL Item
Moderate (Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3-4 days))
CL Item
Most Of The Time (Most or all of the time (5-7 days))
I did not feel like eating; my appetite was poor
C17047 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0518214 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C25217 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C1516048 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C77959 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C2700379 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
C25152 (NCI Thesaurus Property-3)
C0003618 (UMLS 2011AA Property-3)
C25301 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0439228 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C25515 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C0439603 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-2)
Code List
I did not feel like eating; my appetite was poor
CL Item
None Of The Time (Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day))
CL Item
Some Of The Time (Some or a little of the time (1-2 days))
CL Item
Moderate (Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3-4 days))
CL Item
Most Of The Time (Most or all of the time (5-7 days))
I felt that I could not shake off the blues even with the help of my family and friends
C17047 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0518214 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C25217 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C1516048 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C70666 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C2945599 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
C2982 (NCI Thesaurus Property-3)
C0011570 (UMLS 2011AA Property-3)
C43623 (NCI Thesaurus Property-4)
C0205322 (UMLS 2011AA Property-4)
C25301 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0439228 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C25515 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C0439603 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-2)
Code List
I felt that I could not shake off the blues even with the help of my family and friends
CL Item
None Of The Time (Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day))
CL Item
Some Of The Time (Some or a little of the time (1-2 days))
CL Item
Moderate (Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3-4 days))
CL Item
Most Of The Time (Most or all of the time (5-7 days))
I felt that I was just as good as other people
C17047 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0518214 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C25217 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C1516048 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C61582 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C0205163 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
C25301 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0439228 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C25515 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C0439603 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-2)
Code List
I felt that I was just as good as other people
CL Item
None Of The Time (Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day))
CL Item
Some Of The Time (Some or a little of the time (1-2 days))
CL Item
Moderate (Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3-4 days))
CL Item
Most Of The Time (Most or all of the time (5-7 days))
I had trouble keeping my mind on what I was doing
C17047 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0518214 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C25217 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C1516048 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C62189 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C1299586 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
C41209 (NCI Thesaurus Property-3)
C0004268 (UMLS 2011AA Property-3)
C25301 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0439228 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C25515 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C0439603 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-2)
Code List
I had trouble keeping my mind on what I was doing
CL Item
None Of The Time (Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day))
CL Item
Some Of The Time (Some or a little of the time (1-2 days))
CL Item
Moderate (Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3-4 days))
CL Item
Most Of The Time (Most or all of the time (5-7 days))
I felt depressed
C17047 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0518214 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C25217 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C1516048 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C2982 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C0011570 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
C25301 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0439228 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C25515 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C0439603 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-2)
Code List
I felt depressed
CL Item
None Of The Time (Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day))
CL Item
Some Of The Time (Some or a little of the time (1-2 days))
CL Item
Moderate (Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3-4 days))
CL Item
Most Of The Time (Most or all of the time (5-7 days))
I felt that everything I did was an effort
C17047 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0518214 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C25217 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C1516048 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C53291 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C1708387 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
C74530 (NCI Thesaurus Property-3)
C0015264 (UMLS 2011AA Property-3)
C25301 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0439228 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C25515 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C0439603 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-2)
Code List
I felt that everything I did was an effort
CL Item
None Of The Time (Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day))
CL Item
Some Of The Time (Some or a little of the time (1-2 days))
CL Item
Moderate (Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3-4 days))
CL Item
Most Of The Time (Most or all of the time (5-7 days))
I felt hopeful about the future
C17047 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0518214 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C72885 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0004271 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C25217 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C1516048 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
C77962 (NCI Thesaurus Property-3)
C0392347 (UMLS 2011AA Property-3)
C25301 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0439228 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C25515 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C0439603 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-2)
Code List
I felt hopeful about the future
CL Item
None Of The Time (Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day))
CL Item
Some Of The Time (Some or a little of the time (1-2 days))
CL Item
Moderate (Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3-4 days))
CL Item
Most Of The Time (Most or all of the time (5-7 days))
I thought my life had been a failure
C17047 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0518214 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C37987 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0376558 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C25217 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C1516048 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
C25745 (NCI Thesaurus Property-3)
C0231174 (UMLS 2011AA Property-3)
C54226 (NCI Thesaurus Property-4)
C0039869 (UMLS 2011AA Property-4)
C25301 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0439228 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C25515 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C0439603 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-2)
Code List
I thought my life had been a failure
CL Item
None Of The Time (Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day))
CL Item
Some Of The Time (Some or a little of the time (1-2 days))
CL Item
Moderate (Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3-4 days))
CL Item
Most Of The Time (Most or all of the time (5-7 days))
I felt fearful
C17047 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0518214 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C25217 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C1516048 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C77960 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C0015726 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
C25301 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0439228 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C25515 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C0439603 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-2)
Code List
I felt fearful
CL Item
None Of The Time (Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day))
CL Item
Some Of The Time (Some or a little of the time (1-2 days))
CL Item
Moderate (Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3-4 days))
CL Item
Most Of The Time (Most or all of the time (5-7 days))
My sleep was restless
C17047 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0518214 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C25217 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C1516048 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C73425 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C0037313 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
C74533 (NCI Thesaurus Property-3)
C0085631 (UMLS 2011AA Property-3)
C25301 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0439228 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C25515 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C0439603 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-2)
Code List
My sleep was restless
CL Item
None Of The Time (Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day))
CL Item
Some Of The Time (Some or a little of the time (1-2 days))
CL Item
Moderate (Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3-4 days))
CL Item
Most Of The Time (Most or all of the time (5-7 days))
I was happy
C17047 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0518214 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C72670 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0018592 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C25217 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C1516048 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
C25301 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0439228 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C25515 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C0439603 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-2)
Code List
I was happy
CL Item
None Of The Time (Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day))
CL Item
Some Of The Time (Some or a little of the time (1-2 days))
CL Item
Moderate (Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3-4 days))
CL Item
Most Of The Time (Most or all of the time (5-7 days))
I talked less than usual
C17047 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0518214 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C25640 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0392756 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C38025 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C0037817 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
C25217 (NCI Thesaurus Property-3)
C1516048 (UMLS 2011AA Property-3)
C25301 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0439228 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C25515 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C0439603 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-2)
Code List
I talked less than usual
CL Item
None Of The Time (Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day))
CL Item
Some Of The Time (Some or a little of the time (1-2 days))
CL Item
Moderate (Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3-4 days))
CL Item
Most Of The Time (Most or all of the time (5-7 days))
I felt lonely
C17047 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0518214 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C25217 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C1516048 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C34785 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C0023974 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
C25301 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0439228 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C25515 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C0439603 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-2)
Code List
I felt lonely
CL Item
None Of The Time (Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day))
CL Item
Some Of The Time (Some or a little of the time (1-2 days))
CL Item
Moderate (Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3-4 days))
CL Item
Most Of The Time (Most or all of the time (5-7 days))
People were unfriendly
C17047 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0518214 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C25190 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0027361 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C25594 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C1518422 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
C25217 (NCI Thesaurus Property-3)
C1516048 (UMLS 2011AA Property-3)
C77968 (NCI Thesaurus Property-4)
C2700214 (UMLS 2011AA Property-4)
C25301 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0439228 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C25515 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C0439603 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-2)
Code List
People were unfriendly
CL Item
None Of The Time (Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day))
CL Item
Some Of The Time (Some or a little of the time (1-2 days))
CL Item
Moderate (Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3-4 days))
CL Item
Most Of The Time (Most or all of the time (5-7 days))
I enjoyed life
C17047 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0518214 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C25217 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C1516048 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C77961 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C0018592 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
C25301 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0439228 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C25515 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C0439603 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-2)
Code List
I enjoyed life
CL Item
None Of The Time (Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day))
CL Item
Some Of The Time (Some or a little of the time (1-2 days))
CL Item
Moderate (Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3-4 days))
CL Item
Most Of The Time (Most or all of the time (5-7 days))
I had crying spells
C17047 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0518214 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C25217 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C1516048 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C77963 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C0010399 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
C75539 (NCI Thesaurus Property-3)
C0332189 (UMLS 2011AA Property-3)
C25301 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0439228 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C25515 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C0439603 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-2)
Code List
I had crying spells
CL Item
None Of The Time (Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day))
CL Item
Some Of The Time (Some or a little of the time (1-2 days))
CL Item
Moderate (Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3-4 days))
CL Item
Most Of The Time (Most or all of the time (5-7 days))
I felt sad
C17047 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0518214 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C25217 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C1516048 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C74534 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C0344315 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
C25301 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0439228 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C25515 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C0439603 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-2)
Code List
I felt sad
CL Item
None Of The Time (Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day))
CL Item
Some Of The Time (Some or a little of the time (1-2 days))
CL Item
Moderate (Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3-4 days))
CL Item
Most Of The Time (Most or all of the time (5-7 days))
I felt that people disliked me
C17047 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0518214 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C62650 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0728831 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C50535 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C0234215 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
C25217 (NCI Thesaurus Property-3)
C1516048 (UMLS 2011AA Property-3)
C25301 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0439228 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C25515 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C0439603 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-2)
Code List
I felt that people disliked me
CL Item
None Of The Time (Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day))
CL Item
Some Of The Time (Some or a little of the time (1-2 days))
CL Item
Moderate (Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3-4 days))
CL Item
Most Of The Time (Most or all of the time (5-7 days))
I could not get ?going?
C17047 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0518214 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C43431 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0441655 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C25473 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C0332173 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
C25217 (NCI Thesaurus Property-3)
C1516048 (UMLS 2011AA Property-3)
C25431 (NCI Thesaurus Property-4)
C0439659 (UMLS 2011AA Property-4)
C62189 (NCI Thesaurus Property-5)
C1299586 (UMLS 2011AA Property-5)
C25301 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0439228 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C25515 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C0439603 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-2)
Code List
I could not get ?going?
CL Item
None Of The Time (Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day))
CL Item
Some Of The Time (Some or a little of the time (1-2 days))
CL Item
Moderate (Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3-4 days))
CL Item
Most Of The Time (Most or all of the time (5-7 days))
How much of a problem was each of the following during the past four (4) weeks?
Lack of sexual interest
C25284 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0332307 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
Code List
Lack of sexual interest
CL Item
Not At All (Not a problem)
C91213 (NCI Thesaurus)
CL Item
A Little (Little of a problem)
CL Item
Somewhat (Somewhat of a problem)
C91215 (NCI Thesaurus)
CL Item
Very Much (Very much of a problem)
C91217 (NCI Thesaurus)
CL Item
Not applicable (Not applicable)
Unable to relax and enjoy sex
C25284 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0332307 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
Code List
Unable to relax and enjoy sex
CL Item
Not At All (Not a problem)
C91213 (NCI Thesaurus)
CL Item
A Little (Little of a problem)
CL Item
Somewhat (Somewhat of a problem)
C91215 (NCI Thesaurus)
CL Item
Very Much (Very much of a problem)
C91217 (NCI Thesaurus)
CL Item
Not applicable (Not applicable)
Difficulty in becoming aroused
C25284 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0332307 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
Code List
Difficulty in becoming aroused
CL Item
Not At All (Not a problem)
C91213 (NCI Thesaurus)
CL Item
A Little (Little of a problem)
CL Item
Somewhat (Somewhat of a problem)
C91215 (NCI Thesaurus)
CL Item
Very Much (Very much of a problem)
C91217 (NCI Thesaurus)
CL Item
Not applicable (Not applicable)
Difficulty in having an orgasm
C25284 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0332307 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
Code List
Difficulty in having an orgasm
CL Item
Not At All (Not a problem)
C91213 (NCI Thesaurus)
CL Item
A Little (Little of a problem)
CL Item
Somewhat (Somewhat of a problem)
C91215 (NCI Thesaurus)
CL Item
Very Much (Very much of a problem)
C91217 (NCI Thesaurus)
CL Item
Not applicable (Not applicable)
Pain or discomfort with intercourse
C25284 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0332307 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
Code List
Pain or discomfort with intercourse
CL Item
Not At All (Not a problem)
C91213 (NCI Thesaurus)
CL Item
A Little (Little of a problem)
CL Item
Somewhat (Somewhat of a problem)
C91215 (NCI Thesaurus)
CL Item
Very Much (Very much of a problem)
C91217 (NCI Thesaurus)
CL Item
Not applicable (Not applicable)

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