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  1. StudyEvent: RTOG-0421 SS: Radiation Therapy Oncology Group Head & Neck Symptom Index-10 (FHNSI-10) Miscellaneous Patient Assessment Form
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Description | Question | Decode (Coded Value)
Data type
Item Group
RTOG clinical trial administrative data
Protocol ID RTOG
RTOG Study
C25337 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C3274381 (UMLS CUI-1)
C25320 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C1514695 (UMLS CUI-2)
C19778 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C25364 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
Case #
C16960 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0030705 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C19778 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass-2)
C1514695 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass-2)
C25364 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0600091 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C49152 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C1706256 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
C25337 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0237753 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
Institution Name
Institution Name
C25191 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C1301943 (UMLS CUI-1)
C21541 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C21541 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C25364 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
Institution Number
Institution No.
C25337 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C1301943 (UMLS CUI-1)
C21541 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0805701 (UMLS CUI-2)
C25364 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
Patient Initials
Patient Initials
C25191 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C2986440 (UMLS CUI-1)
C16960 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C25536 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
Trial subject ID RTOG
Patient Study No.
C25337 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C2348585 (UMLS CUI-1)
C16960 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C1514695 (UMLS CUI-2)
C19778 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C25364 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
Item Group
Miscellaneous Patient Assessment
I have pain
C16960 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0030705 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C20989 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0031809 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C3303 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C0030193 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
C25664 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0349674 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C17047 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C0518214 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-2)
Code List
I have pain
CL Item
Not At All (Not at all)
C91213 (NCI Thesaurus)
C91213 (NCI Thesaurus-2)
C70543 (NCI Thesaurus-3)
C2003901 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
A Little Bit (A little bit)
CL Item
Somewhat (Somewhat)
C91215 (NCI Thesaurus)
CL Item
Quite A Bit (Quite a bit)
C91216 (NCI Thesaurus)
C91216 (NCI Thesaurus-2)
CL Item
Very Much (Very much)
C91217 (NCI Thesaurus)
C91217 (NCI Thesaurus-2)
I have a lack of energy
C16960 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0030705 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C20989 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0031809 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C48058 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C0542479 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
C25664 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0349674 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C17047 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C0518214 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-2)
Code List
I have a lack of energy
CL Item
Not At All (Not at all)
C91213 (NCI Thesaurus)
C91213 (NCI Thesaurus-2)
C70543 (NCI Thesaurus-3)
C2003901 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
A Little Bit (A little bit)
CL Item
Somewhat (Somewhat)
C91215 (NCI Thesaurus)
CL Item
Quite A Bit (Quite a bit)
C91216 (NCI Thesaurus)
C91216 (NCI Thesaurus-2)
CL Item
Very Much (Very much)
C91217 (NCI Thesaurus)
C91217 (NCI Thesaurus-2)
I can swallow naturally and easily
C25664 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0349674 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C16960 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0030705 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C20989 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0031809 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C38028 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C0011167 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
Code List
I can swallow naturally and easily
CL Item
Not At All (Not at all)
C91213 (NCI Thesaurus)
C91213 (NCI Thesaurus-2)
CL Item
A Little Bit (A little bit)
CL Item
Somewhat (Somewhat)
C91215 (NCI Thesaurus)
CL Item
Quite A Bit (Quite a bit)
C91216 (NCI Thesaurus)
C91216 (NCI Thesaurus-2)
CL Item
Very Much (Very much)
C91217 (NCI Thesaurus)
C91217 (NCI Thesaurus-2)
I have pain in my mouth, throat, or neck
C16960 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0030705 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C20989 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0031809 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C3303 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C0030193 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
C25311 (NCI Thesaurus Property-3)
C0442027 (UMLS 2011AA Property-3)
C25664 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0349674 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
Code List
I have pain in my mouth, throat, or neck
CL Item
Not At All (Not at all)
C91213 (NCI Thesaurus)
C91213 (NCI Thesaurus-2)
CL Item
A Little Bit (A little bit)
CL Item
Somewhat (Somewhat)
C91215 (NCI Thesaurus)
CL Item
Quite A Bit (Quite a bit)
C91216 (NCI Thesaurus)
C91216 (NCI Thesaurus-2)
CL Item
Very Much (Very much)
C91217 (NCI Thesaurus)
C91217 (NCI Thesaurus-2)
I have trouble breathing
C25664 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0349674 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C16960 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0030705 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C20989 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0031809 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C2998 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C0013404 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
Code List
I have trouble breathing
CL Item
Not At All (Not at all)
C91213 (NCI Thesaurus)
C91213 (NCI Thesaurus-2)
CL Item
A Little Bit (A little bit)
CL Item
Somewhat (Somewhat)
C91215 (NCI Thesaurus)
CL Item
Quite A Bit (Quite a bit)
C91216 (NCI Thesaurus)
C91216 (NCI Thesaurus-2)
CL Item
Very Much (Very much)
C91217 (NCI Thesaurus)
C91217 (NCI Thesaurus-2)
I am able to communicate with others
C25664 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0349674 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C16960 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0030705 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C20989 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0031809 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C0565998 (NCI Metathesaurus Property)
Code List
I am able to communicate with others
CL Item
Not At All (Not at all)
C91213 (NCI Thesaurus)
C91213 (NCI Thesaurus-2)
CL Item
A Little Bit (A little bit)
CL Item
Somewhat (Somewhat)
C91215 (NCI Thesaurus)
CL Item
Quite A Bit (Quite a bit)
C91216 (NCI Thesaurus)
C91216 (NCI Thesaurus-2)
CL Item
Very Much (Very much)
C91217 (NCI Thesaurus)
C91217 (NCI Thesaurus-2)
I have nausea
C16960 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0030705 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C20989 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0031809 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C3258 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C0027497 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
C25664 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0349674 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C17047 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C0518214 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-2)
Code List
I have nausea
CL Item
Not At All (Not at all)
C91213 (NCI Thesaurus)
C91213 (NCI Thesaurus-2)
C70543 (NCI Thesaurus-3)
C2003901 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
A Little Bit (A little bit)
CL Item
Somewhat (Somewhat)
C91215 (NCI Thesaurus)
CL Item
Quite A Bit (Quite a bit)
C91216 (NCI Thesaurus)
C91216 (NCI Thesaurus-2)
CL Item
Very Much (Very much)
C91217 (NCI Thesaurus)
C91217 (NCI Thesaurus-2)
I can eat solid foods
C25664 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0349674 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C16960 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0030705 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C20989 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0031809 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C0453855 (NCI Metathesaurus Property)
Code List
I can eat solid foods
CL Item
Not At All (Not at all)
C91213 (NCI Thesaurus)
C91213 (NCI Thesaurus-2)
CL Item
A Little Bit (A little bit)
CL Item
Somewhat (Somewhat)
C91215 (NCI Thesaurus)
CL Item
Quite A Bit (Quite a bit)
C91216 (NCI Thesaurus)
C91216 (NCI Thesaurus-2)
CL Item
Very Much (Very much)
C91217 (NCI Thesaurus)
C91217 (NCI Thesaurus-2)
I worry that my condition will get worse
C25284 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0332307 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
Code List
I worry that my condition will get worse
CL Item
Not At All (Not at all)
C91213 (NCI Thesaurus)
CL Item
A Little Bit (A little bit)
CL Item
Somewhat (Somewhat)
C91215 (NCI Thesaurus)
CL Item
Quite A Bit (Quite a bit)
C91216 (NCI Thesaurus)
CL Item
Very Much (Very much)
C91217 (NCI Thesaurus)
I am content with the quality of my life right now
C25284 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0332307 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
Code List
I am content with the quality of my life right now
CL Item
Not At All (Not at all)
C91213 (NCI Thesaurus)
CL Item
A Little Bit (A little bit)
CL Item
Somewhat (Somewhat)
C91215 (NCI Thesaurus)
CL Item
Quite A Bit (Quite a bit)
C91216 (NCI Thesaurus)
CL Item
Very Much (Very much)
C91217 (NCI Thesaurus)
I am unhappy with how my face and neck look
C25664 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0349674 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C16960 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0030705 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C20989 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0031809 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C13071 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C0015450 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
Code List
I am unhappy with how my face and neck look
CL Item
Not At All (Not at all)
C91213 (NCI Thesaurus)
C91213 (NCI Thesaurus-2)
CL Item
A Little Bit (A little bit)
CL Item
Somewhat (Somewhat)
C91215 (NCI Thesaurus)
CL Item
Quite A Bit (Quite a bit)
C91216 (NCI Thesaurus)
C91216 (NCI Thesaurus-2)
CL Item
Very Much (Very much)
C91217 (NCI Thesaurus)
C91217 (NCI Thesaurus-2)
My appearance keeps me from participating in activities
C25664 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0349674 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C16960 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0030705 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C20989 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0031809 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C0679823 (NCI Metathesaurus Property)
Code List
My appearance keeps me from participating in activities
CL Item
Not At All (Not at all)
C91213 (NCI Thesaurus)
C91213 (NCI Thesaurus-2)
CL Item
A Little Bit (A little bit)
CL Item
Somewhat (Somewhat)
C91215 (NCI Thesaurus)
CL Item
Quite A Bit (Quite a bit)
C91216 (NCI Thesaurus)
C91216 (NCI Thesaurus-2)
CL Item
Very Much (Very much)
C91217 (NCI Thesaurus)
C91217 (NCI Thesaurus-2)
I am bothered by an unpleasant odor at the site of my disease
C25664 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0349674 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C16960 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0030705 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C20989 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0031809 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C0028884 (NCI Metathesaurus Property)
Code List
I am bothered by an unpleasant odor at the site of my disease
CL Item
Not At All (Not at all)
C91213 (NCI Thesaurus)
C91213 (NCI Thesaurus-2)
CL Item
A Little Bit (A little bit)
CL Item
Somewhat (Somewhat)
C91215 (NCI Thesaurus)
CL Item
Quite A Bit (Quite a bit)
C91216 (NCI Thesaurus)
C91216 (NCI Thesaurus-2)
CL Item
Very Much (Very much)
C91217 (NCI Thesaurus)
C91217 (NCI Thesaurus-2)
I am bothered by the built-up of secretions in my mouth or neck
C25664 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0349674 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C16960 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0030705 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C20989 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0031809 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
Code List
I am bothered by the built-up of secretions in my mouth or neck
CL Item
Not At All (Not at all)
C91213 (NCI Thesaurus)
C91213 (NCI Thesaurus-2)
CL Item
A Little Bit (A little bit)
CL Item
Somewhat (Somewhat)
C91215 (NCI Thesaurus)
CL Item
Quite A Bit (Quite a bit)
C91216 (NCI Thesaurus)
C91216 (NCI Thesaurus-2)
CL Item
Very Much (Very much)
C91217 (NCI Thesaurus)
C91217 (NCI Thesaurus-2)
I have tingling or numbness in my hands or feet
C25664 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0349674 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C16960 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0030705 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C20989 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0031809 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
CL067928 (NCI Metathesaurus Property)
Code List
I have tingling or numbness in my hands or feet
CL Item
Not At All (Not at all)
C91213 (NCI Thesaurus)
C91213 (NCI Thesaurus-2)
CL Item
A Little Bit (A little bit)
CL Item
Somewhat (Somewhat)
C91215 (NCI Thesaurus)
CL Item
Quite A Bit (Quite a bit)
C91216 (NCI Thesaurus)
C91216 (NCI Thesaurus-2)
CL Item
Very Much (Very much)
C91217 (NCI Thesaurus)
C91217 (NCI Thesaurus-2)
Item Group
Research Comments
C25704 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0947611 (UMLS CUI-1)
C15319 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C25393 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C25164 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0011008 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C25190 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0027361 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C25657 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass-2)
C1273518 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass-2)
C25678 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C1519316 (UMLS 2011AA Property)

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