Bilateral Surgery Form (Form 24-BC) Brain Function in Premenopausal Women Receiving Tamoxifen With or Without Ovarian Function Suppression for Early-Stage Breast Cancer on Clinical Trial IBCSG-2402 Source Form: NCI FormBuilder:
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Breast Cancer NCT00659373 Pathology - Bilateral Surgery Form (Form 24-BC) - 2408466v1.0
SURGERY FORM (Form 24-C) Instructions: This form is to be completed and submitted one month after final surgery. Mark your selection with an ?X? in the appropriate box(es). Use minus one (-1) to indicate that an answer is unknown, unobtainable, or not done.
- StudyEvent: Bilateral Surgery Form (Form 24-BC)
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SURGERY FORM (Form 24-C) Instructions: This form is to be completed and submitted one month after final surgery. Mark your selection with an ?X? in the appropriate box(es). Use minus one (-1) to indicate that an answer is unknown, unobtainable, or not done.
- StudyEvent: Bilateral Surgery Form (Form 24-BC)
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