T1 Radiation Therapy Oncology Group Phase III Prostate 3D / IMRT Radiotherapy Form Radiation Therapy in Treating Patients With Stage II Prostate Cancer Source Form: NCI FormBuilder:
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Versiones (2)
- 20/9/12 20/9/12 -
- 9/1/15 9/1/15 - Martin Dugas
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9 de enero de 2015
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Prostate Cancer NCT00033631 Treatment - T1 Radiation Therapy Oncology Group Phase III Prostate 3D / IMRT Radiotherapy Form - 2478411v1.0
Submit this form at the completion of protocol therapy. Use -1 for unknown or not applicable unless otherwise specified in the codetable. Dates are recorded mm-dd-yyyy unless otherwise specified. A copy much be submitted to RTOG HQ and the ITC.
- StudyEvent: T1 Radiation Therapy Oncology Group Phase III Prostate 3D / IMRT Radiotherapy Form
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Submit this form at the completion of protocol therapy. Use -1 for unknown or not applicable unless otherwise specified in the codetable. Dates are recorded mm-dd-yyyy unless otherwise specified. A copy much be submitted to RTOG HQ and the ITC.
- StudyEvent: T1 Radiation Therapy Oncology Group Phase III Prostate 3D / IMRT Radiotherapy Form
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