RTOG-0412 A5: Demographic Data Form - version 2 Cisplatin and Docetaxel With or Without Radiation Therapy in Treating Patients Who Are Undergoing Surgery for Newly Diagnosed Stage III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Source Form: NCI FormBuilder:
Versioner (4)
- 2012-09-19 2012-09-19 -
- 2015-01-09 2015-01-09 - Martin Dugas
- 2015-01-09 2015-01-09 - Martin Dugas
- 2015-07-03 2015-07-03 -
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9 januari 2015
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Lung Cancer NCT00113386 Demographic - RTOG-0412 A5: Demographic Data Form - version 2 - 2292933v3.0
Radiation Therapy Oncology Group Phase III Lung Pre-Op Chemotherapy vs. Pre-Op Concurrent Chemoradiation for NSCLC
- StudyEvent: RTOG-0412 A5: Demographic Data Form - version 2
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