
derived from: Roach KE, Budiman-Mak E, Songsiridej N, Lertratanakul Y. Development of a shoulder pain and disability index. Arthritis Care Res. 1991 Dec;4(4):143-9.


  1. 20/11/2014 20/11/2014 - Martin Dugas
  2. 20/11/2014 20/11/2014 - Martin Dugas
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20 de novembro de 2014


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Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI)

Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI)

Pain scale

Pain scale

How severe is your pain at its worst?

How severe is your pain at its worst? Circle the number that best describes your pain where: 0 = no pain and 10 = the worst pain imaginable.

Tipo de dados


How severe is your pain when lying on the involved side?

How severe is your pain when lying on the involved side?

Tipo de dados


How severe is your pain reaching for something on a high shelf?

How severe is your pain reaching for something on a high shelf?

Tipo de dados


How severe is your pain touching the back of your neck?

How severe is your pain touching the back of your neck?

Tipo de dados


How severe is your pain pushing with the involved arm?

How severe is your pain pushing with the involved arm?

Tipo de dados


Disability scale

Disability scale

How much difficulty do you have washing your hair?

How much difficulty do you have washing your hair? Circle the number that best describes your experience where: 0 = no difficulty and 10 = so difficult it requires help.

Tipo de dados


How much difficulty do you have washing your back?

How much difficulty do you have washing your back? Circle the number that best describes your experience where: 0 = no difficulty and 10 = so difficult it requires help.

Tipo de dados


How much difficulty do you have putting on an undershirt or jumper?

How much difficulty do you have putting on an undershirt or jumper?

Tipo de dados


How much difficulty do you have putting on a shirt that buttons down the front?

How much difficulty do you have putting on a shirt that buttons down the front?

Tipo de dados


How much difficulty do you have putting on your pants?

How much difficulty do you have putting on your pants?

Tipo de dados


How much difficulty do you have placing an object on a high shelf?

How much difficulty do you have placing an object on a high shelf?

Tipo de dados


How much difficulty do you have carrying a heavy object of 10 pounds (4.5 kilograms)

How much difficulty do you have carrying a heavy object of 10 pounds (4.5 kilograms)

Tipo de dados


How much difficulty do you have removing something from your back pocket?

How much difficulty do you have removing something from your back pocket?

Tipo de dados


Similar models

Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI)

Description | Question | Decode (Coded Value)
Tipo de dados
Item Group
Pain scale
C1504479 (UMLS CUI-1)
How severe is your pain at its worst?
Code List
How severe is your pain at its worst?
CL Item
no pain (0)
CL Item
1 (1)
CL Item
2 (2)
CL Item
3 (3)
CL Item
4 (4)
CL Item
5 (5)
CL Item
6 (6)
CL Item
7 (7)
CL Item
8 (8)
CL Item
9 (9)
CL Item
worst pain imaginable (10)
How severe is your pain when lying on the involved side?
Code List
How severe is your pain when lying on the involved side?
CL Item
no pain (0)
CL Item
1 (1)
CL Item
2 (2)
CL Item
3 (3)
CL Item
4 (4)
CL Item
5 (5)
CL Item
6 (6)
CL Item
7 (7)
CL Item
8 (8)
CL Item
9 (9)
CL Item
worst pain imaginable (10)
How severe is your pain reaching for something on a high shelf?
Code List
How severe is your pain reaching for something on a high shelf?
CL Item
no pain (0)
CL Item
1 (1)
CL Item
2 (2)
CL Item
3 (3)
CL Item
4 (4)
CL Item
5 (5)
CL Item
6 (6)
CL Item
7 (7)
CL Item
8 (8)
CL Item
9 (9)
CL Item
worst pain imaginable (10)
How severe is your pain touching the back of your neck?
Code List
How severe is your pain touching the back of your neck?
CL Item
no pain (0)
CL Item
1 (1)
CL Item
2 (2)
CL Item
3 (3)
CL Item
4 (4)
CL Item
5 (5)
CL Item
6 (6)
CL Item
7 (7)
CL Item
8 (8)
CL Item
9 (9)
CL Item
worst pain imaginable (10)
How severe is your pain pushing with the involved arm?
Code List
How severe is your pain pushing with the involved arm?
CL Item
no pain (0)
CL Item
1 (1)
CL Item
2 (2)
CL Item
3 (3)
CL Item
4 (4)
CL Item
5 (5)
CL Item
6 (6)
CL Item
7 (7)
CL Item
8 (8)
CL Item
9 (9)
CL Item
worst pain imaginable (10)
Item Group
Disability scale
C0451125 (UMLS CUI-1)
How much difficulty do you have washing your hair?
Code List
How much difficulty do you have washing your hair?
CL Item
no difficulty (0)
CL Item
1 (1)
CL Item
2 (2)
CL Item
3 (3)
CL Item
4 (4)
CL Item
5 (5)
CL Item
6 (6)
CL Item
7 (7)
CL Item
8 (8)
CL Item
9 (9)
CL Item
so difficult it requires help (10)
How much difficulty do you have washing your back?
Code List
How much difficulty do you have washing your back?
CL Item
no difficulty (0)
CL Item
1 (1)
CL Item
2 (2)
CL Item
3 (3)
CL Item
4 (4)
CL Item
5 (5)
CL Item
6 (6)
CL Item
7 (7)
CL Item
8 (8)
CL Item
9 (9)
CL Item
so difficult it requires help (10)
How much difficulty do you have putting on an undershirt or jumper?
Code List
How much difficulty do you have putting on an undershirt or jumper?
CL Item
no difficulty (0)
CL Item
1 (1)
CL Item
2 (2)
CL Item
3 (3)
CL Item
4 (4)
CL Item
5 (5)
CL Item
6 (6)
CL Item
7 (7)
CL Item
8 (8)
CL Item
9 (9)
CL Item
so difficult it requires help (10)
How much difficulty do you have putting on a shirt that buttons down the front?
Code List
How much difficulty do you have putting on a shirt that buttons down the front?
CL Item
no difficulty (0)
CL Item
1 (1)
CL Item
2 (2)
CL Item
3 (3)
CL Item
4 (4)
CL Item
5 (5)
CL Item
6 (6)
CL Item
7 (7)
CL Item
8 (8)
CL Item
9 (9)
CL Item
so difficult it requires help (10)
How much difficulty do you have putting on your pants?
Code List
How much difficulty do you have putting on your pants?
CL Item
no difficulty (0)
CL Item
1 (1)
CL Item
2 (2)
CL Item
3 (3)
CL Item
4 (4)
CL Item
5 (5)
CL Item
6 (6)
CL Item
7 (7)
CL Item
8 (8)
CL Item
9 (9)
CL Item
so difficult it requires help (10)
How much difficulty do you have placing an object on a high shelf?
Code List
How much difficulty do you have placing an object on a high shelf?
CL Item
no difficulty (0)
CL Item
1 (1)
CL Item
2 (2)
CL Item
3 (3)
CL Item
4 (4)
CL Item
5 (5)
CL Item
6 (6)
CL Item
7 (7)
CL Item
8 (8)
CL Item
9 (9)
CL Item
so difficult it requires help (10)
How much difficulty do you have carrying a heavy object of 10 pounds (4.5 kilograms)
Code List
How much difficulty do you have carrying a heavy object of 10 pounds (4.5 kilograms)
CL Item
no difficulty (0)
CL Item
1 (1)
CL Item
2 (2)
CL Item
3 (3)
CL Item
4 (4)
CL Item
5 (5)
CL Item
6 (6)
CL Item
7 (7)
CL Item
8 (8)
CL Item
9 (9)
CL Item
so difficult it requires help (10)
How much difficulty do you have removing something from your back pocket?
Code List
How much difficulty do you have removing something from your back pocket?
CL Item
no difficulty (0)
CL Item
1 (1)
CL Item
2 (2)
CL Item
3 (3)
CL Item
4 (4)
CL Item
5 (5)
CL Item
6 (6)
CL Item
7 (7)
CL Item
8 (8)
CL Item
9 (9)
CL Item
so difficult it requires help (10)

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