2012 ACCF / AHA Data Standard Extracranial Carotid and Vertebral Artery Disease data elements see
Versions (7)
- 11/12/14 11/12/14 - Martin Dugas
- 11/12/14 11/12/14 - Martin Dugas
- 11/12/14 11/12/14 - Martin Dugas
- 11/12/14 11/12/14 - Martin Dugas
- 11/12/14 11/12/14 - Martin Dugas
- 11/12/14 11/12/14 - Martin Dugas
- 4/13/21 4/13/21 - Dr. rer. medic Philipp Neuhaus
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Extracranial Carotid and Vertebral Artery Disease data elements
Extracranial Carotid and Vertebral Artery Disease data elements
- StudyEvent: ODM-Test
Anatomic High-Risk Conditions
Indicate if the patient had previous radiation therapy to the neck before the current admission or procedure.
Data type
- C0205156
- C0746818
Previous neck surgery (other than CEA) Indicate if the patient had a previous extensive (ie, radical) neck dissection (other than CEA) before the current admission or procedure.
Data type
- C0205156
- C0185773
Previous carotid intervention Yes or no. If yes, within <30 d, 31–180 d, or >180 d? Note: ● Right CEA ● Right CAS ● Left CEA ● Left CAS
Data type
Previous vertebral intervention Yes or no. If yes, within <30 d, 31–180 d, or >180 d? Note: ● Left ● Right ● Proximal ● Distal
Data type
Previous ipsilateral Carotid EndArterectomy (CEA) Yes or no
Data type
Indicate if the patient has an open tracheostomy at the time of the current procedure.
Data type
- C0040590
Indicate if patient has a history of cranial nerve palsy/palsies. Choose 1 of the following: ● Yes — If yes, indicate all nerves involved: X Recurrent laryngeal or its parent nerve, the vagus nerve X Hypoglossal X Facial X Other ● No
Data type
- C0151311
Comorbid Cardiopulmonary Conditions
- C0009488
- C0553534
History of chronic lung disease (eg, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, restrictive lung disease) or currently receiving long-term treatment with inhaled or oral pharmacological therapy (eg,beta-adrenergic agonist, anti-inflammatory agent, leukotriene receptor antagonist, or steroid) Year of onset (first diagnosis) may be helpful.
Data type
- C1533075
Indicate if, before the current procedure, the patient has been receiving home oxygen therapy for treatment of chronic lung disease.
Data type
- C0421203
Indicate if the patient’s highest NYHA cardiac functional class has been class III or IV at any time within 6 wk before the current procedure. Patients in NYHA classes III and IV have anginal or heart failure symptoms at rest and/or resulting in marked limitation of physical activity. NYHA classes III and IV are formally defined as follows: ● Class III: Patient has cardiac disease resulting in marked limitation of physical activity. Patient is comfortable at rest. However, less than ordinary physical activity (eg, walking 1 to 2 level blocks or climbing 1 flight of stairs) causes fatigue, palpitations, dyspnea, or anginal pain. ● Class IV: Patient has dyspnea at rest that increases with any physical activity. Patient has cardiac disease resulting in inability to perform any physical activity without discomfort. Symptoms may be present even at rest. If any physical activity is undertaken, discomfort is increased. Note: For patients without cardiac disease or patients with NYHA class I or II, code No.
Data type
Patient assessment
- C0679830
Indicate if carotid bruits are present. Choose 1 of the following: ● Yes — Left — Right — Bilateral ● No ● Not assessed
Data type
- C0007280
Indicate if supraclavicular bruits are present. Choose 1 of the following: ● Yes — Left — Right — Bilateral ● No ● Not assessed
Data type
Indicate if the NIHSS was used. Choose 1 of the following: ● Yes — Indicate scores done before the procedure, immediately after the procedure, before discharge, and other. ● No
Data type
- C1697238
Modified Rankin Stroke Scale score Indicate the patient’s score
Data type
- C2984908
Indicate if the Barthel Index was measured. Choose 1 of the following: ● Yes — Indicate scores done before the procedure, immediately after the procedure, before discharge, and other. ● No
Data type
- C0451019
Indicate the presence or absence of the following: ● Hemiparesis ● Upper motor neuron facial weakness ● Lower motor neuron facial weakness ● Dysphasia ● Hemisensory loss ● Visuospatial neglect ● Branch retinal artery occlusion ● Central retinal artery occlusion ● Dysarthria ● Gait ataxia ● Disconjugate gaze ● Tongue deviation ● Nystagmus
Data type
Diagnostic Procedures
- C0430022
Carotid Duplex Ultrasound Date of procedure Location of measurement: Measure each of the following in the right CCA, right ICA, left CCA, and left ICA. Plaque characteristics: ● No plaque ● Homogeneous plaque (stable) ● Heterogeneous plaque (unstable) ● Surface irregularity Intima-media thickness [mm] CCA systolic velocity: Measure systolic velocity in proximal, mid, and distal segments of CCA. Measure velocity in centimeters per second. CCA diastolic velocity: Measure diastolic velocity in proximal, mid, and distal segments of CCA. Measure velocity in centimeters per second. ICA systolic velocity: Measure systolic velocity in proximal, mid, and distal segments of ICA. Measure velocity in centimeters per second. ICA diastolic velocity: Measure diastolic velocity in proximal, mid, and distal segments of ICA. Measure velocity in centimeters per second. Peak ICA: distal CCA systolic velocity ratio Indicate systolic velocity radio measured in centimeters per second. Choose 1 of the following: ● <2.0 ● 2.0–4.0 ● >4.0 Degree of stenosis Indicate range of stenosis: ● Normal ● 1%–49% ● 50%–69% ● 70%–99% ● Complete occlusion Carotid stent stenosis Indicate the range of stenosis after carotid stenting: ● Normal ● 1%–49% ● 50%–69% ● 70%–99% ● Complete occlusion Carotid bifurcation location Indicate the location of carotid bifurcation. Choose 1 of the following: ● Normal ● High Vertebral artery flow direction Indicate the direction of artery flow for the right and left vertebral artery. Choose 1 of the following: ● Forward ● Reversed ● No flow detected
Data type
- C0741989
CT Angiography Date of procedure Radiologist name Location of measurement Measure each of the following in the right CCA, right ICA, left CCA, and left ICA. Luminal diameter of CCA Measure diameter in millimeters. Luminal diameter of ICA Measure diameter in millimeters. Degree of stenosis Use the NASCET method for measurement of stenosis defined by the formula % stenosis=100x(1-minimum luminal diameter at the lesion site)/diameter of nontapering segment of distal ICA Nonobstructed diameter of ICA [mm] Plaque characteristics: ● Calcifications ● Ulceration ● Tandem lesion Intracranial atherosclerotic disease Indicate if intracranial atherosclerotic disease (>50% stenosis) is present in the distribution in either the right or left ICAs: Yes or no. Other vascular abnormality: Indicate if another vascular abnormality is present, including aneurysm, AVM, etc.
Data type
- C1536105
Magnetic Resonance Angiography Date of procedure Location of measurement: Measure each of the following in the right CCA, right ICA, left CCA, and left ICA. Diameter of CCA Measure diameter in millimeters. Diameter of ICA Measure diameter in millimeters. Degree of stenosis Use the NASCET method for measurement of stenosis defined by the formula % stenosis=100x(1-minimum luminal diameter at the lesion site)/diameter of nontapering segment of distal ICA Nonobstructed diameter of ICA [mm] Plaque: Indicate if any of the following are present and describe: ● Fibrous cap thickness in millimeters ● Fibrous cap disruption ● Intraplaque lipid content ● Intraplaque hemorrhage Tandem lesion: yes or no. Other vascular abnormality: Indicate if another vascular abnormality is present, including aneurysm, AVM, etc. Intracranial atherosclerotic disease Indicate if intracranial atherosclerotic disease (>50% stenosis) is present in the distribution of either the right or left ICA: Yes or no.
Data type
- C0243032
Invasive Therapeutic Procedures
- C0087111
- C0348025
Date of procedure Target carotid vessel: Indicate whether the target vessel is the right or left carotid artery for the current procedure: Right or left. Target vertebral artery: Indicate whether the target vessel is the right or left vertebral artery for the current procedure: Right or left. Is the current procedure part of a clinical trial? Yes or no. If yes, note trial type: ● Postmarket surveillance ● Premarket approval ● IDE ● Other (specify) Anesthesia: Indicate if the patient received general anesthesia, local anesthesia, or no anesthesia during the current procedure. If >1 method was used, code it General. Procedure Indications and Anatomic Variables Target lesion symptomatic within past 6 mo: yes/no Restenosis in target vessel after prior CAS Note if the indication for the current procedure is restenosis in the target carotid artery that was previously treated with angioplasty and/or a stent. Carotid artery restenosis is defined as >50% diameter stenosis at or adjacent to the site previously treated with balloon angioplasty or a stent. Restenosis of target vessel after prior CEA Note if the indication for the current procedure is restenosis in the target carotid artery that was previously treated with carotid artery endarterectomy. Restenosis is defined as renarrowing within or adjacent to a prior endarterectomy site, evidenced by >50% diameter stenosis. Carotid lesion difficult to access surgically: yes/no Note: Lesions that are difficult to access include those that are high in the neck (eg, at or above the level of C2) and those that are within the proximal one half or one third of the CCA, at or below the clavicle, rendering endarterectomy either difficult or impossible. Vertebral lesion difficult to access surgically: Yes or no Indicate if the lesion is difficult to access surgically Aortic arch type Indicate the patient’s aortic arch type configuration. The 3 types of aortic arch are based on the relationship of the innominate artery to the aortic arch. The more inferior the origin of the target artery (ie, type II or III aortic arch), the greater the difficulty in gaining access to the carotid artery. Category: ● Type I ● Type II ● Type III Contrast volume [ml] Fluoroscopy time:Indicate the total fluoroscopy time recorded during the procedure to the nearest 0.10 min. The time recorded should include the total time for the procedure. Contralateral carotid occlusion:Indicate if there is known 100% occlusion of the patient’s contralateral carotid artery. Contralateral vertebral occlusion:Indicate if there is known 100% occlusion of the patient’s contralateral vertebral artery. Bovine arch: Indicate if the patient’s aortic arch is bovine, in which the right brachiocephalic and left carotid arteries share a common trunk from the aortic arch. Procedure arterial access site: Indicate the primary arterial access site used to perform the CAS procedure. Note the location: ● Femoral ● Direct carotid puncture ● Direct vertebral puncture ● Brachial ● Radial ● Axillary exposure ● Carotid cut down ● Vertebral cut down Arterial access closure method: List methods and devices in chronological order of closure. Indicate the method used to achieve hemostasis. Methods should include devices and nondevices such as manual compression. Tandem lesions Indicate if there is evidence of tandem lesions. Choose 1 of the following: ● Yes — Specify location(s) ● No Intracranial stenosis Indicate if there is evidence of intracranial lesions. Choose 1 of the following: ● Yes — Specify location(s) ● No Other intracranial pathology Indicate if there is evidence of other intracranial pathology. Choose 1 of the following: ● Yes — Specify type ● No Lesions and Devices Target lesion location List the following: ● Isolated CCA ● Isolated ICA ● Bifurcation ● Vertebral ostia ● Vertebral artery ostia ● Midcervical vertebral Visible thrombus present Indicate if the target lesion contains thrombus as assessed by baseline angiography and implied by the presence of filling defect. Ulceration Indicate if the target lesion is ulcerated as assessed by baseline angiography. Calcification Indicate if calcification is present. If present, specify the location. Choose 1 of the following: ● None ● Mild ● Moderate ● Severe Lesion length Indicate the length of the target lesion in millimeters as assessed by baseline angiography. Minimal luminal diameter Indicate the MLD of the target lesion in millimeters as assessed by baseline angiography. The MLD is defined as the minimum luminal diameter derived from the angiographic view that shows the tightest point of the stenosis. Diameter of distal ICA Indicate the diameter of the nontapering distal segment of the ICA for NASCET measurement at the intended landing zone of the distal edge of the stent (where the vessel is no longer tapered and the walls become parallel). Note: NASCET was a randomized clinical trial that compared the safety and efficacy of CEA to medical therapy for the prevention of stroke in symptomatic patients. Preprocedure percent stenosis of the carotid artery Indicate the percent stenosis preprocedure, which is calculated as follows: 1. When the tightest stenosis is in the ICA or at the carotid bifurcation, use the NASCET method. Percent diameter stenosis is calculated as: 1-(minimum luminal diameter at the lesion site/diameter of nontapering segment of the distal ICA). The nontapering site is where the walls of the ICA become parallel. 2. Do not use the NASCET method if the distal lumen collapses from a low-flow situation. In such cases, enter 99% because the stenosis may be graded as a near-occlusion. 3. For stenosis localized to the CCA, percent diameter stenosis is calculated as 1-(minimum luminal diameter/diameter of the adjacent normal segment of the CCA). Preprocedure percent stenosis of the vertebral artery Indicate preprocedure percent stenosis calculated as follows: When the tightest stenosis is in the cervical vertebral artery (origin to dural entry), percent diameter stenosis is calculated as 1-(minimum luminal diameter of the nontapering segment of the distal vertebral artery). The nontapering site is where the walls of the vertebral artery become parallel. Lesion treatment incomplete or aborted Indicate if the lesion treatment was incomplete or aborted: Yes or no. If yes, note the reason(s): ● Failure to gain vascular access ● Unable to cross with guidewire ● Unable to cross with balloon ● Unable to deploy stent ● Arrhythmia ● Failure to confirm significant stenosis ● Difficult to access because of tortuosity ● Cardiac ischemia ● Hypotension ● Hypertension ● Unable to deliver stent ● Acute neurological event ● Other Embolic protection attempted Indicate if the operator tried to use an EPD: ● Yes — Indicate if predilatation was done before balloon or stent. — List EPD devices in chronological order. — Note if successfully deployed. ● No If yes, indicate if predilatation was done before balloon or stent. ● Yes ● No If yes, list EPD devices in chronological order. Predilatation Indicate if predilatation was performed before the attempted stent implantation or after EPD: Yes or no Stents implanted Were stents implanted? Yes or no. If yes, list stents in chronological order with the following information: ● Stent ● Brand ● Model ● Manufacturer Stents tapered Yes or no Stent(s) diameter Indicate the diameter of the stent. If a tapered stent was used, indicate the smallest diameter of the tapered stent in millimeters. Stent(s) length Indicate the length of the stent in millimeters. Stent(s) malposition Indicate if the stent was deployed in a location or position other than that for which it was intended. Postdilatation performed Was postdilatation performed? Yes or no. If yes, note the following: ● Nominal balloon diameter in millimeters ● Maximum inflation pressure in atmospheres Final MLD Indicate the final residual lumen diameter in millimeters. Final percent stenosis for carotid artery Indicate percent stenosis postprocedure, calculated as follows: 1. For an ICA site, use NASCET methodology. Percent diameter stenosis is calculated as 1-(minimum residual luminal diameter within the treated site/diameter of the nontapering segment of the distal ICA). The nontapering site is where the walls of the ICA become parallel. 2. For a lesion and interventional site localized to the CCA, percent diameter stenosis is calculated as 1-(minimum residual luminal diameter/diameter of the adjacent normal segment of the CCA). Final percent stenosis for vertebral artery Value is dependent on the largest stenosis using essentially similar NASCET criteria for vertebral disease.
Data type
Carotid Endarterectomy Date of procedure Operator name Is the current procedure part of a carotid trial? Yes or no. If yes, note the type of trial: ● Postmarket surveillance ● Premarket approval ● IDE ● Other (specify) Target carotid vessel: Indicate whether the target vessel is the right or left carotid artery for the current procedure: ● Right ● Left ● Common ● Bifurcation ● Distal internal Anesthesia: Indicate if the patient received general anesthesia, local anesthesia, or no anesthesia during the current procedure. If >1 method of anesthesia was given, code it General. Endarterectomy technique Standard or eversion Procedure Indications and Anatomic Variables Target lesion symptomatic within past 6 mo Indicate if the patient has had neurologic symptoms related to the target lesion in the past 6 mo. Target lesion symptomatic within past 3 mo: Yes or no Target lesion symptomatic within past 6 wk: Yes or no Restenosis in target vessel after prior CEA Note if the indication for the current procedure is restenosis in the target carotid artery that was previously treated with CEA. Restenosis is defined as renarrowing within or adjacent to a prior endarterectomy site, evidenced by >50% diameter stenosis. Contralateral carotid artery occlusion Indicate if there is known 100% occlusion of the patient’s contralateral carotid artery. Contralateral carotid artery stenosis: Yes or no Spontaneous carotid artery dissection Indicate if the patient has had a spontaneous carotid artery dissection before the current procedure: Yes or no. If yes, note the location: ● Common carotid ● Carotid bifurcation ● Distal internal Tandem lesions Yes or no. If yes, note the location. Intracranial stenosis Yes or no. If yes, note the location. Other intracranial pathology: Yes or no. If yes, note the type. Intraprocedural Information Patch utilization Standard technique? ● Yes — If yes, indicate the type of patch (eg, Dacron, PTFE, bovine pericardium, vein). ● No Thrombus present on direct visual inspection Indicate if a thrombus (blood clot) was present on direct visual inspection intraoperatively during the CEA procedure. Monitoring technique used Note the following: ● Awake monitoring ● Selective monitoring based on EEG, stump pressure, SSEP, motor-evoked potential, anatomic, or other factor (describe). Shunting used: Indicate if a shunt was used. If yes, note the following: ● Selective shunt based on EEG, stump pressure, SSEP, motor-evoked potential, anatomic, or other factor (describe) ● Was a shunt indicated but not technically possible? Surgical procedure terminated Indicate if the CEA procedure was terminated: Yes or no. If yes, note the reason(s): ● Hypotension ● Hypertension ● Nerve compromise ● Excessive scar tissue ● Carotid artery thrombosis ● Difficulty with anesthesia ● Difficulty with suction ● ICA string sign or atresia ● Cardiac instability ● Inability to implement shunting ● Excessive bleeding ● Inability to access lesion because of anatomical lesions ● Other (specify) Intraoperative completion evaluation Check all that apply: ● None ● Standard Doppler ● Arteriogram (include findings) ● Duplex scan (include findings) Intraoperative complications Indicate any of the following: ● Reopening of carotid artery (note indication and findings) ● Technical difficulties (describe) Patient outcome ● Normal neurologic exam ● Deficit (describe) Medications Antiplatelet therapy, aspirin Yes or no. If yes, note type. Contraindicated clopidogrel Yes or no Contraindicated ticlopidine Yes or no Contraindicated other Yes or no Intraoperative anticoagulation Indicate the drug and dose used
Data type
- C0014099
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