B.1: The following questions refer to the requirements of your job. (Please give an answer on each line). 1. Do you have to work very fast?
C0678536 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0043227 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.1: The following questions refer to the requirements of your job. (Please give an answer on each line). 1. Do you have to work very fast?
CL Item
sometimes (sometimes)
CL Item
ever/ hardly ever (ever/ hardly ever)
B.1: The following questions refer to the requirements of your job. (Please give an answer on each line). 2. Is your workload unevenly distributed so it piles up?
C0085122 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
B.1: The following questions refer to the requirements of your job. (Please give an answer on each line). 2. Is your workload unevenly distributed so it piles up?
CL Item
sometimes (sometimes)
CL Item
ever/ hardly ever (ever/ hardly ever)
B.1: The following questions refer to the requirements of your job. (Please give an answer on each line). 3. How often do you not have time to complete all your work tasks?
C2135639 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
B.1: The following questions refer to the requirements of your job. (Please give an answer on each line). 3. How often do you not have time to complete all your work tasks?
CL Item
sometimes (sometimes)
CL Item
ever/ hardly ever (ever/ hardly ever)
B.1: The following questions refer to the requirements of your job. (Please give an answer on each line). 4. Do you have to do overtime/ extra work?
C2961731 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
B.1: The following questions refer to the requirements of your job. (Please give an answer on each line). 4. Do you have to do overtime/ extra work?
CL Item
sometimes (sometimes)
CL Item
ever/ hardly ever (ever/ hardly ever)
B.1: The following questions refer to the requirements of your job. (Please give an answer on each line). 5. Does your work put you in emotionally disturbing situations?
C0013985 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0043227 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.1: The following questions refer to the requirements of your job. (Please give an answer on each line). 5. Does your work put you in emotionally disturbing situations?
CL Item
sometimes (sometimes)
CL Item
ever/ hardly ever (ever/ hardly ever)
B.1: The following questions refer to the requirements of your job. (Please give an answer on each line). 6. Do you get emotionally involved in your work?
C0849912 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0043227 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.1: The following questions refer to the requirements of your job. (Please give an answer on each line). 6. Do you get emotionally involved in your work?
CL Item
to a very large extend (to a very large extend)
CL Item
to a large extend (to a large extend)
CL Item
somewhat (somewhat)
CL Item
to a small extent (to a small extent)
CL Item
to a very small extent (to a very small extent)
B.1: The following questions refer to the requirements of your job. (Please give an answer on each line). 7. Is your work emotionally demanding?
C0849912 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0441516 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C0043227 (UMLS CUI [1,3])
Code List
B.1: The following questions refer to the requirements of your job. (Please give an answer on each line). 7. Is your work emotionally demanding?
CL Item
to a very large extend (to a very large extend)
CL Item
to a large extend (to a large extend)
CL Item
somewhat (somewhat)
CL Item
to a small extent (to a small extent)
CL Item
to a very small extent (to a very small extent)
B.1: The following questions refer to the requirements of your job. (Please give an answer on each line). 8. Does your work require that you hide your feelings?
C0455212 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0043227 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.1: The following questions refer to the requirements of your job. (Please give an answer on each line). 8. Does your work require that you hide your feelings?
CL Item
to a very large extend (to a very large extend)
CL Item
to a large extend (to a large extend)
CL Item
somewhat (somewhat)
CL Item
to a small extent (to a small extent)
CL Item
to a very small extent (to a very small extent)
B.1: The following questions refer to the requirements of your job. (Please give an answer on each line). 9. Does your work require that you do not state your opinion?
C0849912 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0043227 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.1: The following questions refer to the requirements of your job. (Please give an answer on each line). 9. Does your work require that you do not state your opinion?
CL Item
to a very large extend (to a very large extend)
CL Item
to a large extend (to a large extend)
CL Item
somewhat (somewhat)
CL Item
to a small extent (to a small extent)
CL Item
to a very small extent (to a very small extent)
B.2: The following questions refer to the balance between work and private life: How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please give an answer on each line) 1. The demands of my work interfere with my home and family life.
C1272683 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0043227 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C0392760 (UMLS CUI [1,3])
C0023676 (UMLS CUI [1,4])
Code List
B.2: The following questions refer to the balance between work and private life: How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please give an answer on each line) 1. The demands of my work interfere with my home and family life.
CL Item
strongly agree (strongly agree)
CL Item
slightly agree (slightly agree)
CL Item
neither agree or disagree (neither agree or disagree)
CL Item
slightly disagree (slightly disagree)
CL Item
strongly disagree (strongly disagree)
B.2: The following questions refer to the balance between work and private life: How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please give an answer on each line) 2. The amount of time my job takes up makes it difficult to fulfill my family responsibilites.
C2135639 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C1822043 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.2: The following questions refer to the balance between work and private life: How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please give an answer on each line) 2. The amount of time my job takes up makes it difficult to fulfill my family responsibilites.
CL Item
strongly agree (strongly agree)
CL Item
slightly agree (slightly agree)
CL Item
neither agree or disagree (neither agree or disagree)
CL Item
slightly disagree (slightly disagree)
CL Item
strongly disagree (strongly disagree)
B.2: The following questions refer to the balance between work and private life: How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please give an answer on each line) 3. Things I want do do at home do not get done because of the dmands my job puts on me
C2135639 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0020053 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.2: The following questions refer to the balance between work and private life: How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please give an answer on each line) 3. Things I want do do at home do not get done because of the dmands my job puts on me
CL Item
strongly agree (strongly agree)
CL Item
slightly agree (slightly agree)
CL Item
neither agree or disagree (neither agree or disagree)
CL Item
slightly disagree (slightly disagree)
CL Item
strongly disagree (strongly disagree)
B.2: The following questions refer to the balance between work and private life: How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please give an answer on each line) 4. My job produces strain that makes it difficult to fulfill family duties.
C2985217 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
B.2: The following questions refer to the balance between work and private life: How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please give an answer on each line) 4. My job produces strain that makes it difficult to fulfill family duties.
CL Item
strongly agree (strongly agree)
CL Item
slightly agree (slightly agree)
CL Item
neither agree or disagree (neither agree or disagree)
CL Item
slightly disagree (slightly disagree)
CL Item
strongly disagree (strongly disagree)
B.2: The following questions refer to the balance between work and private life: How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please give an answer on each line) 5. Due to work-related duties, I have to make changes to my plans for family activities.
C0336911 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0392760 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C0814574 (UMLS CUI [1,3])
Code List
B.2: The following questions refer to the balance between work and private life: How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please give an answer on each line) 5. Due to work-related duties, I have to make changes to my plans for family activities.
CL Item
strongly agree (strongly agree)
CL Item
slightly agree (slightly agree)
CL Item
neither agree or disagree (neither agree or disagree)
CL Item
slightly disagree (slightly disagree)
CL Item
strongly disagree (strongly disagree)
B.3: The following questions refer to how much influence and freedom you have in your work. (Please give an answer on each line) 1. Do you have a large degree of influence concerning your work?
C4054723 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C3842633 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.3: The following questions refer to how much influence and freedom you have in your work. (Please give an answer on each line) 1. Do you have a large degree of influence concerning your work?
CL Item
somteimes (somteimes)
CL Item
never/ hardly ever (never/ hardly ever)
B.3: The following questions refer to how much influence and freedom you have in your work. (Please give an answer on each line) 2. Do you have a say in choosing who you work with?
C3842307 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
B.3: The following questions refer to how much influence and freedom you have in your work. (Please give an answer on each line) 2. Do you have a say in choosing who you work with?
CL Item
somteimes (somteimes)
CL Item
never/ hardly ever (never/ hardly ever)
B.3: The following questions refer to how much influence and freedom you have in your work. (Please give an answer on each line) 3. Can you influence the amount of work assigned to you?
C4054723 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C2135639 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.3: The following questions refer to how much influence and freedom you have in your work. (Please give an answer on each line) 3. Can you influence the amount of work assigned to you?
CL Item
somteimes (somteimes)
CL Item
never/ hardly ever (never/ hardly ever)
B.3: The following questions refer to how much influence and freedom you have in your work. (Please give an answer on each line) 4. Do you have any influence on what you do at work?
C4054723 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0043227 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C3540678 (UMLS CUI [1,3])
Code List
B.3: The following questions refer to how much influence and freedom you have in your work. (Please give an answer on each line) 4. Do you have any influence on what you do at work?
CL Item
somteimes (somteimes)
CL Item
never/ hardly ever (never/ hardly ever)
B.3: The following questions refer to how much influence and freedom you have in your work. (Please give an answer on each line) 5. Can you decide when to take a break?
C4054723 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0585074 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.3: The following questions refer to how much influence and freedom you have in your work. (Please give an answer on each line) 5. Can you decide when to take a break?
CL Item
somteimes (somteimes)
CL Item
never/ hardly ever (never/ hardly ever)
B.3: The following questions refer to how much influence and freedom you have in your work. (Please give an answer on each line) 6. Can you take holidays more or less when you wish?
C0019843 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
B.3: The following questions refer to how much influence and freedom you have in your work. (Please give an answer on each line) 6. Can you take holidays more or less when you wish?
CL Item
somteimes (somteimes)
CL Item
never/ hardly ever (never/ hardly ever)
B.3: The following questions refer to how much influence and freedom you have in your work. (Please give an answer on each line) 7. Can you leave your work to have a chat with a colleague?
C0585074 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
B.3: The following questions refer to how much influence and freedom you have in your work. (Please give an answer on each line) 7. Can you leave your work to have a chat with a colleague?
CL Item
somteimes (somteimes)
CL Item
never/ hardly ever (never/ hardly ever)
B.3: The following questions refer to how much influence and freedom you have in your work. (Please give an answer on each line) 1. If you have some private business, is it possible for you to leace your place of work for half an hour without special permission?
C0585074 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0679727 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.3: The following questions refer to how much influence and freedom you have in your work. (Please give an answer on each line) 1. If you have some private business, is it possible for you to leace your place of work for half an hour without special permission?
CL Item
somteimes (somteimes)
CL Item
never/ hardly ever (never/ hardly ever)
B.4: The following questions refer to your development opportunities and the meaning of work. (Please give an answer on each line) 1. Is your work varied?
C0205419 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C3842633 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.4: The following questions refer to your development opportunities and the meaning of work. (Please give an answer on each line) 1. Is your work varied?
CL Item
sometimes (sometimes)
CL Item
never/ hardly ever (never/ hardly ever)
B.5: Development opportunities and meaning of work (part 2). (Please give an answer on each line) 1. Does your work reqire you to take the initiative?
C0424093 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C3842633 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.5: Development opportunities and meaning of work (part 2). (Please give an answer on each line) 1. Does your work reqire you to take the initiative?
CL Item
to a very large extend (to a very large extend)
CL Item
to a large extend (to a large extend)
CL Item
somewhat (somewhat)
CL Item
to a small extent (to a small extent)
CL Item
to a very small extent (to a very small extent)
B.5: Development opportunities and meaning of work (part 2). (Please give an answer on each line) 2. Do you have the possibility of learning new things through your work?
C0013621 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C3842633 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.5: Development opportunities and meaning of work (part 2). (Please give an answer on each line) 2. Do you have the possibility of learning new things through your work?
CL Item
to a very large extend (to a very large extend)
CL Item
to a large extend (to a large extend)
CL Item
somewhat (somewhat)
CL Item
to a small extent (to a small extent)
CL Item
to a very small extent (to a very small extent)
B.5: Development opportunities and meaning of work (part 2). (Please give an answer on each line) 3. Can you use your skills or expertise in your work?
C0678856 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C3842633 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.5: Development opportunities and meaning of work (part 2). (Please give an answer on each line) 3. Can you use your skills or expertise in your work?
CL Item
to a very large extend (to a very large extend)
CL Item
to a large extend (to a large extend)
CL Item
somewhat (somewhat)
CL Item
to a small extent (to a small extent)
CL Item
to a very small extent (to a very small extent)
B.5: Development opportunities and meaning of work (part 2). (Please give an answer on each line) 4. Is your work meaningful?
C3494324 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0043227 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.5: Development opportunities and meaning of work (part 2). (Please give an answer on each line) 4. Is your work meaningful?
CL Item
to a very large extend (to a very large extend)
CL Item
to a large extend (to a large extend)
CL Item
somewhat (somewhat)
CL Item
to a small extent (to a small extent)
CL Item
to a very small extent (to a very small extent)
B.5: Development opportunities and meaning of work (part 2). (Please give an answer on each line) 5. Do you feel that the work you do is important?
C1705104 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0043227 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.5: Development opportunities and meaning of work (part 2). (Please give an answer on each line) 5. Do you feel that the work you do is important?
CL Item
to a very large extend (to a very large extend)
CL Item
to a large extend (to a large extend)
CL Item
somewhat (somewhat)
CL Item
to a small extent (to a small extent)
CL Item
to a very small extent (to a very small extent)
B.5: Development opportunities and meaning of work (part 2). (Please give an answer on each line) 6. Do you feel motivated and involved in your work?
C0026605 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C3842633 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.5: Development opportunities and meaning of work (part 2). (Please give an answer on each line) 6. Do you feel motivated and involved in your work?
CL Item
to a very large extend (to a very large extend)
CL Item
to a large extend (to a large extend)
CL Item
somewhat (somewhat)
CL Item
to a small extent (to a small extent)
CL Item
to a very small extent (to a very small extent)
B.5: Development opportunities and meaning of work (part 2). (Please give an answer on each line) 7. Are you proud to be part of this organization?
C3842457 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0014003 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.5: Development opportunities and meaning of work (part 2). (Please give an answer on each line) 7. Are you proud to be part of this organization?
CL Item
to a very large extend (to a very large extend)
CL Item
to a large extend (to a large extend)
CL Item
somewhat (somewhat)
CL Item
to a small extent (to a small extent)
CL Item
to a very small extent (to a very small extent)
B.5: Development opportunities and meaning of work (part 2). (Please give an answer on each line) 8. Do you enjoy telling others about your place of work?
C1704922 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0162579 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.5: Development opportunities and meaning of work (part 2). (Please give an answer on each line) 8. Do you enjoy telling others about your place of work?
CL Item
to a very large extend (to a very large extend)
CL Item
to a large extend (to a large extend)
CL Item
somewhat (somewhat)
CL Item
to a small extent (to a small extent)
CL Item
to a very small extent (to a very small extent)
B.5: Development opportunities and meaning of work (part 2). (Please give an answer on each line) 9. Do you feel that the problems at your place of work are yours too?
C0425101 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
B.5: Development opportunities and meaning of work (part 2). (Please give an answer on each line) 9. Do you feel that the problems at your place of work are yours too?
CL Item
to a very large extend (to a very large extend)
CL Item
to a large extend (to a large extend)
CL Item
somewhat (somewhat)
CL Item
to a small extent (to a small extent)
CL Item
to a very small extent (to a very small extent)
B.5: Development opportunities and meaning of work (part 2). (Please give an answer on each line) 10. Do you feel taht your place of work is of great personal importance to you?
C1705104 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0162579 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.5: Development opportunities and meaning of work (part 2). (Please give an answer on each line) 10. Do you feel taht your place of work is of great personal importance to you?
CL Item
to a very large extend (to a very large extend)
CL Item
to a large extend (to a large extend)
CL Item
somewhat (somewhat)
CL Item
to a small extent (to a small extent)
CL Item
to a very small extent (to a very small extent)
B.6: Now some questions about the arrangements and procedures in your work. (Please give an answer on each line) 1. At your place of work, are you informed well in advance concerning for example important decisions, changes, or plans for the future?
C1821188 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C3842633 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.6: Now some questions about the arrangements and procedures in your work. (Please give an answer on each line) 1. At your place of work, are you informed well in advance concerning for example important decisions, changes, or plans for the future?
CL Item
to a very large extend (to a very large extend )
CL Item
to a large extend (to a large extend)
CL Item
somewhat (somewhat)
CL Item
to a small extent (to a small extent)
CL Item
to a very small extent (to a very small extent)
B.6: Now some questions about the arrangements and procedures in your work. (Please give an answer on each line) 2. Do you receive all the information you need in order to do your work well?
C1533716 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C3842633 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.6: Now some questions about the arrangements and procedures in your work. (Please give an answer on each line) 2. Do you receive all the information you need in order to do your work well?
CL Item
to a very large extend (to a very large extend )
CL Item
to a large extend (to a large extend)
CL Item
somewhat (somewhat)
CL Item
to a small extent (to a small extent)
CL Item
to a very small extent (to a very small extent)
B.6: Now some questions about the arrangements and procedures in your work. (Please give an answer on each line) 3. Do you know exactly how much say you have at work?
C4054723 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C1265611 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C3842633 (UMLS CUI [1,3])
Code List
B.6: Now some questions about the arrangements and procedures in your work. (Please give an answer on each line) 3. Do you know exactly how much say you have at work?
CL Item
to a very large extend (to a very large extend )
CL Item
to a large extend (to a large extend)
CL Item
somewhat (somewhat)
CL Item
to a small extent (to a small extent)
CL Item
to a very small extent (to a very small extent)
B.6: Now some questions about the arrangements and procedures in your work. (Please give an answer on each line) 4. Does your work have clear objectives?
C0018017 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C3842633 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.6: Now some questions about the arrangements and procedures in your work. (Please give an answer on each line) 4. Does your work have clear objectives?
CL Item
to a very large extend (to a very large extend )
CL Item
to a large extend (to a large extend)
CL Item
somewhat (somewhat)
CL Item
to a small extent (to a small extent)
CL Item
to a very small extent (to a very small extent)
B.6: Now some questions about the arrangements and procedures in your work. (Please give an answer on each line) 5. Do you know exactly which areas are your responisbility?
C0678341 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C3842633 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.6: Now some questions about the arrangements and procedures in your work. (Please give an answer on each line) 5. Do you know exactly which areas are your responisbility?
CL Item
to a very large extend (to a very large extend )
CL Item
to a large extend (to a large extend)
CL Item
somewhat (somewhat)
CL Item
to a small extent (to a small extent)
CL Item
to a very small extent (to a very small extent)
B.6: Now some questions about the arrangements and procedures in your work. (Please give an answer on each line) 6. Do you know exactly what is expected of you at work
C0679138 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C3842633 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.6: Now some questions about the arrangements and procedures in your work. (Please give an answer on each line) 6. Do you know exactly what is expected of you at work
CL Item
to a very large extend (to a very large extend )
CL Item
to a large extend (to a large extend)
CL Item
somewhat (somewhat)
CL Item
to a small extent (to a small extent)
CL Item
to a very small extent (to a very small extent)
B.6: Now some questions about the arrangements and procedures in your work. (Please give an answer on each line) 7. Do you do things at work, which are accepted by some people but not by others?
C0237445 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C3842633 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.6: Now some questions about the arrangements and procedures in your work. (Please give an answer on each line) 7. Do you do things at work, which are accepted by some people but not by others?
CL Item
to a very large extend (to a very large extend )
CL Item
to a large extend (to a large extend)
CL Item
somewhat (somewhat)
CL Item
to a small extent (to a small extent)
CL Item
to a very small extent (to a very small extent)
B.6: Now some questions about the arrangements and procedures in your work. (Please give an answer on each line) 8. Are contradictory demands placed on you at work?
C4061957 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0441516 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C3842633 (UMLS CUI [1,3])
Code List
B.6: Now some questions about the arrangements and procedures in your work. (Please give an answer on each line) 8. Are contradictory demands placed on you at work?
CL Item
to a very large extend (to a very large extend )
CL Item
to a large extend (to a large extend)
CL Item
somewhat (somewhat)
CL Item
to a small extent (to a small extent)
CL Item
to a very small extent (to a very small extent)
B.6: Now some questions about the arrangements and procedures in your work. (Please give an answer on each line) 9. Do you sometimes have to do things, which ought to have been done in a different way?
C0039333 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C3842633 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.6: Now some questions about the arrangements and procedures in your work. (Please give an answer on each line) 9. Do you sometimes have to do things, which ought to have been done in a different way?
CL Item
to a very large extend (to a very large extend )
CL Item
to a large extend (to a large extend)
CL Item
somewhat (somewhat)
CL Item
to a small extent (to a small extent)
CL Item
to a very small extent (to a very small extent)
B.6: Now some questions about the arrangements and procedures in your work. (Please give an answer on each line) 10. Do you sometimes have to do things, which semm to you to be unnecessary?
C0376708 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C3842633 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.6: Now some questions about the arrangements and procedures in your work. (Please give an answer on each line) 10. Do you sometimes have to do things, which semm to you to be unnecessary?
CL Item
to a very large extend (to a very large extend )
CL Item
to a large extend (to a large extend)
CL Item
somewhat (somewhat)
CL Item
to a small extent (to a small extent)
CL Item
to a very small extent (to a very small extent)
B.7: To what extent would you say sthat your immediate superior... (Plase give an answer on each line) 1. ...make sure that the individual member of staff has good development opportunities?
C0243107 (UMLS CUI [1])
C0403172 (UMLS CUI [2])
Code List
B.7: To what extent would you say sthat your immediate superior... (Plase give an answer on each line) 1. ...make sure that the individual member of staff has good development opportunities?
CL Item
to a very large extend (to a very large extend)
CL Item
to a large extend (to a large extend)
CL Item
somewhat (somewhat)
CL Item
to a small extent (to a small extent)
CL Item
to a very small extent (to a very small extent)
B.7: To what extent would you say sthat your immediate superior... (Plase give an answer on each line) 2. ...give high priority to job satisfaction?
C0022397 (UMLS CUI [1])
C0403172 (UMLS CUI [2])
Code List
B.7: To what extent would you say sthat your immediate superior... (Plase give an answer on each line) 2. ...give high priority to job satisfaction?
CL Item
to a very large extend (to a very large extend)
CL Item
to a large extend (to a large extend)
CL Item
somewhat (somewhat)
CL Item
to a small extent (to a small extent)
CL Item
to a very small extent (to a very small extent)
B.7: To what extent would you say sthat your immediate superior... (Plase give an answer on each line) 3. ...are good at work planning?
C0043227 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C1301732 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C0403172 (UMLS CUI [2])
Code List
B.7: To what extent would you say sthat your immediate superior... (Plase give an answer on each line) 3. ...are good at work planning?
CL Item
to a very large extend (to a very large extend)
CL Item
to a large extend (to a large extend)
CL Item
somewhat (somewhat)
CL Item
to a small extent (to a small extent)
CL Item
to a very small extent (to a very small extent)
B.7: To what extent would you say sthat your immediate superior... (Plase give an answer on each line) 4. ...are good at solving conflicts?
C0033211 (UMLS CUI [1])
C0403172 (UMLS CUI [2])
Code List
B.7: To what extent would you say sthat your immediate superior... (Plase give an answer on each line) 4. ...are good at solving conflicts?
CL Item
to a very large extend (to a very large extend)
CL Item
to a large extend (to a large extend)
CL Item
somewhat (somewhat)
CL Item
to a small extent (to a small extent)
CL Item
to a very small extent (to a very small extent)
B.8: The following questions refer to your relationships with your colleagues and your superior. (Please give an answer on each line) 1. How often do you get help and support from your colleagues?
C0566634 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C1521721 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C3842307 (UMLS CUI [1,3])
Code List
B.8: The following questions refer to your relationships with your colleagues and your superior. (Please give an answer on each line) 1. How often do you get help and support from your colleagues?
CL Item
sometimes (sometimes)
CL Item
never/ hardly ever (never/ hardly ever)
B.8: The following questions refer to your relationships with your colleagues and your superior. (Please give an answer on each line) 2. How often are your colleagues willing to listen to your problems at work?
C0162340 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0425101 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C3842307 (UMLS CUI [1,3])
Code List
B.8: The following questions refer to your relationships with your colleagues and your superior. (Please give an answer on each line) 2. How often are your colleagues willing to listen to your problems at work?
CL Item
sometimes (sometimes)
CL Item
never/ hardly ever (never/ hardly ever)
B.8: The following questions refer to your relationships with your colleagues and your superior. (Please give an answer on each line) 3. How often do you get help and support from your nearest superior?
C1265611 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C1521721 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C0403172 (UMLS CUI [1,3])
Code List
B.8: The following questions refer to your relationships with your colleagues and your superior. (Please give an answer on each line) 3. How often do you get help and support from your nearest superior?
CL Item
sometimes (sometimes)
CL Item
never/ hardly ever (never/ hardly ever)
B.8: The following questions refer to your relationships with your colleagues and your superior. (Please give an answer on each line) 4. How often is your immediate superior willing to listen to your work related problems?
C0403172 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0162340 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C0425101 (UMLS CUI [1,3])
Code List
B.8: The following questions refer to your relationships with your colleagues and your superior. (Please give an answer on each line) 4. How often is your immediate superior willing to listen to your work related problems?
CL Item
sometimes (sometimes)
CL Item
never/ hardly ever (never/ hardly ever)
B.8: The following questions refer to your relationships with your colleagues and your superior. (Please give an answer on each line) 5. How often do you talk with your superior about how well you carry out your work?
C0557391 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0234856 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C0403172 (UMLS CUI [1,3])
Code List
B.8: The following questions refer to your relationships with your colleagues and your superior. (Please give an answer on each line) 5. How often do you talk with your superior about how well you carry out your work?
CL Item
sometimes (sometimes)
CL Item
never/ hardly ever (never/ hardly ever)
B.8: The following questions refer to your relationships with your colleagues and your superior. (Please give an answer on each line) 6. How often do you talk with your colleagues about how well you carry out your work?
C0557391 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0234856 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C3842307 (UMLS CUI [1,3])
Code List
B.8: The following questions refer to your relationships with your colleagues and your superior. (Please give an answer on each line) 6. How often do you talk with your colleagues about how well you carry out your work?
CL Item
sometimes (sometimes)
CL Item
never/ hardly ever (never/ hardly ever)
B.8: The following questions refer to your relationships with your colleagues and your superior. (Please give an answer on each line) 7. Do you work seperate from your colleagues?
C0162579 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0445406 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.8: The following questions refer to your relationships with your colleagues and your superior. (Please give an answer on each line) 7. Do you work seperate from your colleagues?
CL Item
sometimes (sometimes)
CL Item
never/ hardly ever (never/ hardly ever)
B.8: The following questions refer to your relationships with your colleagues and your superior. (Please give an answer on each line) 8. Is it possible for you to talk to your colleagues while you are working
C0037817 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C3842307 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C3842633 (UMLS CUI [1,3])
Code List
B.8: The following questions refer to your relationships with your colleagues and your superior. (Please give an answer on each line) 8. Is it possible for you to talk to your colleagues while you are working
CL Item
sometimes (sometimes)
CL Item
never/ hardly ever (never/ hardly ever)
B.8: The following questions refer to your relationships with your colleagues and your superior. (Please give an answer on each line) 9. Is there a good atmosphere between you and your colleagues?
C0680134 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C3842633 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.8: The following questions refer to your relationships with your colleagues and your superior. (Please give an answer on each line) 9. Is there a good atmosphere between you and your colleagues?
CL Item
sometimes (sometimes)
CL Item
never/ hardly ever (never/ hardly ever)
B.8: The following questions refer to your relationships with your colleagues and your superior. (Please give an answer on each line) 10. Is there good co-operation between you and your colleagues?
C0392337 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C3842633 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.8: The following questions refer to your relationships with your colleagues and your superior. (Please give an answer on each line) 10. Is there good co-operation between you and your colleagues?
CL Item
sometimes (sometimes)
CL Item
never/ hardly ever (never/ hardly ever)
B.8: The following questions refer to your relationships with your colleagues and your superior. (Please give an answer on each line) 11. Do you feel part of a community at your place of work
C0009462 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C3842633 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.8: The following questions refer to your relationships with your colleagues and your superior. (Please give an answer on each line) 11. Do you feel part of a community at your place of work
CL Item
sometimes (sometimes)
CL Item
never/ hardly ever (never/ hardly ever)
B.8: The following questions refer to your relationships with your colleagues and your superior. (Please give an answer on each line) 12. How often do you feel unjustly critized, bullied or shown up in front of others by your colleagues and your superior?
C0425103 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
B.8: The following questions refer to your relationships with your colleagues and your superior. (Please give an answer on each line) 12. How often do you feel unjustly critized, bullied or shown up in front of others by your colleagues and your superior?
CL Item
sometimes (sometimes)
CL Item
never/ hardly ever (never/ hardly ever)
B.8a: The next four questions are not about your own job but about the workplace as a whole. . (Please give an answer on each line) 1. Does the management trust the employess to do their work well?
C0237935 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0599987 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.8a: The next four questions are not about your own job but about the workplace as a whole. . (Please give an answer on each line) 1. Does the management trust the employess to do their work well?
CL Item
to a very large extend (to a very large extend)
CL Item
to a large extend (to a large extend)
CL Item
somewhat (somewhat)
CL Item
to a small extent (to a small extent)
CL Item
to a very small extent (to a very small extent)
B.8a: The next four questions are not about your own job but about the workplace as a whole. . (Please give an answer on each line) 2. Can you trust the information that comes from the management
C0237935 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C3273539 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.8a: The next four questions are not about your own job but about the workplace as a whole. . (Please give an answer on each line) 2. Can you trust the information that comes from the management
CL Item
to a very large extend (to a very large extend)
CL Item
to a large extend (to a large extend)
CL Item
somewhat (somewhat)
CL Item
to a small extent (to a small extent)
CL Item
to a very small extent (to a very small extent)
B.8a: The next four questions are not about your own job but about the workplace as a whole. . (Please give an answer on each line) 3. Are conflicts resolved in a fair way?
C0425101 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0033211 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.8a: The next four questions are not about your own job but about the workplace as a whole. . (Please give an answer on each line) 3. Are conflicts resolved in a fair way?
CL Item
to a very large extend (to a very large extend)
CL Item
to a large extend (to a large extend)
CL Item
somewhat (somewhat)
CL Item
to a small extent (to a small extent)
CL Item
to a very small extent (to a very small extent)
B.8a: The next four questions are not about your own job but about the workplace as a whole. . (Please give an answer on each line) 4. Is the work distributed fairly?
C1704711 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0085122 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.8a: The next four questions are not about your own job but about the workplace as a whole. . (Please give an answer on each line) 4. Is the work distributed fairly?
CL Item
to a very large extend (to a very large extend)
CL Item
to a large extend (to a large extend)
CL Item
somewhat (somewhat)
CL Item
to a small extent (to a small extent)
CL Item
to a very small extent (to a very small extent)
B.9: Are you worried about... (Please give an answser on each line) 1. ...becoming unemployed?
C0015726 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0242271 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.9: Are you worried about... (Please give an answser on each line) 1. ...becoming unemployed?
CL Item
to a very large extend (to a very large extend)
CL Item
to a large extend (to a large extend)
CL Item
somewhat (somewhat)
CL Item
to a small extent (to a small extent)
CL Item
to a very small extent (to a very small extent)
B.9: Are you worried about... (Please give an answser on each line) 2. technology making you redundant?
C0015726 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C1313915 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.9: Are you worried about... (Please give an answser on each line) 2. technology making you redundant?
CL Item
to a very large extend (to a very large extend)
CL Item
to a large extend (to a large extend)
CL Item
somewhat (somewhat)
CL Item
to a small extent (to a small extent)
CL Item
to a very small extent (to a very small extent)
B.9: Are you worried about... (Please give an answser on each line) 3. being difficult for you to find another job if you became unemployment
C0015726 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0870762 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.9: Are you worried about... (Please give an answser on each line) 3. being difficult for you to find another job if you became unemployment
CL Item
to a very large extend (to a very large extend)
CL Item
to a large extend (to a large extend)
CL Item
somewhat (somewhat)
CL Item
to a small extent (to a small extent)
CL Item
to a very small extent (to a very small extent)
B.9: Are you worried about... (Please give an answser on each line) 4. ...being transferred to another job against your will?
C0015726 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0681128 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.9: Are you worried about... (Please give an answser on each line) 4. ...being transferred to another job against your will?
CL Item
to a very large extend (to a very large extend)
CL Item
to a large extend (to a large extend)
CL Item
somewhat (somewhat)
CL Item
to a small extent (to a small extent)
CL Item
to a very small extent (to a very small extent)
B.10: How often in the course of the past year have you thought about giving up your teaching profession? (Please give an answer on each line)
C0557456 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0221457 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.10: How often in the course of the past year have you thought about giving up your teaching profession? (Please give an answer on each line)
CL Item
some times a year (some times a year)
CL Item
some times a month (some times a month)
CL Item
some times a week (some times a week)
CL Item
each day (each day)
B.11: Regarding your work in general. How pleased are you with... 1. ...your work prospects?
C0557452 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0022397 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.11: Regarding your work in general. How pleased are you with... 1. ...your work prospects?
CL Item
very satisfied (very satisfied)
CL Item
satisfied (satisfied)
CL Item
unsatisfied (unsatisfied)
CL Item
highly unsatisfied (highly unsatisfied)
B.11: Regarding your work in general. How pleased are you with... 2. ...the people you work with?
C3842307 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0022397 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.11: Regarding your work in general. How pleased are you with... 2. ...the people you work with?
CL Item
very satisfied (very satisfied)
CL Item
satisfied (satisfied)
CL Item
unsatisfied (unsatisfied)
CL Item
highly unsatisfied (highly unsatisfied)
B.11: Regarding your work in general. How pleased are you with... 3. ...the physical working conditions?
C0681124 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0015264 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C0022397 (UMLS CUI [1,3])
Code List
B.11: Regarding your work in general. How pleased are you with... 3. ...the physical working conditions?
CL Item
very satisfied (very satisfied)
CL Item
satisfied (satisfied)
CL Item
unsatisfied (unsatisfied)
CL Item
highly unsatisfied (highly unsatisfied)
B.11: Regarding your work in general. How pleased are you with... 4. ...the way your department is run?
C1704729 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0022397 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.11: Regarding your work in general. How pleased are you with... 4. ...the way your department is run?
CL Item
very satisfied (very satisfied)
CL Item
satisfied (satisfied)
CL Item
unsatisfied (unsatisfied)
CL Item
highly unsatisfied (highly unsatisfied)
B.11: Regarding your work in general. How pleased are you with... 5. ...the way your abilities are used?
C0678856 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0022397 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.11: Regarding your work in general. How pleased are you with... 5. ...the way your abilities are used?
CL Item
very satisfied (very satisfied)
CL Item
satisfied (satisfied)
CL Item
unsatisfied (unsatisfied)
CL Item
highly unsatisfied (highly unsatisfied)
B.11: Regarding your work in general. How pleased are you with... 6. ...the interest and skills involved in your job?
C0543488 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0022397 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.11: Regarding your work in general. How pleased are you with... 6. ...the interest and skills involved in your job?
CL Item
very satisfied (very satisfied)
CL Item
satisfied (satisfied)
CL Item
unsatisfied (unsatisfied)
CL Item
highly unsatisfied (highly unsatisfied)
B.11: Regarding your work in general. How pleased are you with... 7. ...your job as a whole, everything taken into consideration?
C0022397 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
B.11: Regarding your work in general. How pleased are you with... 7. ...your job as a whole, everything taken into consideration?
CL Item
very satisfied (very satisfied)
CL Item
satisfied (satisfied)
CL Item
unsatisfied (unsatisfied)
CL Item
highly unsatisfied (highly unsatisfied)
B.12: Your state of health: IF you evaluate the best conceivable state of health at 10 points and the worst at 0 points: How many points do you then give to your present state of health? Please put a cross by the corresponding number. (0 = Worst imaginable health state; 10 = Best imaginable health state)
C0018759 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
B.12: Your state of health: IF you evaluate the best conceivable state of health at 10 points and the worst at 0 points: How many points do you then give to your present state of health? Please put a cross by the corresponding number. (0 = Worst imaginable health state; 10 = Best imaginable health state)
B.12a: How many days of work did you miss in the past 12 months because of a health problem (disease, health care or medical examination, but not including vacations)?
C0585889 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
B.12a: How many days of work did you miss in the past 12 months because of a health problem (disease, health care or medical examination, but not including vacations)?
CL Item
not more than 9 (not more than 9)
CL Item
10 - 24 days (10 - 24 days)
CL Item
25 - 99 days (25 - 99 days)
CL Item
100 days and more (100 days and more)
B.13: Energy and mental wellbeing: for each of the following statements please state how far they apply to you. (Please give an answer on each line) 1. How often do you feel tired?
C0015672 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
B.13: Energy and mental wellbeing: for each of the following statements please state how far they apply to you. (Please give an answer on each line) 1. How often do you feel tired?
CL Item
sometimes (sometimes)
CL Item
never/ hardly ever (never/ hardly ever)
B.13: Energy and mental wellbeing: for each of the following statements please state how far they apply to you. (Please give an answer on each line) 2. How often do you feel physically exhausted?
C0678687 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
B.13: Energy and mental wellbeing: for each of the following statements please state how far they apply to you. (Please give an answer on each line) 2. How often do you feel physically exhausted?
CL Item
sometimes (sometimes)
CL Item
never/ hardly ever (never/ hardly ever)
B.13: Energy and mental wellbeing: for each of the following statements please state how far they apply to you. (Please give an answer on each line) 3. How often do you feel emotionally exhausted
C1096625 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
B.13: Energy and mental wellbeing: for each of the following statements please state how far they apply to you. (Please give an answer on each line) 3. How often do you feel emotionally exhausted
CL Item
sometimes (sometimes)
CL Item
never/ hardly ever (never/ hardly ever)
B.13: Energy and mental wellbeing: for each of the following statements please state how far they apply to you. (Please give an answer on each line) 4. How often do you think: "I can't takte it anymore"?
C0557456 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
B.13: Energy and mental wellbeing: for each of the following statements please state how far they apply to you. (Please give an answer on each line) 4. How often do you think: "I can't takte it anymore"?
CL Item
sometimes (sometimes)
CL Item
never/ hardly ever (never/ hardly ever)
B.13: Energy and mental wellbeing: for each of the following statements please state how far they apply to you. (Please give an answer on each line) 5. How often do you feel worn out?
C3899145 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
B.13: Energy and mental wellbeing: for each of the following statements please state how far they apply to you. (Please give an answer on each line) 5. How often do you feel worn out?
CL Item
sometimes (sometimes)
CL Item
never/ hardly ever (never/ hardly ever)
B.13: Energy and mental wellbeing: for each of the following statements please state how far they apply to you. (Please give an answer on each line) 6. How often do you feel weak and susceptible to disease?
C0220898 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
B.13: Energy and mental wellbeing: for each of the following statements please state how far they apply to you. (Please give an answer on each line) 6. How often do you feel weak and susceptible to disease?
CL Item
sometimes (sometimes)
CL Item
never/ hardly ever (never/ hardly ever)
B.13a: How often does it happen that you... (Please give an answer on each line) 1. ...have the feeling at the end of a day that you have not done enough, even though you have a lot of effort?
C4055560 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
B.13a: How often does it happen that you... (Please give an answer on each line) 1. ...have the feeling at the end of a day that you have not done enough, even though you have a lot of effort?
CL Item
sometimes (sometimes)
CL Item
never/ hardly ever (never/ hardly ever)
B.13a: How often does it happen that you... (Please give an answer on each line) 2. ...go to work, even though you feel really uncomfortable and sick?
C0857027 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C3842633 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
B.13a: How often does it happen that you... (Please give an answer on each line) 2. ...go to work, even though you feel really uncomfortable and sick?
CL Item
sometimes (sometimes)
CL Item
never/ hardly ever (never/ hardly ever)
B.13a: How often does it happen that you... (Please give an answer on each line) 3. ...go to work, even though you are on sick leave or the doctor wanted to give you a medical certificate?
C0557442 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
B.13a: How often does it happen that you... (Please give an answer on each line) 3. ...go to work, even though you are on sick leave or the doctor wanted to give you a medical certificate?
CL Item
sometimes (sometimes)
CL Item
never/ hardly ever (never/ hardly ever)
B.14: how much of the time during the past 4 weeks have you ... 1. ...had problems concentrating?
C0947509 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
B.14: how much of the time during the past 4 weeks have you ... 1. ...had problems concentrating?
CL Item
sometimes (sometimes)
CL Item
never/ hardly ever (never/ hardly ever)
B.14: how much of the time during the past 4 weeks have you ... 2. ...had difficulty in taking decisions?
C0011109 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
B.14: how much of the time during the past 4 weeks have you ... 2. ...had difficulty in taking decisions?
CL Item
sometimes (sometimes)
CL Item
never/ hardly ever (never/ hardly ever)
B.14: how much of the time during the past 4 weeks have you ... 3. ...had difficulty with remembering?
C0233794 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
B.14: how much of the time during the past 4 weeks have you ... 3. ...had difficulty with remembering?
CL Item
sometimes (sometimes)
CL Item
never/ hardly ever (never/ hardly ever)
B.14: how much of the time during the past 4 weeks have you ... 4. ...found it difficult to think clearly?
C0423994 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
B.14: how much of the time during the past 4 weeks have you ... 4. ...found it difficult to think clearly?
CL Item
sometimes (sometimes)
CL Item
never/ hardly ever (never/ hardly ever)
B.15: Below you will find five statemetns with which you can agree or disagree. These statements refer to your life as a whole, not only to work. (Please give an answer on each line) 1. In most ways my life is close to my ideal.
C3261667 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
B.15: Below you will find five statemetns with which you can agree or disagree. These statements refer to your life as a whole, not only to work. (Please give an answer on each line) 1. In most ways my life is close to my ideal.
CL Item
strongly agree (strongly agree)
CL Item
slightly agree (slightly agree)
CL Item
neither agree or disagree (neither agree or disagree )
CL Item
slightly disagree (slightly disagree)
CL Item
disagree (disagree)
CL Item
strongly disagree (strongly disagree)
B.15: Below you will find five statemetns with which you can agree or disagree. These statements refer to your life as a whole, not only to work. (Please give an answer on each line) 2. The conditions of my life are exellent.
C0023676 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
B.15: Below you will find five statemetns with which you can agree or disagree. These statements refer to your life as a whole, not only to work. (Please give an answer on each line) 2. The conditions of my life are exellent.
CL Item
strongly agree (strongly agree)
CL Item
slightly agree (slightly agree)
CL Item
neither agree or disagree (neither agree or disagree )
CL Item
slightly disagree (slightly disagree)
CL Item
disagree (disagree)
CL Item
strongly disagree (strongly disagree)
B.15: Below you will find five statemetns with which you can agree or disagree. These statements refer to your life as a whole, not only to work. (Please give an answer on each line) 3. I am satisfied with my life.
C0392352 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
B.15: Below you will find five statemetns with which you can agree or disagree. These statements refer to your life as a whole, not only to work. (Please give an answer on each line) 3. I am satisfied with my life.
CL Item
strongly agree (strongly agree)
CL Item
slightly agree (slightly agree)
CL Item
neither agree or disagree (neither agree or disagree )
CL Item
slightly disagree (slightly disagree)
CL Item
disagree (disagree)
CL Item
strongly disagree (strongly disagree)
B.15: Below you will find five statemetns with which you can agree or disagree. These statements refer to your life as a whole, not only to work. (Please give an answer on each line) 4. So far I have gotten the important things I want in life.
C2010711 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
B.15: Below you will find five statemetns with which you can agree or disagree. These statements refer to your life as a whole, not only to work. (Please give an answer on each line) 4. So far I have gotten the important things I want in life.
CL Item
strongly agree (strongly agree)
CL Item
slightly agree (slightly agree)
CL Item
neither agree or disagree (neither agree or disagree )
CL Item
slightly disagree (slightly disagree)
CL Item
disagree (disagree)
CL Item
strongly disagree (strongly disagree)
B.15: Below you will find five statemetns with which you can agree or disagree. These statements refer to your life as a whole, not only to work. (Please give an answer on each line) 5. If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing.
C0080101 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
B.15: Below you will find five statemetns with which you can agree or disagree. These statements refer to your life as a whole, not only to work. (Please give an answer on each line) 5. If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing.
CL Item
strongly agree (strongly agree)
CL Item
slightly agree (slightly agree)
CL Item
neither agree or disagree (neither agree or disagree )
CL Item
slightly disagree (slightly disagree)
CL Item
disagree (disagree)
CL Item
strongly disagree (strongly disagree)